Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 280 278 Dark Game!

Chapter 280 278. Dark Game!

Inside the castle, walk along the spiraling stairs until you come to a gate.

"Is this right here?"

Genos and Natsu could feel the huge active magic power.

Because of the previous situation, he realized that there was something terrible down there, so he invited Natsu, who happened to be fine, to come with him.

Between the two of them, even if they encounter any trouble, they can easily resolve it.

"Huh? Indeed, there is an amazing magic power."

Just as he was about to push the door open, Natsu was stopped first by Genos.

"Wait, let me do it."

Unable to visually see the situation inside, he tried to gently drill a small hole in the door.

"Can you even see inside?"

"Although you can't see the whole thing, you can roughly observe some elements."

Being able to look through that small space and capture some of the scene, Genos observed.

There were two behemoths inside, but he couldn't see the full picture of what they looked like.


But then a cold shout made Genos alert.


When he noticed this, he was subconsciously on guard.

Natsu, on the other hand, was very casual and didn't care at all.

"If you want to see it, don't be so sneaky."

Hearing the words that followed, before Genos could relax, Natsu kicked the door open and walked in unceremoniously.

It's like he didn't even think about whether this was a trap to induce him to fall into.

"Oooh, what is this?!"

Standing at the entrance, Natsu looked up in surprise at the two objects in front of him and said loudly.

His exclamation aroused the curiosity of Genos outside the door, and he walked in without caring about anything else.

What he saw was a withered gray statue and the shining Great Holy Grail.


The data began to be compared, and there were things that did not exist in the database.

"Is this your mount?"

"It looks so big."

Looking at Madara, who had been sitting cross-legged on the ground as if he hadn't moved at all, Natsu approached him.

"Hmph, can you ignore the courage of the heretic demon?"

Glancing at Natsu, who was not affected at all, Madara didn't pay attention to the appearance of these two people.

The movement here is actually not small, so anyone with some skills will definitely notice it.

The difference lies in whether you have the courage to come closer.

The heretic demon summoned by Madara, a servant, is usually intolerable to people.

The "weirdness" attached to it was enough to oppress his spirit and drive him crazy.

To use the description of this world, heretic golems are “alien products”.

"What is this thing made of?"

"Is it a Buddha statue?"

Touching the rotten-looking body, Natsu felt that it felt a bit like wood.

"No matter how you look at it, this thing can't be considered a Buddha statue, right?"

"The content in the body is closer to that of plants, flowers or trees."

"Can you absorb magic power?"

Genos walked over from behind, looked at Madara who was motionless and then explained.

"Then that is the Great Holy Grail."

"Does your mount require such a huge amount of magic power to activate?"


Ignoring Genos and showing no intention of answering, Madara just put his face on one hand and closed his eyes.

“It’s something very powerful at first glance.”

"Maybe I won't get motion sickness if I sit on this guy."

"How long will it take to move?"

Natsu tilted his head and looked at Madara, then suddenly asked.

"Hmph, you don't need to know."

"Afterwards, I will get rid of all the people who are in the way. I don't want any accidents, so I will just wait patiently."

Feeling "ostracized", Genos couldn't understand this man's thinking for a while.

When he spoke, the other person seemed a bit indifferent.

On the contrary, when Natsu spoke, Madara would still respond with a sentence or two.

Is this a bit too strange a distinction?

Calculating where he might have been discourteous, Genos struggled with this point.

But in fact, he was completely overthinking it.

Madara only had such an attitude, and it was only due to Natsu's pure behavior.

There is no cover-up attitude and a reckless and unafraid of others and a single-minded approach.

Subconsciously, Madara was reminded of an old friend, so he was in such a mood to speak.

"If you have time to wander around in boredom, you might as well consider your own safety."

After a little mention, Madara still sat cross-legged without moving.


Realizing that there was something in these words, Genos knew that the other party was serious.


“My own safety??”

Natsu tilted his head, reflecting a "confused" attitude.

"The enemy has already penetrated inside"

"If you are not prepared, you will not be surprised if you die at the hands of your own people anytime."

After glancing at Natsu who was still optimistic, Madara said words that made Genos' hair stand on end.



No, this man would never joke

So that means someone has already invaded the castle without the other servants noticing?

(According to what he said, could there be someone inside?)

Compared to Natsu's blank expression, Genos frowned and thought quickly.

Madara didn't say anything more, he just looked at the Great Holy Grail in front of him and waited silently.

He discovered Darnic's anomaly from the very beginning.

For Madara, who had been "backstabbed" before, this aura of "betrayal" particularly made him wary.

So he had plenty of backup options.

And returning to the "Six Paths" is also the ultimate means to eliminate all uneasy factors.

Now that Darnic is not moving, he doesn't need to worry about it, but it's hard to say whether the safety of other Masters will be a problem.

However, this has nothing to do with him.

Even if Black's other servants and masters are all wiped out, it will not affect his ability to fight to the end and win alone.

If it wasn't for Natsu's liking, he might not have revealed this kind of thing.


Holding his head, Gold's fat body bumped around the room.

"Damn it! What did you do to me?!"

There were beads of sweat on his plump face, and looking at Danik in front of him, he was convinced of his guess.

Danik invited him to play chess before, but Gold himself didn't care.

But during this chess game, he realized something was wrong.

Once you are at a disadvantage or your piece is captured, you can feel the pain of your heart being clenched.

There is no doubt this is some kind of "magic".

Until the end of the chess game, he didn't understand why Danik did what he did.

"The consequences of trusting others too much."

"You've already lost"

"Lost in this dark game."

"So you'll be one of us next."

Looking at Gold in pain, Darnik watched with a strange expression.

His whole body was wrapped in a strange light, and knowing that he could not sit still and wait for death, Gold shouted angrily while extending his hand.

"Damn it! It won't go as you wish!"

"Order it with a command spell!! Come to me Saber!!"

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