“Greet the ancestor of the Dao.”

“Greet the ancestor of the Dao.”

“Greet the ancestor of the Dao.”

In the Zixiao Palace, the guests of the three thousand Zixiao Palace sat down one after another, and as Hongjun descended, everyone got up and shouted loudly.

After preaching once, the name of Hongjun’s Dao ancestor has completely resounded throughout the flood wilderness, after all, Hongjun is the first person to preach in the flood wilderness, and he has also educated all sentient beings, and his name Dao ancestor is well deserved.

“No need to be polite, sit.”

Hong Jun said calmly.

“Xie, Daozu.”

“Xie, Daozu.”

“Xie, Daozu.”

Everyone was seated.

“This sermon is still 10,000 years old, and this seat is for Huier and others to preach the way of mixed elements, the method of preaching, and the immortal path…”

Without being verbose, Hongjun said directly.

As Hongjun spoke, one after another profound mysterious characters spoke, as if the words came out of the law, as if the mouth contained the heavenly constitution, one after another visions appeared in the Zixiao Palace, a large number of regular projections of the avenue, a heavy mysterious emerged, and there was also a spiritual energy golden lotus falling in the sky.

“There are many laws of worldly preaching, which can be roughly divided into…”

“Those who behead three corpses cut out good, evil, and self, and concentrate on the Dao of Enlightenment with the ruthless emotions of the Heavenly Dao…”

“Meritorious preachers quickly comprehend the road through merit…”

“Those who preach with strength perceive the Dao with their own ability, this method is the most difficult, the foundation is also the most stable, the gap between the three methods of preaching is not obvious, all preach in order to master one source…”


With Hongjun’s preaching, ten thousand years had passed before he knew it, and when Hongjun stopped preaching, all the visions receded rapidly like a tide.

“I can say what doubts I have.”

Hongjun said lightly.

“May I ask if there are drawbacks to Dao Zu beheading three corpses.”

Lao Tzu asked.

“Yes, after all, this is only a shortcut, it will lack some of the understanding, after preaching the mixed element, you need to repair the foundation, the stronger the corpse spirit treasure, the stronger the strength of the three corpses, and the deeper and faster the understanding of the Dao…”

Hongjun explained it in general.

“May I ask if the Dao Ancestor’s merit preaching and the three corpse preaching can be carried out together.”


“May I ask Daozu…”

“May I ask Daozu…”

“May I ask Daozu…”

One by one, Da Luo powerhouses asked, and Hongjun replied and answered one by one.

After a whole day of answering, finally, no one had any doubts, and Hongjun, including the guests in the Three Thousand Purple Xiao Palace, looked in the direction of the flood waste.

Because, today is the time for the Transcendent Chart update!

It’s also the time for the rewards to be distributed!

“My current strength must have been the second in the flood waste, so I began to reshape my prestige from the transcendent list.”

The corners of Hongjun’s mouth curved.

Originally, I wanted to challenge the top few, but I didn’t find it before, but this is not important, the ranking is not necessary to challenge, if there is an absolute strength gap, it can still improve the ranking.

And with the help of Heavenly Dao, he has absolute confidence that he will definitely be able to rank second this time!

Starting from the transcendent list, then to his acceptance of future saints, and then the top of the mount list, his prestige will surely shake the flood!

Who is he?

He’s a big deal!

He is not bullish who is bullish!

“Heavenly Dao is a mount, maybe I can be the first on the mount list?”

Thinking about it like this makes Hongjun look forward to it, and it’s a little exciting to think about.

“I don’t know if the transcendent list will be the same as it was 10,000 years ago.”

“It should be different.”

“The first place is definitely not controversial, and I don’t know what will happen to the rest of the ranking.”

“How many places will the Dao Ancestor rank.”

“It is said that not long ago, there seemed to be movement on the side of the demon world, and I felt that the demon ancestor was going to become a dark horse.”

“It’s a bit possible.”

A group of guests in the Purple Xiao Palace were also secretly communicating and gossiping about the transcendent list that was about to be updated.

They definitely can’t go up the detached list, but gossip and gossip are still okay, and they are very curious about all the strong people in the ranking, after all, eating melons is the same no matter what level of creatures.


Outside the mountain, wisps of brilliance on the detachment list began to converge, the characters that originally appeared on the detachment list began to distort and dissipate, and new characters gradually began to appear.

Detached list… Update!

“Huh? Updated! ”

Sensing that there was a difference in the detachment list, everyone immediately looked over with a shock of spirit.

What is different from the last time is that this time the detachment list seems to appear from the back to the front, and the fifteenth is the Five Elements Old Ancestor, then the Yin Yang and Qiankun Old Ancestor, and everyone is not surprised by this.

The three ancestors originally preached later, and it was normal that the ranking was not high, but the next ranking surprised everyone.

“How is the Demon Dao Demon God twelfth, wasn’t he the ninth place before, could it be that other big guys cultivated so fast to improve.”

Countless strong people were stunned.

Twelfth place, Demon Heaven!


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