Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 721: The Power of Demigod

A young man of the same age crushed all the holy servants and five palace masters of the Divine Sect, but he was unscathed, showing that this was not a battle of the same level at all.

It is conceivable how unbelievable such a fact is.

It is even more conceivable how devastating it is.

At least the disciples of the Divine Sect are now most traumatized in their hearts. Such a heaven-defying existence can easily make people lose all hope in cultivation.

The so-called ancient son of God, the gap between him and Jiang Zizai is as huge as the world.

You know, Jiang Zizai has also been the ancient son of God for a while.

It has only been more than a year, and the five palace masters who once crushed him can't even beat a single hair of his. How ironic.

On the Sky Island, there was already silence, and everyone looked at Jiang Zizai with a little sluggish eyes.

At the same time, there was already a deep fear. After all, everyone knew that if he continued to grow, there would be no one in the world who could control him.

Now, they hope that their Xuanyin Chushen can seize this opportunity, otherwise it will be even more difficult to say when Jiang Zizai becomes more perverted in the future.

After all, what happened in the past was so cruel to Jiang Zizai.

"Chushen, why hasn't she arrived yet?"

"She should be in seclusion. After all, she certainly didn't expect that even the five palace masters couldn't stop Jiang Zizai."

"Someone has to inform her..."

She came late because she thought that anyone could control Jiang Zizai, so she could come out and talk to Jiang Zizai about the source talisman.

She finally came.

Above the sky, a silver shadow rushed towards this side, and in the blink of an eye it floated in the air and appeared above everyone's head. When she saw the scenes in front of her, especially when the Beast God Palace Master was seriously injured, her face changed completely.

A holy, elegant and delicate woman, her face quickly became worse, as if she had encountered a demon barrier, her face was distorted, and her eyes finally locked on Jiang Zizai.

Countless disciples below had already shouted loudly, letting her know that Jiang Zizai had done all this alone.

"Chu Shen! This boy has been doing evil in our Shen Sect, bullying our people, and has no regard for us! He must not be allowed to leave alive today."

"Request Chu Shen to kill this boy and seek justice for us!"

"We can't lose face in our Shen Sect."

They can only wait for Xuanyin Chu Shen to turn the tide, otherwise, Shen Sect will never be able to raise its head again in the entire Origin Continent.

Xuanyin Chu Shen saw all this, and she probably knew it better than anyone else.

However, the divine spell on her body made her understand more clearly that if she took a wrong step at the beginning, she would never be able to control Jiang Zizai again in this life, unless she could use Jiang Junjian well.

The collision of her eyes with Jiang Zizai produced a shocking fire.

This collision of eyes made her understand that Jiang Zizai today is no longer the one she could "knead" at will before.

"Xuan Yin Chu Shen, where is my brother?" Jiang Zizai suppressed him before he could judge him.

Under the spotlight, the two of them suddenly looked like peers, confronting each other. After all, Xuan Yin Chu Shen still looked young and beautiful.

"Take out the source symbol first, and I'll tell you. You are not qualified to have the source symbol. If you have it, the entire Origin Continent will have to live in fear all day long, unless you promise not to go to the Well of God's Domain again in this life." Xuan Yin Chu Shen said.

"Be a turtle and a frog in the well with you? Our world is so decadent because of the lack of communication with other worlds. You want to be a turtle and don't want the Origin Continent to develop, but others don't want to." Jiang Zizai said with a smile.

"Development is a matter of development. If the source talisman falls into the hands of someone like you, who knows when you will die outside. As the first god of the Divine Sect, I should be responsible for the people of the world and cannot let them live in fear. I will not be polite to you when dealing with shameless people like you. I tell you clearly that unless you take out the source talisman, you will never see your brother again in this life." Xuanyin Chushen said coldly.

"Hand over the source talisman!" The disciples of the Divine Sect also did not forget their fundamental purpose.

The source talisman can control the well of the divine domain and possess the god-level totem. If it can be mastered, the Divine Sect, which is now very passive in the world, can regain the initiative.

Anyway, the Holy Dynasty and the Underworld Palace obviously dare not offend Jiang Zizai.

Xuanyin Chushen is worried.

Her life was tied to Jiang Zizai. Jiang Zizai fought in the Well of the Divine Domain. She could feel many life-and-death moments. She was afraid of death, so she couldn't let Jiang Zizai go out to take risks. This was the reason why she took the risk this time. Even if she saw that Jiang Zizai had such a high level of cultivation, she couldn't stop.

When the Divine Sect, led by Xuanyin Chushen, made it clear that they didn't want Jiang Zizai to solve the problem peacefully, Jiang Zizai was very straightforward. He took out the God-killing Xuanbing, pointed the blade at Xuanyin Chushen, and said, "Since that's the case, and considering our old grudges, I'll give you a painful lesson to let you know what the price will be for attacking my family. This is not the first time. I thought you could learn your lesson, but unfortunately you disappointed me too much."

"You can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth if you talk big." Xuanyin Chushen said disdainfully. She can float in the air at will, which is a symbol of the realm of the first god. Jiang Zizai obviously didn't reach this realm. Even if he could suppress the five palace masters, the gap in the realm could not be made up in front of Xuanyin Chushen.

Just as she finished speaking, Jiang Zizai suddenly soared thirty feet into the sky, and a violent sword energy directly blasted in front of her eyes. The Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation World-Destroying Sword Art directly erupted, and countless black thunders, like Jiang Zizai's temper, instantly entangled Xuanyin Chushen!


Xuanyin Chushen used the power of the demigod to mobilize the power of heaven and earth to resist. In a hurry, she condensed a shield like the moon to block Jiang Zizai's attack, and then escaped. However, the holy white dress had been torn a little, revealing her smooth thighs in front of the disciples of the Divine Sect, which really made people imagine.

This naturally made Xuanyin Chushen furious. This guy actually dared to take the initiative to attack him!

"It seems that if I don't subdue you, you won't be honest." Xuanyin Chushen's voice was icy cold.

"Old witch, I don't have time to talk meaningless with you. Now either you kneel down and send my brother out, or I kill you. Go find it yourself." Jiang Zizai was really not polite to her. He came to collect debts today.

"How dare you! Jiang Zizai!" The word "old witch" attracted the wrath of countless disciples of the Divine Sect, divine servants and holy divine servants, but unfortunately they could only shout.

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