Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 403 The protagonist always appears last! (4K)

Chapter 403 403. The protagonists are the last to appear! (4K)

(There is no other way but to use the worst possible breakthrough method.)

After receiving no response for about two minutes, L probably understood that there was no point in continuing the induction.

The other party is already alert

Covering his mouth and nose with a mask, he glanced at the door lock, and then chose the simplest and crudest method.

He lifted up his clothes and took out the pistol from his waist, which he had snatched from the man in black.

Fortunately, the gun came with a silencer, so he didn't have to go to great lengths to make other noises to cover it up.


He fired two shots at the door lock, not caring about the remaining bullets. Feeling the looseness of the door, he pushed the door handle with one hand while being alert.

It's too quiet inside.

Hiding the gun under the clothes at his waist, he took out the can of sleeping gas and threw it in through the crack of the open door.



Judging that it should be thrown far away, L waited for a while.

But so far I haven't heard anyone speak.


According to the propagation speed of the gas, it should be able to fill the room and stun people in more than ten seconds.

But what is this silent scene?

Even if you faint, you should still make some noise.

But it's too weird to be so quiet like no one else.

"Could it be?"

Realizing that there might be an escape route in the room that he didn't know about, L immediately opened the door and barged in.


The moment he entered, mist-like gas filled the room.

Some of the clothes were also placed on the chairs.


Walking cautiously towards the inside, L didn't see a single figure.

Almost all the windows in the room were opened, and all the gas began to flow outside with the speed of the air conditioner.

(Escaped from the balcony?)


Glancing at the open curtain door, he hesitated for a moment.

The temperature and wind speed of the air conditioner are obviously newly adjusted.

(Still here!)

Looking at the partially worn clothes, L knew that the person might still be hiding in the room.

Looking around, he had new questions.

Looking back at the beginning, Sawada Tsunayoshi originally planned to open the door for him, but somehow noticed it.

And then he used a gun to force open the door and throw sleeping gas. This was a move that few people would have thought of.

The quiet behavior, the open windows and the maximum wind speed of the air conditioner are not in line with common sense and reactions.

It was almost as if he had expected that he would do this and was prepared in advance.


At this moment, the closet at the back was suddenly pushed open, and Tsuna rushed out, covering his mouth and nose with a wet washcloth.


There was only so much room to hide in the room, so L was more or less predictable from where he would run out.

Deliberately approaching the closet is to create such a vulnerability and lure the other party to appear.

Although I don’t know what happened, his arrangement seems to have been completely seen through.

Taking a step back to avoid Tsuna's rushing hands, he quickly grabbed the opponent's wrist and tried to clasp it.

(I won’t let you succeed that easily!)

Already aware of the opponent's actions, Tsuna abandoned his usual cowardice.

He doesn't know who the other party is, but he must not let it harm Aniya and Xiaoxin.

Very incredible

He clearly knew that this was a dangerous act, but he still mustered up the courage.

Before, he probably wouldn't have had the guts to do so.

There is no way, he is the biggest here, there is no way Aniya and Xiaoxin can face him, he hides, right?


The moment the opponent grabbed his right wrist, Tsuna grabbed L's other hand with his left hand.


But L had already reacted and grabbed Tsuna's hands directly.


He should have already considered victory, but L found that Tsuna had stepped on his right foot with his foot.

The look in the other party's eyes that didn't give up showed that things were not that simple.

L stared at Tsuna's face towel that slipped from his face, and then he realized something

That is, almost all the gas that was originally filling the room was brought outside with the wide open doors and windows and the wind pressure from the air conditioner.


Tsuna's voice also made L open his eyes wide.



L then saw the two figures jumping down from the small cabinet above.

(it turns out.)

It was a place very close to the air-conditioned wind, so it could be said that it would not be affected by the previous sleeping gas at all.

Aniya and Xiaoxin flew directly to L's waist. Xiaoxin lifted up his clothes, and Aniya quickly pulled out the gun. Then the two of them quickly jumped on the ground and met him. Pulled away.


That one-stop action and the current situation made L never expect this.

"The bad guys are not allowed to move!!"

"Let A Gang go!"

With the guns pointed at him, the two children showed wisdom that ordinary people do not possess.

"I see."

"Have you completely seen through it?"

The worst-case scenario expected was to be flanked by two servants.

He had never considered the situation where he would lose everything because of the resistance of Sawada Tsunayoshi and the two children.

All the previous mysteries are solved.

Why didn't Sawada Tsunayoshi open the door, why was the room suddenly so quiet.

The windows and balcony doors were opened in advance, and the air conditioner at the maximum wind speed was too inconsistent.

L thought that the other party might have noticed and prepared means, but his on-the-spot reaction ability was so exaggerated that he thought that Sawada Tsunayoshi and the two children could not have such a mindset.

Later, when he grabbed Tsunayoshi with both hands, he was also restricted.

The right foot that was stepped on tightly also made L understand the other party's strategy.

It was to completely restrict his own movements that Sawada Tsunayoshi deliberately "used himself as bait" to rush out.

In order to let the two children accurately grab the pistol he hid.


If the pistol was still in his hand, then no matter how he resisted, it would be meaningless.

But once it was taken away, it could be said that the situation was reversed.

After reflecting on this series of events, L, as the world's number one detective, also had a passion to "fight wits and courage" with others.

All his arrangements were seen through, and even countered?

Who was the one who gave them the plan?

He released Sawada Tsunayoshi's hand and looked back and forth between Aniya and Shin-chan with curiosity.

His pale skin and dark circles made him look scary.

L didn't think Sawada Tsunayoshi would have such "wisdom". This "inviting you into a turtle" feeling made L feel "frustrated" for the first time.

He had a feeling.

The reason for the failure must be one of the two kids.


Swallowing her saliva, Aniya was surprised by L's brain circuit.

This person had obviously lost, but he had already "replayed" the whole process.

He also reasoned and analyzed the thoughts of her, Tsunayoshi and others, and finally even determined that one of her and Shin-chan was the key person who saw through the whole situation.

How could there be such a guy?

In less than a minute, he had figured out all the ins and outs?

The more she read L's thoughts, the more horrified Aniya felt.

It's just like a super AI computer.

If you can't see through his plan and become an enemy of such a person, you might be sold out and still counting money.

Anyah felt relieved that she had never been so grateful for her superpowers.


Terrible creature!

"Who are you?"

Standing next to Anyah and Shin-chan, Tsunayoshi questioned him without relaxing.

It's really too dangerous

If it weren't for Anyah's reminder, they might have been kicked in the face.

I believe she is right

(The enemy has a gun and hypnotic gas)


(He is about to shoot to break the door lock and come in)

Thinking back to Anyah's words, he originally wanted to use the command seal to pull Yusuke back directly, but for some reason it didn't work.

In this situation, although he was panicking, Tsunayoshi gradually calmed down when he looked at Anyah and Shin-chan.

Finally, he came up with a solution based on Anyah's reminder.

He opened the balcony door and all the windows in the room in advance, and asked Aniya and Xiaoxin to hide in the upper cabinet closest to the air conditioner, and he hid in the closet.

He had only one goal.

That was to entangle the opponent and snatch the gun.

As long as he succeeded, he might be safe.

Imagination is beautiful, reality is cruel.

The opponent's skills are much better than his, and he was almost captured in reverse.

Fortunately, he had an idea and stepped on the opponent's feet directly, indirectly restricting the opponent's actions.

And Aniya and Xiaoxin personally took action to complete the last piece of the plan.

The process was full of risks, and a slight mistake might be doomed.

But thinking back, they were really bold

Trying to snatch a gun from a dangerous person.

This is not a joke.

It's strange that the command spell can't be used, but at least now they have room for maneuver.

"How curious"

"Is it you? Or is it you?"

Even though he was pointed at by a gun, L didn't seem to be worried. He was more concerned about Ania and Shin-chan.

Sawada Tsunayoshi would definitely not be the initiator of the plan.

It's not like he hadn't investigated the basic situation and personality of each master before.

"Well, answer us! Who are you? Why do you do this?"

Seeing that the other party was a little entangled, Tsunayoshi shouted.

"What's so strange?"

"As participants, shouldn't we follow the rules of war and kill each other?"


"Tsuna! He's stalling for time!!"

But as soon as L finished speaking, before Tsunayoshi could react, Ania shouted nervously.


"Can you know my thoughts?"

"I see. Superpowers or magic?"

"If that's the case, it's not difficult for me to understand why it failed so coincidentally."

The red light on the back of his hand flickered, L's eyes widened slightly and then he said calmly.


Looking at L in disbelief, Aniya did not expect that the other party would directly determine the result.

The little girl named "Aniya" can know the inner thoughts and ideas of others

That is the reasoning made by L.

Such a decisive judgment makes people unbelievable his boldness.

(Use of Command Spell?!)

(Does he want to summon a Servant?)

(I used it just now, but it failed. It should not be successful.)

Witnessing the flashing red light, Tsunayoshi did not pay attention to what L said to Aniya, but thought about the Command Spell.

"Say, I was completely defeated in the battle between masters"

Acknowledging his failure, L was not so depressed, but planned to provoke a new round of battle.

"Then let's start the Servant Battle next!"

"Command with the Command Spell! Come to me!"


That was L's verbal declaration

"How is it possible?!"

When he saw the strange figure appear, Tsunayoshi was stunned.

Why can he use the Command Spell as usual?

Questions filled his heart, but Tsunayoshi had no choice at the moment.

No matter what, they can't beat the servants.

Then there is only one choice.

The crimson light flickered on the back of his hand

(Must succeed!)

"Command the Spell! Come to me!"



"You said there were seven or eight?!"

Conan turned his head and shouted in surprise when Kaito brought him to the coast.

"Ah, and there are quite a few people. I don't know what they want to do."

"Look, people have already started to evacuate the streets. The police have taken action."

"After all, if we really fight the pirates, the city will not be safe."

Kaito didn't understand what the pirates were thinking. The Fist of Blue Sapphire was a gem of great value, but there was no need to make such a big fuss, right?

Even if they succeeded in this, they would not live long.

"You should prepare to leave with Detective Maori."

"Hmm? What about you?"

"Hey, I have to accompany Kamijou to the end of this journey, and I won't need your brainpower next time, detective."

"It's better for you to stay away from such a world."

"Don't worry about me."

"I still believe in my luck."

In the night, he only left Conan with his mature back.

"Idiot, how can I just run away!"

Conan didn't plan to leave, but he still wanted to find out the Black Organization and investigate the mysterious man.

If he left like this, he would not be able to sleep at night!


But at this moment, Conan suddenly found a shadow passing over his head.



The trace that covered the moonlight was too big.

Looking up, Conan's pupils were shaking violently.

In the field of vision.

An extremely huge ship was falling from the sky.

What's going on?

Why is the ship in the air?

Before they could think about the reason, the ship had already crashed into the city like a plane.


Like a missile, the ship crashed directly into the center of the hotel that stood in the city.

The two floors that were originally connected collapsed from the middle.

The roar of the landing caused panic and fear among many people.



"What's going on?!"

Yusuke, Tsunayoshi and others stared at the wall that was drilled through next to them in a daze.


Even L and Garou were puzzled by this sudden situation.

And the figure standing on the top of the bow responded to them with a smile.

"Oh, isn't this just in time?"

"Sure enough, the protagonist always appears last!"

The return of Kamui! !

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