As the saying goes,

A new beginning brings new things.

Kowloon Industrial opened for business for only one day, but under the advocacy and decision-making of Bai Dengwei, it gradually planned to build the first"A-grade household retail flagship store" in Hong Kong. Driven by the financial offensive, there are more than 100 stores with the"Kowloon" logo, and this number is still rising at an exaggerated rate.

Behind this prosperity,

Xu Tingsheng's money is being lost in large quantities.

But it's all worth it.

Kowloon Industrial has officially entered the eyes of the majority of Hong Kong citizens.

Especially the products sold in its store, which stand out for their high quality and low price. Although the service life is very short, who would mind?

And behind the unknown, a new company has also quietly established itself.

——Kowloon Security Services Company!........

Portland Street.

Several expensive cars slowly stopped.

Two people got out of the front Mercedes-Benz. One was a burly man in a suit and tie, deep and calm. The other was dressed casually, with a young but handsome appearance.

It was Xu Tingsheng and Xu Yi.

Xu Tingsheng got out of the car, looked at the bustling Portland Street, and waved to the cars behind him.

Two Buick cars also stopped close by, and a group of people got out one by one.

"Mr. Xu!"

Dadong, Crow, and the four trusted men following behind them

"Mr. Xu, we have recorded the locations of the incense halls of various major societies."

"The brothers have also been called together."

Dadong walked to Xu Tingsheng and handed over a document with an address and a photo.

Xu Tingsheng handed the document to Xu Yi behind him.

Looking at Dadong, Crow and the four respectful young men behind them.

How to say it?

According to his previous life.

The clothes are very alternative, and the expressions are very annoying, for fear that others don't know that they are mixed in the society.

But this is also the characteristic of this era.

Seeing Xu Tingsheng looking over, the four people bowed

"Mr. Xu."

Xu Tingsheng nodded, turned to look at Dadong and Crow beside him, and said earnestly:"Times are changing. If you don't want to be abandoned by history, you must make changes."

"Whether it is you or Dongxing"

"People, especially communities, must first learn to package themselves according to different environments."

"What is important now?"

"It's civilization!"

"If civilized methods don't work, we'll use fists."

When talking about Hong Kong, the first thing that comes to most people's mind is definitely Young and Dangerous.

Brutal, bloody, chaotic...

Xu Tingsheng's first impression of the Hong Kong gangs was the same as that of the Kowloon Walled City.


Yes, decayed.

They are completely unaware of the changes in the times and are still playing the primitive tricks.

Analyzing from the perspective of film and television, you will almost find that most of the young and dangerous guys are dressed in a variety of costumes, with unruly hair accessories and hideous tattoos.

This is the young and dangerous guys.

Except at the funeral of the boss, you rarely see them wearing uniform formal clothes.

This is mainly because the movie needs to use this kind of clothing to highlight the distinctive images of the young and dangerous guys. It is also because the group of young and dangerous guys, except for the top leaders, are basically miserable.

Compared with this, the gangs in other regions, such as the group of Koreans in the peninsula, are definitely better than the Hong Kong gangs in terms of image.

Of course, this is also different from the background of the times they are in. Xu Tingsheng is the afterglow of the old era and the rising sun of the new era. He is only 16 years old now! There is still a lot of time in the future. If you want to become the rising sun of the new era, you must make changes.

"Go change into a nice suit"

"You are a society, not those bad guys, understand?"

Although Dadong is young, compared with Xu Tingsheng, he is definitely an uncle-level figure.

Hearing this, his face immediately turned red.

"I understand."

Xu Tingsheng patted Dadong's arm, turned to look at the crow who was trying not to laugh, and said with a smile:"Next time I see you with this pile of fur on your head, I will burn you to death."


Curry and the others watched their boss lower his head and be scolded by a teenager.

They did not feel humiliated at all.

Instead, they were inexplicably envious.

After all, not everyone can have such treatment.

"Do your job well"........

The lights were on.

At night, Portland Street was still full of bustling fireworks.

This situation lasted until 11 o'clock in the evening, when the enthusiasm on the street gradually subsided and slowly returned to the tranquility of the night.

Most shops had already started to close, and the employees of the Kowloon shops were also preparing to close their doors. The rolling shutters were"clattering" down.

Suddenly - a hand reached in and grabbed the door frame.

"Excuse me, can I borrow a light?"

The rolling door was pushed up inch by inch by a fierce young man with a cigarette in his mouth and a machete in his hand.

Then, a group of people took the opportunity to rush in.

The young man looked at the dim environment, frowned, and reached out to press the light switch.


Light dispelled the darkness.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

A moment later, the rolling shutter door that had been deformed by the huge impact was pulled up again.

A stream of scarlet undercurrent seeped out from the narrow gap of the rolling shutter.

The night also became inexplicably strange.........

In the underground garage of East Star Company,

Crow sat in the dull car, constantly pulling at the tie around his neck with his hands, looking at the driver next to him as he pulled:

"No news yet?"

Just then - the intercom in my hand made a buzzing sound.

"It's time to act."

Hearing this, Crow pulled out the annoying tie and threw it out of the car. Then he reached out and slammed the car door a few times. The violent sound echoed in the garage for a long time.

"Drive, everyone follow"....

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