Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 490 490 The magic that was resisted!

Chapter 490 490. Magic that was resisted!

(The raid failed.)

(Is that really the Demon King?)

(The real deal.)

(Can he win?)


C.C squatted in the woods far away, feeling the consumed magic power of Fulilian and communicating with her.

Fulilian had told her before that there was a bad smell, and C.C thought it was strange at the time.

Unexpectedly, they met the Demon King in a narrow road.

Judging from his description, he seems to be quite powerful.

The closer to the capital, the frequency of encountering servants really increased a lot.

The red fog mutation before really looked like a flare.

(Hmm, a magic-sealed area)

(Wouldn't that be bad?)

(Indeed. If I can't break it, I'm afraid I'll be killed.)

(Do you need me to use the Command Spell?)

(No, not yet. I'm going to try that method.)

(If this doesn't work, use the Command Spell to pull me away.)

(I need to concentrate now.)

The call ended here, and C.C. vaguely understood what Fulilian wanted to do.

That happened when she was healing in the new village not long ago.

(Caster, what are you doing?)

(Hmm? This? Trying a very new way to release "magic".)

(Can you do it?)

(I asked the adventurer I just met for advice, so I have a rough idea.)

"Magic is a world of imagination."

Muttering softly, C.C. waited for the result over there.



This kind of opportunity at such a distance, thinking so, Fulilian raised her glowing palm.


Then a roar sounded, causing a close-range explosion.

Thick black smoke came out from here and rushed straight into the sky.


Flillian was blown away again, fell to the ground and slid a long way away, then stood up.

Her clothes were stained with dust, and she was in no mood to worry so much at the moment.

Although she was sure that she had hit the opponent just now, whether she could kill him or not depended on the actual effect.

"It's really dangerous."

"Even if you cast an anti-magic barrier, you still released magic"

"No, that may not be magic."

The voice came from behind, and Flillian was stunned for a moment, and then turned around suddenly.

I saw a shadow walking out of the forest.

Rimuru, who was unharmed, stood there.

"Ah, don't worry, it's just a clone."

"It's just right for testing."

Glancing at the explosion point behind where the smoke and dust had dissipated, he could see that the incomplete "Limuru" was still alive, and then it turned into a ball of magic power and dissipated and was absorbed by the real Limuru.

"At that time?"

Realizing that the opponent was a clone, Fulilian was silent for a while and whispered.

After casting the anti-magic barrier, he hid his true body and only sent the clone to fight with him.

This demon king is quite cautious.

"As a Caster, he can use martial arts"

"It's a good way to deal with the anti-magic barrier."

Praising the opponent, Limuru said what Fulilian did just now.

Magic released with a staff?


It's a martial art released with the hand!

After understanding her poor close combat, she knew where the flaw was.

So in order to make up for the possible lack of combat in the future, she developed this kind of "magic" for close combat magicians.

This is exactly the "new magic" that Furrilian discovered when she encountered the battle scene of the adventurer team during her recovery after encountering Assassin.

The power called "Martial Arts"

"But, martial arts should only be used by warriors."

"Do you actually have such a profession?"

"Or can you change your job?"

With doubts, Limuru was very curious. If Raphael hadn't reminded him in advance, he might not have figured out why the other party could use "magic".


There was no response. Limuru could feel the obvious hostility of the other party.

(Totally hostile, the kind that doesn't even communicate.)

(Does she have a grudge against the Demon King?)

Holding his hands on his chest, he was a little confused.

Although the behavior of the heroes in the original world is also quite strange, the Demon King is not treated like this.

Now that he has met an alternative hero, he feels a sense of distance that cannot be touched.

"Hmm? Are you coming again?"

Seeing that Furrilian didn't mean to say more and there was a faint light flashing in the palm of her empty hand, Limuru was alert.

(Tell him that [Mirror Return Punch] is ineffective against him.)

(Huh? Why?)

(Judging from Caster's unique individual, the attacks he uses have the effect of ignoring his own side.)

(Hmm, that seems to be the so-called special attack against the Demon King, which makes me feel a chill on my back. Maybe the opponent has really killed the Demon King before?)

"It seems that we can't just leave it alone."

For such a dangerous person, killing him directly may be the best way to deal with him.

But for Rimuru, it's not that serious.

It's a bit too extreme to kill anyone who threatens him.

If possible, he wants to get along with others as much as possible.

After all, there is no rule that says that heroes and demons can't be friends, right?

Since the opponent can release martial arts, the anti-magic barrier is useless.

"We have to find a way to make her stop first."

After removing it, Limuru heard the cry in her body.


(Do you want to help?)


(Oh, then I will support you.)

With an eager attitude, Limuru was very happy.


The removal of the anti-magic barrier made Fulilian feel relieved.

Even she couldn't break this field in such a short time.

If the opponent kept it up, it would be very troublesome.

The "martial arts" she can currently perform is actually only "demon killing magic".

It's not yet at the level of being able to turn all magic into "martial arts".

(Half of the magic power is still there.)

(It seems that another method must be used.)

It is also nothing more than such consumption. The previous attack was to infuse a lot of magic power into it in order to kill the opponent.

Unexpectedly, he only crippled one of the clones.

"It's really hard to defeat the demon king alone."

Recalling what happened that year, Fulilian showed a serious expression that was rare.

(First, you have to keep your distance.)

Thinking so, she then raised her staff and aimed it forward.


Like fireworks, five or six purple lights attacked Limulu in different trajectories.

Thunder of Destruction

This alone cannot kill the opponent, but this is just a preparation for Fulilian to buy time.

"Sou Nanshi!!"

But just as Fulilian was flying, she saw Limulu suddenly "spit out" a monster.

The opponent shouted incomprehensible words, and then his whole body radiated colorful light.

"Oh oh oh!"

In Limulu's surprised eyes, Weng really reflected all the magic that was bombarded back.

"How is it possible?"

On the contrary, Fulilian cast a barrier of defensive magic to block the rebounding lightning and frowned.

The magic she used was a special attack against demons and monsters, and it was difficult to resist even with special means.

But that monster actually withstood it?

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