Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 542 542 Momoshiki appears!

Chapter 542 542. Momoshiki appears!

(It's my turn!)

Momoshiki's words without any hidden meaning startled Boruto.

"You have been aiming for this moment, right?!"

Boruto said unwillingly, gritting his teeth.

(Do you have any other choice?)

(Either use my power to overcome the difficulties in front of you, or die here with Uchiha Sasuke.)

Looking so calm, Momoshiki's mouth corners raised.

It's not that he is arrogant, but he has determined that in such a situation, Boruto has no other choice but to rely on his own strength.

After all, the enemy is not an ordinary person. Boruto will not be a match at all if he fights with his current level.

If he will die alone, this kid may not care about his words.

But when Uchiha Sasuke is in danger, there is an opportunity.

"Humph, I will never give my body to you even if I die."

Raising his hand and making a gesture of releasing ninjutsu, Boruto answered unceremoniously.

How could he not know what this guy was thinking?

(You are already a real Otsutsuki)

He has been constantly deceiving himself for a long time, isn't it just for resurrection?

It's just because he was tricked by Assassin, which led to an accident and had to change into another situation.

"Shadow Clone Technique!!"

He took out the skill he had already practiced, and with the sound of "bang bang bang" and white smoke, the same figure appeared just like that.

Boruto rushed straight towards Rimuru.


Looking back at the boy who was charging, he was not surprised.

It's better to say that if he could ignore him and kill Sasuke, he is not the son of Uzumaki Naruto at all.

Even though there is a huge gap in strength, he dares to challenge.


"You can't win against me."

As she said that, Rimuru just waved her hand, and the howling storm shook all the clones away.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!!!"

Accompanied by bursts of white smoke, Boruto was pressed to the ground before he could get close.

(Hey kid, are you still stubborn?)

(That creature can kill you at any time.)

Seeing Boruto trying to get up and prepare to move forward, Momoshiki was a little anxious.

At this critical moment, can you let him worry less?

Obviously, as long as he comes out, there will be a chance, but he has to fight recklessly by himself.

Do you really want to die again before you are willing?

"Hey, I've said it, I will never let you out."

Ignoring the dust on his body, Boruto said seriously.

Even if he really died, he didn't want Momoshiki to take control of his body.

(Does it matter if Uchiha Sasuke dies?)

"You are anxious, Momoshiki."

Faced with Momoshiki's words, Boruto laughed uncharacteristically.

"How to save Uncle Sasuke. I know better than you."

"But it's definitely not the kind that lets you take over the body."

As he spoke, Boruto took out his kunai and charged alone again.

(You are not!?)

(Stupid! You are willing to do that even at the cost of your own life?!)

(Stop it, kid!!)

After reacting, Momoshiki's face changed in shock.

This kid is far more "ruthless" than he thought.

Although Uchiha Sasuke is in danger, Boruto did not panic, but really thought of a way to break the situation.


Letting Momoshiki out may be a way, but it is uncontrollable.

Boruto certainly does not want to do that.

So. He chose a more "absolute" path.

That is.

To die!

As long as he, as the master, dies first, then Sasuke, as the servant, will disappear in a moment like Lancer.

As long as he is not killed, and only disappears because of the master, nothing will happen.

This can not only avoid the danger of life and death, but also solve Momoshiki's problem.

The price is only that Boruto himself will die.

It is obviously a big risk, but he no longer cares.

After all, if it comes to choosing between Uncle Sasuke and himself, Boruto would rather the former survive.

Therefore, no matter what means he uses, he must provoke Berserker to kill him.

"The dragon ball is on me, come at me! Berserker!"

"You don't even have the strength to kill me, do you?"

"You are too weak as a servant."

Approaching quickly, Boruto said unceremoniously.

Anything is fine.

As long as you provoke Berserker to kill yourself.

Then this difficulty will be easily overcome.

"Hmm, that kid."

Supporting the ground with his right hand, he slowly stood up. Sasuke could understand his little calculation.

That unreasonable behavior is exactly the same as Naruto's

(what the remaining magic power can do)

Thinking, Sasuke is also thinking about how to break through this situation.

Letting that kid die might be the best solution, but he couldn't do it.

Having already made up his mind on what to do, the purple skeleton arm raised the bow and aimed forward.

"You two really have a good relationship."

Standing on the sand, Limuru could naturally feel the movement behind her.

"What a pity. I didn't have much ill will towards you from the beginning."

"Just sleep until it's over."

That was the last thing Boruto heard.

In the field of vision, the arrow shot by Sasuke approached from Rimuru's side, but Rimuru came to him in an instant and pressed her hand on his forehead.



On one side was the sound of the arrow hitting, and on the other side was the sound of Boruto falling to the ground behind him.


"Don't be nervous, just let him fall asleep."

"After all, if you don't do that, he will probably rush up and commit suicide again and again, right?"

"The provocative words are low-level, but they are full of courage."

"As the son of Uzumaki Naruto, he seems to be persistent."

Letting Boruto fall to the ground, Rimuru finally turned to Sasuke in front of him and whispered.

What Boruto wanted to do was too obvious, so Rimuru saw through it easily.

It was a good idea to "send" Sasuke through the death of the master.

But Rimuru would definitely not let him do that.

So in order to avoid interference, she chose to suppress his consciousness.

At least for a long time, Boruto would not wake up.

"Are you ready to die?"

"Uchiha Sasuke."

Looking at Sasuke who stood up in front, the Susanoo he used might be his last stubbornness.


Coughing, Sasuke frowned and thought about how to deal with it.

The power of the sky hand cannot be used, and the current offensiveness of Susanoo is not enough.

Illusionary physical technique

All these are meaningless to Berserker.


But just at this moment, a low laugh of ecstasy came out, attracting the attention of the two.


Rimuru looked back and saw that "Boruto", who should have fallen to the ground, was standing up.

The blue lines spreading on the body and arms were so conspicuous

A strange "horn" grew on the forehead.

"I really have to thank you for your actions, inferior creature"

"Otherwise, that kid really won't let up."

"In this case, I am almost completely free."

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