Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 432 Purple Cloud Wings [Update 10]

If you can't go back, there are millions of sources of evolution, and it's all doomed!

"Black key." The only way he could think of was this key. According to the original method, instilling the power of the totem seal, when the impact reached the limit, sure enough, the small bronze door above the head still appeared!

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After a quarter of an hour passed, Jiang Zizai successfully returned to Dajiang King City through the small bronze door, exactly where he was standing just now.

"It will take about a quarter of an hour to open this door. There is no point in escaping. But if you can come and go freely, you have to take a closer look to see if there is any source of evolution in this world!"

It is impossible to say that I am not excited. How much effort did Xuanyin Chushen spend to open this door?

Before verifying all his ideas, Jiang Zizai was still calm enough. He once again spent a quarter of an hour to open the small bronze door and came to this place that was 'suspected' of the evolutionary world.

After entering, he began to move forward in this world cautiously.

"The direction in the center of the vortex must be the direction of the core of this world." Just look up slightly and you can see that the entire sky is a complete whirlpool.

Jiang Zizai just went to the center.

Only when he really took action did he realize that the world was bigger than he had imagined.

He walked for an hour, and judging from the whirlpool in the sky, it was almost as if he had stayed where he was.

He tested it once in the middle, but he left this 'evolutionary world' somewhere, and the next time he came back, he would appear in the same position as when he left.

"If I open the evolutionary world in Shenzong, I will return to Shenzong when I go back."

"For example, if I return to Dajiang King City under this tree, the next time I come here, I will be under this tree."

It is very convenient to travel back and forth between the two worlds in this way.

But the key point is, isn’t it true that there are sources of evolution everywhere? Why haven't I encountered it yet?

"Except for the whirlpools in the sky, there seems to be no difference in this world, right?"

He tested it by picking up a stone and throwing it into the sky. When the stone rose beyond the forest canopy, about twenty feet high, it would be suddenly sucked into the whirlpool in the sky.

So Jiang Zizai didn't dare to go up at all. After all, the whirlpool looked so scary. If he was sucked in, he would probably die.


This time I walked through a valley and vaguely felt something moving inside.

In fact, Jiang Zizai saw animal bones, excrement, and even heard the roar of animals on the road. It means that in this world, source beasts exist.

He quietly went deeper, and suddenly saw a sixth-grade origin beast 'Cloud Leopard' dormant in the depths of the valley.

The clouded leopard had dark purple totem lines all over its body, its eyes were very sharp, and its senses were extremely sensitive. When Jiang Zizai approached, it directly sensed it.


Clouded Leopard was aware of his presence.

This source beast was extremely violent, and its eyes instantly glowed with blood. It rushed directly in front of him and began to attack and bite.

It possesses a very fast totem magical power. When it is deployed, the surroundings are filled with clouds and mist, obstructing the line of sight. However, he moves so quickly that it is difficult to see its movement clearly.

The pungent smell of blood has swept over him.

It's just that the clouded leopard underestimated Jiang Zizai. The moment it pounced, Jiang Zizai raised his hand and the magic eye appeared in the blink of an eye, passing through the clouded leopard's throat.


Blood spurts.

Clouded Leopard whined and fell to the ground.

"Source of evolution!"

Jiang Zizai had just dealt with the clouded leopard, and when he looked deep into the valley, he suddenly saw something strange in that corner. It was a pair of small purple wings, like two small clouds, completely shrouded in purple mist. middle.

This is not a mortal thing, this is the creation of the ancient gods!

"Origin beasts stay next to the source of evolution and can absorb the breath of the source of evolution to achieve the purpose of growth. Some can even eat the source of evolution and evolve."

This is why this clouded leopard guards here and is so cruel to Jiang Zizai.

Jiang Zizai quickly went up and collected the source of evolution.

"This is the third-level evolutionary source 'Purple Cloud Wing'!"

Suddenly, I got a source of evolution.

"This must be the most remote place in the whole world, but it is relatively easy for me to obtain this source of evolution. In other words, this may really be the legendary 'evolutionary world'!"

Jiang Zizai looked around excitedly.

He knew exactly what this meant.

This world is likely to have endless sources of evolution.

Not only will he evolve without worries, but everyone around him will benefit from this.

"I must not let others know that I own this evolutionary world."

Now, the key to this evolutionary world is in his hand. Between heaven and earth, he should be the only one who can enter this strange evolutionary world.

"I just don't know, is such a magical world really the place where the ancient gods store the source of evolution? If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that there are still ancient gods in this world!"

Jiang Zizai felt that he should calm down, so he exited the evolutionary world first.

When he came out of the yard, a person in front of him looked at him in shock and asked, "Zizai, where have you been?"

It turned out to be Jiang Yaning, still holding the sleeping bell in her arms.

"It seems that in the future, we must choose a place to enter the evolutionary world, and others cannot break in casually." He made a mental note that it would be okay to let Jiang Yaning see it this time.

"Don't tell others about a special thing." Jiang Zizai warned.

"No problem. I just came to you and asked you to look at the bell. You haven't looked at her for more than ten days. She has grown up."

Jiang Zizai took a glance and saw that this girl had indeed grown up a lot. It's been a month and a half.

"Sister, I'm sorry to bother you." Jiang Zizai pinched Lingdang's cheek and said with a smile, "The flesh is sizzling, not bad."

"It's out of the way."

Jiang Zizai looked at her. She was quite old, but she didn't like anyone yet.

"If you don't go out for a walk, where will you find someone you like?" Jiang Zizai worried.

"Whatever. A small bell is enough." She smiled with her eyes narrowed.

"By the way, give this evolution source a try." Jiang Zizai took out the evolutionary source Ziyunyi he had just obtained.

"The third-level evolutionary source, if successful, can make your totem reach the heaven level."

"Ziyunyi? It's been a long time since I've seen it. Did you get it from Shenzong?" Jiang Yaning took it over in surprise.

Jiang Zizai smiled.

"Good or bad, you can give it to me as soon as you get back. It's a waste of time." Jiang Yaning glared at him.

Just like when Jiang Zizi was naughty and mischievous when he was a child.

Jiang Zizai laughed heartily. He couldn't tell her that he got this from a place called the Evolutionary World before he fully understood it...

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