Time is supreme, space is king.

Forget about the Nine Suns, the Heavenly Dragon, and the Dragon Elephant Dharmakaya, he dare not underestimate the space.

He has fought with Di Jiang for so many years, and he can't do anything to him even with the Chaos Bell in his hand, because of the opponent's space law.

Although he only knows 10% of the space law, this 10% of the space law makes him helpless.

If the Wu clan has another person who possesses the space law, how can the demon clan play?

Now it is not a matter of hatred between the eldest nephew and the sister-in-law, it is a racial grudge.

"No, I must kill him!!"

Donghuang Taiyi had a cold expression, looking at Xingtian with murderous intent.

It was because the other party had just broken through the realm of the ancestor witch, and his power of law had not yet reached 10%.

It seemed that he was fighting fiercely with him, but in fact it was because the other party mastered too many kinds of laws.

But if they really fought, how could he be his opponent.


Just when Donghuang Taiyi was about to take down Xingtian with all his strength, the breath of the ancestor rose to the sky from the place where he was watching the battle in the distance.

"What? ? ?"

Donghuang Taiyi looked over in disbelief.

He saw two groups of Ancestral Witch auras rising into the sky. They turned out to be Kuafu and Houyi, who had just been abused by him.

Xingtian broke through in front of him, but now there are two more?

Is it so easy to break through the Ancestral Witch realm now?

Or did these witches get great fortune, otherwise how could they break through the Ancestral Witch realm so easily.

You have to know that Quasi-Sages are the strongest existence under Saints.

The forces of all parties in the entire prehistoric world can be counted on one's fingers.

Even among the disciples of the Three Pure Ones, there are no Quasi-Sages now.

Although Quasi-Sages do not need the Hongmeng purple energy of Saints, it is extremely difficult to break through to Quasi-Sages. You said that now you are watching two barbaric and rough men break through in front of you.

This sense of shock is more shocking than seeing the death of sister-in-law and nephew with your own eyes.

It's because this is the Witch Clan!!!

They have a life-and-death feud between their races, the kind of you-or-me-or-nothing.

"Brother Xingtian, it's my turn, it's my turn."

Kuafu rushed directly to the early stage of the Zuwu realm with his aura.

He ran over excitedly, wanting to practice with Donghuang Taiyi.

"Kuafu, I was beaten so badly, and I blocked so many knives for you"

"It's my turn, you wait on the side."

Hou Yi also ran over, not wanting to be outdone.

"You have the Shenzhaojing, and you can't be killed by a beating. What's wrong with blocking a few swords?"

"Besides, we are brothers, shouldn't you give in to your brother?"

Kuafu was angry and blasted Houyi. Donghuang

, who was standing by, was stunned.

‘Damn it, I am Donghuang Taiyi, those who are afraid of me are from the beginning to the end of the Tianhe River’

‘In the entire prehistoric world, when it comes to the quasi-saint realm, he is definitely one of the best, so few people dare to confront him head-on.’

‘But what about these crazy people???’

‘They actually have to take turns to fight me, what about my threat? '

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi was so angry that he couldn't speak.

As the strongest person in the demon clan except for the saint, his majesty is well known.

But now he is being attacked by the little witch of the witch clan....It was the innate great witch who had just entered the ancestor witch realm who looked down on him.

This was his junior, and he dared to look down on him.


Dong Huang held the Chaos Bell in his hand, no longer caring about anything, and directly turned on the Chaos Bell to its maximum power.


"You two, get out of here. If you dare to interfere in my battle again, I will make you suffer when you return to the witch clan."

Xing Tian is a battle maniac. Once he starts fighting, he will not recognize his relatives.

Now Kuafu and Houyi still want to share the spoils with him, forget it, he just said something cruel.

He even took out the axe and shield that he had never used.

These two are very particular. It is rumored that they are the shells of the Axe of Creation inherited by the Ancestral Witch Pangu.

You should know that an Axe of Creation turned into the Chaos Bell, the Tai Chi Diagram and the Pangu Banner.

Each one is a famous existence in the prehistoric world.

As for the shell, although there is no law for the axe, there is only one word: hard. It is so hard that even the twelve Ancestral Witches cannot break it together.

And it happened that the twelve Ancestral Witches did not refine axes Xing Tian got the upper hand, but it was an easy loss for him. Xing Tian picked up the axe, picked up the shield, and started a bloody battle with Donghuang Taiyi.

It was a real hand-to-hand fight, and each attack would cost both sides a heavy price.

Xing Tian was covered in blood, and under the fierce attack of the Chaos Bell, it was normal for him to have broken arms and legs.

Even with his current ancestor witch body, he could not withstand the full firepower of Donghuang Taiyi.

The whole battle process was very miserable.

But Xing Tian was not afraid at all, and his injuries were healed in no time.

The Nine Yang Magic Art protected his body.

The nine pure yang laws in his body were the reason why Xing Tian was so wanton. The reason for fighting without fear.

Of course, even if he didn't have the nine pure yang laws, he would still fight like this with his nature.

But now he has the nine pure yang laws to continuously extend his life, so he can fight without any scruples.

The more Donghuang Taiyi fought, the more frightened he became. Compared with the other twelve ancestor witches, he found that Xingtian, who had just broken through the realm of the ancestor witch, was even more terrifying.

The two battles were full of momentum.

The price Donghuang Taiyi paid was not for himself.

It was just because he was at the peak of the quasi-saint, and he had already comprehended 10% of the power of the sun law.

If he was not limited by his realm and could not break through, he could comprehend more. The Law of the Sun.

Unfortunately, due to the limitation of Heaven's Way, without the Hongmeng Purple Qi, there is no way to comprehend any more of the Law of the Sun.

He was not injured, but the demon clan was miserable. It had already been beaten to pieces by Kuafu and Houyi, and now under the fierce attack of the two, the entire Lingxiao Palace was gone.

The Lingxiao Palace in the thirty-third heaven has now become a chaos under the battle between a demon and a witch.

All the demon clans below Daluo were shocked to death here.

Fortunately, all the powerful demon clans had already been transferred by Emperor Jun to practice the Zhoutian Star Array.

Now, only some miscellaneous soldiers are left in the Lingxiao Palace.

""Haha, I also feel like I'm going to break through."

Just as the demon and the witch were fighting fiercely, Xiangliu laughed.

Lingxiao Palace is a layer of heaven, and its size is unimaginable.

Now it is being disintegrated by the battle between the demon and the witch, and Xiangliu took the opportunity to use the Beiming Divine Art to absorb the entire Lingxiao Palace into his body.

Otherwise, why would the Lingxiao Palace disintegrate so quickly?

Xiangliu's contribution is naturally involved.

Although he has no way to intervene in the battle now, he relies on the Beiming Divine Art to continuously push the Beiming Law in his body upwards.

You must know that the entire Lingxiao Palace is an independent world, which contains many laws and powers.

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