Uchiha Fugaku, who pushed the door in, was stunned when he saw Nohara Hidege teaching Uchiha Mikoto.

At this time, Nohara Hidden Song hugged Uchiha Mikoto, and Uchiha Mikoto had a blush on her face, her eyes were shy, and she wanted to refuse to welcome back.

Uchiha Fugaku feels that his three views are collapsing, is this Uchiha Mikoto, is it still the Mikoto he knows?

Subsequently, Uchiha Fugaku felt a deep betrayal.

It is no joke that he regards Uchiha Mikoto as his future wife, and it can be seen from the fact that Uchiha Fugaku really married Uchiha Mikoto in the original book, and he really likes Uchiha Mikoto.

Now Uchiha Mikoto is in the arms of Nohara Hidden Song, with a delicate look, did not push away Nohara Hidden Ge’s embrace, and faintly had an expectant expression, so that Uchiha Fugaku’s whole person exploded.

Uchiha Fugaku’s eyes were red, his nostrils were slightly expanded, and he exhaled white gas, like an angry bull.

“Nohara Hidden Song, you are looking for death.”

Uchiha Fugaku picked up the Ku Wu and used the Uchiha Ku Wu throwing technique, which the Uchiha clan is very good at.

5 delicate kunai flew straight towards Nohara Yinka.

“Uchiha Fugaku, what are you doing?”

Seeing the 5 kunai shooting towards Nohara Hidden Song at a rapid speed, Uchiha Mikoto was anxious, instinctively broke free from Nohara Hidden Song’s embrace, opened his arms, and blocked in front of Nohara Hidden Song.

Nohara Hidden Song was touched in his heart, and an emotion called touching was born from his heart.

“Mikoto, flash away.”

Seeing Uchiha Mikoto blocking in front of Nohara Hidden Song, Uchiha Fugaku looked anxious.

His target is Nohara Hidege, and he has no intention of harming Uchiha Mikoto.

As for the Ku Wu throwing technique, he had not yet practiced the kind of Ku Wu catching up with the original Ku Wu and then changing the attack trajectory of all Ku Wu.

Seeing that Ku Wu was about to stab Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Fugaku’s heart was crushed.

Mikoto Uchiha also closed her eyes in fear.

“Silly girl, master, how could I be hit by such a simple attack.”

Accepting Uchiha Mikoto’s ability in the original work, Nohara Hideka also received the Kumu throwing technique of the Uchiha clan.

At the moment of the attack, Nohara Hidden Song pulled Uchiha Mikoto with his left hand and held her in his arms, and took out a kunai with his right hand and threw it gently.

I saw that the Ku Wu, who was thrown out by Nohara Yinke, collided with the first Ku Wu in the front, and then collided with the second one that followed.

Only the 5 crisp sounds of ping-pong were heard, and the 5 kunai thrown by Uchiha Fugaku were shot down one after another by Nohara Yinge’s kunai.

“Wow, Yinge, you’re amazing!”

After hearing Nohara’s words, Uchiha Mikoto, who opened her eyes, saw all this as it was and said in disbelief.

This kind of bitter throwing technique surpasses the instructors in our class, right?!

Uchiha Mikoto found herself less and less able to understand Nohara Hidden Song, but with it came an increasing worship of Nohara Hidden Song.

Seeing Nohara Hidege shoot down all 5 of his own Kumu with one kunai, Uchiha Fugaku’s breathing was sluggish.

How is this possible, Nohara Yingge was beaten half to death by himself yesterday, how can he have such strength?

It must be luck!

That’s right, it must be luck.

Seeing Uchiha Mikoto snuggled into Nohara Hidege’s arms again, Uchiha Fugaku’s heart burned with jealousy, and his eyes were almost on fire.

He raised his fist and rushed towards Nohara Hidege.

Uchiha Mikoto once again instinctively broke free from Nohara Hideka’s embrace and blocked in front of Uchiha Fugaku.

“Uchiha Fugaku, what do you want to do? This is my home, you are not welcome, you go. ”

Uchiha Mikoto said with a cold face, the attitude towards Nohara Yinka and the attitude towards Uchiha Fugaku are simply one by one.

Uchiha Fugaku heard Uchiha Mikoto’s merciless words, and his face turned blue and white.

He is the prince of the Uchiha clan, why is he treated so differently by others?

But this is someone he likes!

It must be Nohara Hidege’s fault, he took Uchiha Mikoto.

Uchiha Fugaku transferred his hatred entirely to Nohara Hidege.

“Nohara Hidege, are you always standing behind the girl? Do you dare to come and single me out? ”

Uchiha Fugaku made a mocking remark.

Nohara Yingge raised his eyebrows slightly.

Uchiha Fugaku This is a radical general?

“Okay, Uchiha Fugaku, I promised to single out with you, but not now, when school is dismissed the day after tomorrow, we will single out in the school’s cultivation field.”

Nohara said seriously.

Even if he knew that Uchiha Fugaku was a radical general?

Now Nohara Hidden Song, fearless!

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