Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 687 Their Death


When he got away from the golden roulette for a certain distance, before he reached the other side, the terrifying suction force from the golden roulette acted on him, sucking him back crazily and hitting the golden roulette hard. On the 'color' roulette!


The Demon Lord's cauldron collided with the golden roulette wheel, making a harsh sound!

Jiang Zizai was so shaken that his mind became a little confused.

"They let me take risks, I can't let them die before me!" Jiang Zizi struggled to get up.

Both of them are different from before. Shen Xiao had harmed him before, but it was due to his ignorance when he was young, and Lingxuan regarded herself as a support for moving forward. She was willing to follow him, but she did not want any identity.

Being together on this journey together is the rarest fate in life. Maybe it is unlikely that they will have a relationship in the future, but Jiang Zizai has always believed that it is his responsibility to protect them.

"Fu'er, Yan'er."

Jiang Zizai quickly got up.

"Jiang Fanchen, you are just jealous that I get more than you! But you are targeting me like this. If you don't take revenge, my head can be your chamber pot!"

"And you..."

Jiang Zizai really hates Jiang Fanchen, but what he hates even more at this moment is actually those beings in the sky. They are the ones who set up this shameless game rule to take human lives. They are the ones who arranged all this. What are their intentions in doing this? A conscientious thing?

Tens of thousands of people come in and two people get out alive?

What test is this?

This is simply a slaughterhouse!

But Jiang Zizai knew that they definitely didn't care. After all, from their perspective, how could these tens of thousands of geniuses come here to die if they weren't greedy for treasure?

But Jiang Zizai knew that they were not coveting treasures, they just wanted the opportunity to advance to a higher world and realm, and they just wanted to make progress. This is only natural!

"You think you are so superior that you can treat people like beasts? If this is the style of the ancient gods, then are the so-called ancient gods really worthy of the worship of the people in the world..."

Jiang Zizai was suspicious, he had strong suspicions, but at this moment, he just wanted to do everything possible to let them live!

Unfortunately, it seems that according to the rules of this game, everything he did was in vain.

He rushed out of the golden roulette countless times, and was sucked back countless times and smashed to the ground. If it were anyone else, he would have been smashed to pieces.

Many people on the golden roulette wheel have seen this crazy person, but they have no time to sigh, because they can't protect themselves, so how can they be qualified to care about others.

Jiang Fanchen was the only one who enjoyed seeing this person struggling but unable to do anything about himself.

He was very happy. He was not going to kill them both right away. He had plenty of time anyway.

"Next, I'm going to play with you slowly and kill you slowly." Jiang Fanchen said with a smile.

"What are you planning?"

"We have trouble with him, but you are miserable. The more miserable he is, the happier I feel." He said with a smile.

Shen Xiao glanced at Jiang Zizai, who was unable to fight against the golden roulette wheel. In fact, her eyes were a little red.

When did he become so important to him...

Although she was moved in her heart, she faced Jiang Fanchen fearlessly.

"The so-called number one genius in the Well of God's Realm is not like this. I thought that a person like you would have a very high level of creation, but in fact it is nothing more than that. Compared to us, he is just a little stronger." Shen Xiao shook his head at him and sighed. .

"Oh, if you say a few more words, it will give me a lot more ideas to torture you until you are worse than dead." Jiang Fanchen stared at her body, took a greedy look, and said, "Your appearance and figure You have a good temperament, but it’s a pity that Jiang Zizai must have played to death, otherwise I can still enjoy it, but I can show you your ketone body. "

"You are so shameless, you must have obtained the true inheritance from your father? Are all of you in the world of Holy Emperor Totems like you?" Shen Xiao rolled his eyes, showing no fear at all.

"You want to anger me and make me lose control and end it for you first? You underestimate me too much." Jiang Fanchen said.

"No, I just purely look down on you. You seem serious and upright, but in fact, you are dark, jealous, and willful. You are a living clown. Although Jiang Zizai is also shameless, compared to you, he is simply a saint." God. Xiao said coldly, her eyes were indeed filled with contempt.

"Haha. Let's start the show then." Jiang Fanchen was actually a little angry, but he still had to control his temper and humiliate them slowly, so that he could relieve the hatred in his heart!

He has the power to control everything, surpassing the five realms of Shenxiao and others!

When he took action, the entire golden roulette was completely under his control. Under his monstrous momentum, the two of them could not even move.

"I want you to kneel down and beg for mercy, and call me daddy, hehe." Jiang Fanchen was so excited when he thought of that scene.

When they met for the first time, they would never have guessed that this was his true face. Even Shen Xiao felt that shameless was no longer enough to describe him.

She glanced at Jiang Zizai, who was still rushing towards this side.

Suddenly I felt that he seemed to be a fool.

However, just like this, he suddenly seemed very cute. All the previous dissatisfaction with him had been wiped out long ago when he saw his hard work and mania.

People are afraid of comparison. When he compared with Jiang Fanchen, he seemed so outstanding.

On the other hand, Jiang Fanchen was so ugly that it made people sick.

"Yan'er, are you ready?" At this moment, Shenxiao turned sideways and faced Lingxuan, with a sacred light flashing in their eyes.

"I've been ready for a long time." Lingxuan nodded. She was just looking at Jiang Zizai in a trance.

"Don't be afraid, it's not a big deal." Shenxiao smiled.

"Yeah." She nodded gently.

They suddenly turned their heads at the same time and smiled at Jiang Zizai who wanted to rush over here. This smile was very indifferent, and there was no fear at all. It was hard to imagine how they could have such a state of mind before they died!

"Pretend." Seeing this, Jiang Fanchen only sneered in his heart, because he had seen many people who shed tears when they saw the coffin.

But what he could never figure out was that just when he was about to start the "performance", the two women suddenly slapped each other's chest heavily like mortal enemies!

This palm was definitely not light. Both of them were directly knocked away. In the process of being knocked away, they turned directly into golden fragments and began to disappear.

With a buzzing sound, Jiang Fanchen was the only one left standing there on the golden wheel.

He never expected that these two women would kill each other.

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