Chapter 254 Sharingan, Great Immortal’s Plan! (Please subscribe!)

After praising Kakashi, Zhizhen acted as the introducer and said, “Senior Kakashi, come and introduce you. This is the leader of the Mengdie clan for your trial.”

After all, Kakashi looked at Yumejin and opened his eyes slightly, but he was not as surprised as Shijin was.

He hasn’t seen a large Summoning beast. He stepped forward and said, “It’s so beautiful. Hello, I’m Hatake Kakashi.”

“My name is Mengshen, I am very happy to meet you.” Mengshen also leaned slightly.

Kakashi nodded when he heard the words, and asked, “Isn’t there another big fairy?”

As soon as the words came out, the great immortal’s voice rang: “Welcome to you, the owner of Sharingan.”

Hearing this simple voice, Kakashi suddenly showed a look of surprise and looked into the darkness. Only then did he realize that a huge praying mantis was looming.

“As expected, it’s a fairy. It’s close at hand, but I didn’t notice it. If I didn’t speak, I wouldn’t have noticed that there is such a huge creature here.” Kakashi was secretly surprised.

But he was shocked, but he couldn’t lose his courtesy, and said, “Kakashi pays homage to the immortal.”

The big immortal is a immortal after all, and Kakashi doesn’t insult himself by using the word greet.

“Heh.” The immortal chuckled lightly and said, “Don’t be so polite, you are Zhizhen’s companion and Juyegu’s own person.”

Kakashi nodded when he heard the words, and expressed his gratitude very modestly.

Then the immortal asked: “Mengshen, he is qualified.”

“Of course, thirty-nine minutes, very good.” Yumejin looked at Kakashi when he heard the words, his expression full of satisfaction.

Hearing this, Zhizhen smiled and said, “Senior, great, you can sign a contract with the Dream God clan.”

However, Kakashi frowned and asked, “Why give me a trial?”

“You are also one of our alternative contractors.” Yumeshin said: “My clan has not had a contractor for a long time. Although Zhizhen only introduced Kurama Yakumo, we also want to have more contractors.”

“So that’s it.” Kakashi nodded and said, “Thank you very much for your kindness, but I didn’t sign the Summoning Beast’s mind.”

Kakashi clearly refused, Yumejin did not look annoyed, but said, “Why?”

“I already have a Summoning beast. I don’t need more Summoning beasts. I get along well with my pet dogs.” Kakashi said.

Zhizhen was not surprised when he heard this. Long before entering Juyegu, Kakashi showed that he did not intend to sign a contract.

But Zhizhen still said, “Senior, Parker and the others are not combat Summoning beasts, and they are somewhat lacking in strength.”

“I know, but I really don’t have the idea of ​​looking for Summoning beasts, and the Dream Butterfly clan is good at illusion. Although I know some illusions, I am not specialized. I can’t use your strength.” Kakashi said truthfully: “My Sharingan I don’t have the power of illusion, so please let me refuse.”

Shizhen shrugged when he heard the words, and did not persuade Kakashi, but said that Kakashi is also honest, and vomited: “You are really honest, senior, first sign and talk about it.”

Kakashi smiled upon hearing this, and said, “You are so embarrassed to say me, didn’t you also not learn Eight Inner Gates?”

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, “Senior Guy told you?”

“Well, I’ll learn this kind of big trick first.” Kakashi returned the words.

Zhizhen looked embarrassed and said, “Hey, the routine is not suitable. If I learn Eight Gate, how much time will it take? I can’t meet the conditions for learning Eight Gate at all. Even if there are more light bugs, my body I can’t afford it either. So I just forget it.”

Kakashi nodded and said, “As you said, I don’t have the same routine with the Mengdie family. Even if I sign the contract, I can’t use it a few times, so why bother?”

Also, although Kakashi has Sharingan, he is still good at ninjutsu and physique after all, and illusion is really not used much.

Even if there is Sharingan, he doesn’t use it frequently.

Because Kakashi’s Sharingan is not an illusion ability at all, even Obito has not used illusion a few times.

After speaking, Kakashi looked at the Mengdie family and said sincerely: “It is Yakumo who can really show your power.”

Shizhen agreed with this. Even Yumejin himself knew very well, but he was a little disappointed, and Kakashi didn’t want to sign a contract with them.

So he said: “I understand what you mean, and I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.”

Kakashi also replied: “No, I failed your expectations. Please don’t mind.”

Zhizhen looked at Kakashi and felt helpless. He couldn’t help if Kakashi didn’t sign.

But Zhizhen still didn’t plan to let Kakashi go for nothing. He changed his mind and asked, “Great Immortal, can you help my senior look at Sharingan?”

Hearing this, Kakashi looked at Shizhen. Shizhen patted him on the shoulder and said, “I said, I won’t let you go for nothing.”

“Heh.” Kakashi chuckled lightly, “Thank you.”

The great immortal did not refuse when he heard this, saying: “Alright, when you come to Juyegu, you are a guest. Since you are unwilling to make a contract with Juyegu, then I will help you, and it can be considered a good relationship with you.”

Kakashi was overjoyed when he heard this. Sharingan is his heart. The Great Immortal can help him look at Sharingan. Kakashi naturally couldn’t ask for it. He immediately thanked him, “Thank you, Great Immortal.”

“You’re welcome, let me see your Sharingan.” Daxian said.

Kakashi immediately did so when he heard the words, he pulled up the forehead protector and revealed Sharingan.

Although Mengshen is the king of the Mengdie clan, he doesn’t understand Sharingan. He looked at Kakashi’s eyes and said, “It’s an unknown power.”

Kakashi didn’t know how to answer this, but just waited quietly.

The immortal said again: “Let me see your Mangekyō.”

Kakashi was stunned when he heard the words, and decided to do the same, pouring Chakra into his left eye, and suddenly Sharingan changed, and the original three-hook jade became like a boomerang.

However, before holding on for a few seconds, Mangekyō changed back to what it was, and Kakashi covered his eyes in pain, sweating on his forehead.

Zhizhen quickly helped Kakashi and asked in surprise, “Mangekyō is so empty if you drive for a while?”

“Don’t use false words.” Kakashi was unable to complain.

“Okay, I know.” Daxian said: “I probably understand your problem. To be honest, Sharingan is too burdensome for you. Because you don’t have Youyu Chiba’s blood, so Sharingan’s Chakra treats you It has had a huge impact, and I think you know this too.”

“To be honest, it is rare for you to grow up to this day with Sharingan’s power on your back. But for the sake of your future health, I suggest you take out Sharingan.”

Everyone knows this, Zhizhen knows it, and Kakashi knows it too, but he said, “I understand, but this eye is left to me by my best friend, and I don’t want to discard it. I promised him to look at the world for him. .”

“Really?” Daxian said: “Then I won’t say anything to you.”

Hey, Obito cheats.

Hearing this, Shima sighed softly. Kakashi cannot be blamed for his affection.

He didn’t say much, looked at Daxianren and asked, “Daxianren, is there any way you can reduce the burden of the predecessors using Sharingan?”

“Yes, if you can use natural energy, it will greatly reduce Sharingan’s burden on you.” Daxian said.

Is there such a statement? This natural energy is simply a panacea.

Zhizhen was a little surprised and asked, “Daxian, can natural energy offset the side effects of Sharingan?”

“It can’t be completely offset, but it won’t hurt your body too much. Because natural energy is different from Chakra, natural energy is the energy between heaven and earth, and Chakra is the energy of your own body cells. Use external energy to replace your body’s energy, naturally. Lighten the burden on the body.” The big immortal gave an explanation.

“That’s the case, and using Sharingan with natural energy can also stimulate Sharingan’s power to a greater extent!” Zhizhen understood it, and secretly said that this operation was awkward.

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