Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 667: The Devil's Coffin Falling from the Sky


The star exploded, and the power of destruction shook out. A figure like charcoal fell to the ground. It was hard to imagine that this figure was still a charming beauty in an instant!

Liu Hongyin was defeated directly! At this moment, Jiang Zizai, who was still shining like a black sun, was almost like a god.

When people saw Liu Hongyin's defeat, they knew that Yi Wangsheng's last breakthrough had disappeared!

As expected, after Liu Hongyin was defeated, Yi Wangsheng was in a state of confusion. He was one level higher than Zhang Yaochen, but was directly defeated by Zhang Yaochen and Shenxiao who joined forces at this time. People only then saw that this girl who was like a god of war was so fierce. She was wearing a holy dragon armor and rushed directly to Yi Wangsheng. She withstood Yi Wangsheng's attack. Zhang Yaochen found an opportunity on the side and pierced Yi Wangsheng's lower abdomen with a sword!


Yi Wangsheng vomited blood and looked at Zhang Yaochen unwillingly, his eyes full of bloodshot. He struggled and said angrily: "Canglongjie, you all have to die!"

"I will kill your whole family!" Shenxiao's Holy Emperor Dragon Spear rushed forward and pierced into his thigh with a click. Yi Wangsheng screamed in pain because his thigh bone was directly pierced!

"You!" He stared at Shenxiao. He didn't expect this unknown person to be so cruel.

"What are you looking at? I heard that you still want to put my sister in a cage. If I don't pierce your head directly today, it will be counted as the good deeds of your ancestors. Kneel down and get out of here!"

In Shenxiao's dictionary, there is no such principle as "forgive others when you can". She didn't kill him because she took into account the entire Canglongjie as a whole. After all, if she killed someone, it would be easy to become the target of public criticism. Besides, Jiang Zizai had already killed the culprit, and Shenxiao was very satisfied with his performance.

Yi Wangsheng and Liu Hongyin were seriously injured, and the geniuses of the other Blood Prison Totem World had basically fallen. So far, the Blood Prison Totem World can be said to have been completely annihilated.

The remaining Holy Emperor Totem World also suffered heavy losses. The only ones who could really hold on were Jiang Fanchen and Princess Shengyu. However, when Zhang Yaochen and others joined the battlefield, it was their Hidden Dragon Realm that was outnumbered.

Jiang Fanchen, Princess Shengyu and others were instantly in an extremely passive situation.

Their faces were very ugly.

The two looked at each other and knew that if they didn't stop fighting now, the losses would only be more severe. So they quickly used their escape methods to leave the battlefield and flee.

"Want to leave?" This time, Li Zixiao and his team won the whole game, and they really didn't plan to let them go.

"Li Zixiao, you are really ruthless this time. I know you used the Nine Dragon Battle Formation! You are really lucky that such a legendary thing can appear. But I know how to crack it. As long as I kill one of you, you will be useless! So, don't force me!" Jiang Fanchen said grimly while retreating.

"Nine Dragon Battle Formation?" Many people began to recall this name, but even so, basically few people knew it. Maybe people in the Central Totem World would know more.

"Take out the antidote, and I will spare you this time." Li Zixiao led the eight of them to chase and kill directly, but Jiang Fanchen and the geniuses of the Saint Emperor Totem World actually took the initiative to block them for Jiang Fanchen, allowing Jiang Fanchen to leave the battlefield!

"You wish, I will never let you go! Wait until one of you dies, and I will make you pay the price." Jiang Fanchen said fiercely. He had no hope of taking Li Zixiao, but if he wanted to escape, he would still have no problem, after all, he had already left the battlefield.

A siege turned into a chase. The Nine Dragons Battle Formation amazed the audience as Li Zixiao expected, but he knew that there would be drawbacks. They were too strong now, so strong that it made others nervous, so many geniuses in the Totem World looked unfriendly when watching them chase, and some even silently blocked the way for Jiang Fanchen and his men.

Sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight is to see both sides lose, rather than one side suppressing the other.

Everyone has their own little thoughts in their hearts.

But for this opportunity, Li Zixiao still chose to seek justice, after all, Jiang Zizai's lost things have not been taken back.

"Li Zixiao, forget it."

"Yes, you have already won, so don't mess around anymore."

"The ancient gods in the sky are watching." Many people came out to be peacemakers.

With these people blocking, it is even more difficult to catch up with Jiang Fanchen and Princess Shengyu.

When Li Zixiao was thinking, he didn't expect that at this time, a huge change happened again between heaven and earth!

It is possible that because all the demon tombs have just been comprehended, the test of the ancient demon tomb seems to be about to enter the next stage.

The reason for this speculation is that everyone felt that at this moment, the world began to shake, and many people were unstable.

At this moment, a huge roar came from the sky.

Everyone subconsciously looked up at the sky!

Jiang Zizai hurriedly stopped and looked up at the sky with everyone. For some reason, he had a very dangerous feeling.

At this moment, people saw it!

There was a huge black shadow falling from the sky!


The sound of the black shadow breaking the wind was very loud.

"What is that!"

People shouted in surprise.

Next, people saw clearly that it was a rectangular object, the material seemed to be bronze, very heavy and huge, like a mountain falling!

"That's a coffin!"

Jiang Zizai finally saw it clearly.

That’s right, what fell from the sky was a bronze coffin, which landed with a bang and was about to hit the ground!

“Ah!” At this time, Yi Wangsheng screamed, because he was healing, his thigh was pierced, and he couldn’t move at this time, but the bronze coffin fell at his position!

At this juncture, he screamed and moved his body frantically, his face was as pale as paper.

But he was still too slow.


Just when people couldn’t help but close their eyes, the huge bronze coffin fell on him. In an instant, the person disappeared. It was estimated that he had been crushed into a meat pie, or even worse...

People were miserable because they saw the first person die in the game rules of the ancient demon tomb.

But soon, they forgot about Yi Wangsheng, because the upright bronze coffin suddenly clicked, the coffin door opened automatically, and a burst of black air came out of it.

At the same time, there was also suffocating fear.

Jiang Zizai knew that the killing had begun.

From the ancient demon tomb.


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