Chapter 55: Contact, countless questions

Luo Zhiming slept until noon before getting up.

Most of the gangsters hide during the day and go out at night, even the core bosses like him are no exception.

In the territory of Xinliansheng, the younger brothers have to shout"Brother Luo!"

Luo Zhiming is the sworn brother of Lin Yaochang, the leader of Xinliansheng. He had been in jail for him for three years before, and was highly respected by the brothers of Xinliansheng.

Both the black and white in Hong Kong worship Guan Gong.

However, the police station worships Guan Gong in red, which means"unparalleled loyalty and righteousness."

The gang worships Guan Gong in green, which means"eternal righteousness."

The gangsters always talk about"righteousness" and shout"sticking a knife in the ribs for brothers" or"brothers are like hands and feet, women are like clothes"~ and so on.

Such words are just for listening, but just a slogan.

Anyone who takes it seriously is a fool.

But, whoever really does such a thing will definitely be respected by everyone.

Luo Zhiming is the one who is highly respected. He really did take the blame for the boss Lin Yaochang and went to jail for three years.

If you say he is not good, then you are really conscienceless.

What is especially rare is that Luo Zhiming never takes credit for this.

If someone else did the same thing as him, he would definitely talk about the jail time all the time.

Luo Zhiming never brags.

In his opinion, there is no one to brag about like Shen Emei.

He thinks that jail time is just his act of forgiveness.

The more Luo Zhiming is like this, the more the brothers of Xinliansheng admire him.

When the younger brothers mention him, there is no one who does not give a thumbs up.

Luo Zhiming does not fight or compete, and he is only dedicated to being the free and easy sect in the society.

Of course, not everyone welcomes him. A Tian in the society, who is in charge of the flour business, often makes trouble for him.

It's because Lin Yaochang is old and it's time for him to retire.

The society election will start soon.

Luo Zhiming is a very important candidate.

A Tian does not want Luo Zhiming to run for election.

Even if the two are brothers, they still have to fight for what they should when encountering such things.

It's for the sake of interests.

Luo Zhiming stood up and smoked a cigarette, his face full of gloom.

Inspector Luo Zonglun died in the line of duty, which filled his heart with dark clouds, and his contact with the police force was cut off.

For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

Luo Zhiming inexplicably thought of his classmate in the police academy-Shen Yan.

When they were in the police academy, the two were very good friends.

Luo Zhiming is different from other people in the police academy. He is very old and belongs to the special recruitment of society.

Shen Yan, Chen Yongren, and Yang Jinrong are freshmen who applied for the exam.

The two are very different.

Luo Zhiming can't talk to other students in the class-the age gap is there, and the experience gap is there-but he is a very good friend with Shen Yan. Shen

Yan is a person with countless insights.

Luo Zhiming has experienced ups and downs, and has countless stories.

Although there is an age gap between the two, they chat very congenially.

Luo Zhiming suddenly remembered what Shen Yan said when he parted with him:

"Ah Luo, you must not believe the nonsense about single-line contact"

"Your file is always backed up at the police academy."

"If your upline encounters any accidents or is treated unfairly, then you can come back to find Principal Ye or find your classmates."

"You, always have a way out."

Luo Zhiming smiled bitterly and shook his head.

If only Shen Yan was here.

He suddenly remembered that Shen Yan had been transferred to the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Headquarters.

He is now an Inspector.

"This kid is still as good as he was in the police academy."

He admired Shen Yan.

The police force's rules were there.

He was able to go from a military uniform to a plainclothes officer, a major crime detective in the plainclothes, and a squad leader in just one and a half years.

The more he understood the police force's system, the more he admired this ability.

Luo Zhiming suddenly had an idea.

"Find a chance, I'll go meet Ah Yan"

"Maybe he can help me."

The inspector of the serious crime squad... I don't know how he did it?

Luo Zhiming just thought about this when he heard the sound of a door being pushed open.

His hair stood on end and he picked up a stool to prepare for it - this was his instinct as a gangster.

Luo Zhiming was single and alone, and his family had long since passed away.

No one else had the key to his house.

Who could open the door and come in?

If it wasn't his enemy, who could it be?

Then, he saw Shen Yan.

Luo Zhiming was stunned:

"Ah Yan?!"

"How did you get in?"

Shen Yan smiled and sat down.

"Opened the lock and came in."

"You...are you planning to fight me with this stool?"

Luo Zhiming put the stool down and explained.

"You suddenly rushed in, I thought it was your enemy."

His face suddenly changed, and he growled,

"Why did you come to my house?"

"If the people from Xinliansheng see us, we'll both be dead."

Shen Yan waved his hand:

"You know my skills."

"I want to hide, no one can see me."

Luo Zhiming paused when he heard this, and thought about it carefully, it seemed to be true.

This guy's homework was perfect, and even the instructors of various subjects admired him very much.

Luo Zhiming smiled bitterly and said:

"Why did you come to see me?"

Shen Yan said bluntly:

"Inspector Luo Zonglun died in the line of duty, and I became your superior"

"I have been ordered to take over your case.……"

"Investigate the cause of Inspector Luo Zonglun's death."

Luo Zhiming stood up suddenly:


Shen Yan sighed:

"Would I lie to you?"

Luo Zhiming looked strange:

"I was just thinking about whether I should find time to visit you, but I didn't expect you to come?" he asked.

"Sir Luo gave you my contact information?"

Shen Yan shook his head:

"No, he handed it over to Superintendent Chan of the West Kowloon Crime Unit"

"After I arrived at the Serious Crime Unit, I gave Superintendent Chen a suggestion: our undercover brothers' information cannot be obtained through a single line of communication."

"There needs to be an insurance policy"

"You know, I have always been against this kind of one-way communication.

Luo Zhiming completely relaxed:

"It's really great that you are my contact person."

Shen Yan raised his wrist to look at his watch.

"I have limited time, and I need to tell you a few things.

He took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

"This is my contact number. Call me directly if you have any questions."

Luo Zhiming glanced at it and swallowed the note.

Shen Yan said again:

"Under the premise of ensuring your safety, check two things"

"The first thing is, who did Inspector Luo meet on the day he died, and who caused the car accident?"

"The second thing is, where did Xinliansheng's drugs come from?"

Luo Zhiming immediately said:

"I had just handed over to Inspector Luo when he died in the line of duty."

He took out a pocket watch and a document.

"This is the birthday gift he gave me that day, and this is the insurance he bought for me"

"As soon as we separated, he died in the line of duty.

Shen Yan asked:

"Who killed him?"

Luo Zhiming rubbed his face fiercely.

"I don't know the driver."

"But I found A-Tian at the scene.

Shen Yan was startled:

"A Tian from Xin Liansheng? The one who is at odds with you?"

Luo Zhiming nodded viciously!


Shen Yan took out two Marlboro cigarettes and threw them to Luo Zhiming.

"Something is wrong."

Luo Zhiming's eyes turned red:

"What's wrong?"

Shen Yan made his own judgment:

"Does Inspector Luo have a grudge against A-Tian?"

Luo Zhiming was startled, and he slowly shook his head:

"There is no personal vendetta."

The police arrest thieves, that is fair and square.

I am a soldier and you are a bandit, who else should I arrest if I don't arrest you?

"Inspector Luo is from the anti-gang team. It's natural that he has set his sights on Xinliansheng."

"However, when promoted,"

"Who among the police officers from Wong Tai Sin Police Station has not set his sights on Sun Lian Sheng?"

"This is not right!"

Luo Zhiming thought about it and gave a reason:

"Some time ago, Ah Tian and I went to buy goods, and Inspector Luo directed"

"The guy was swept by the police"

"Worth tens of millions!"

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"If that's the case, then there is indeed a grudge."

In another time and space, Huang Zhicheng swept away Han Chen's goods, forcing Han Chen to have his men throw the goods into the sea. Han Chen almost killed Huang Zhicheng on the spot.

The biggest motivation for those who come out to get involved is money.

Taking away other people's money can really make these scum fight to the death.

Shen Yan said again:

"Another question:"

"How did A Tian know the whereabouts of Inspector Luo?"

"We are police officers and we don't believe in coincidences at all.

Luo Zhiming sighed heavily.

"I feel weird too"

"That night, Inspector Luo met with me."

"As soon as we separated, something happened to him."

"It always feels like too much of a coincidence."

Shen Yan reminded:

"You have to pay attention to your own safety"

"You should know how dangerous it would be if your undercover identity was exposed.

Luo Zhiming frowned and said:

"How can I care about these things now?"

He held his head in his hands and tried hard to recall.

"At that time, I heard a loud bang and hurried over to see that Inspector Luo had been hit by a dump truck and was completely stuck in the car. The ground was full of blood."

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"My head was confused."

"At this moment, A-Tian drove over from the other side."

"He woke me up"

"I ran quickly, and he kept chasing me."

"I used all my strength to escape."

"This guy is the mastermind behind this."

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"Inspector Luo's identity has been leaked. Someone must be tracking him down in secret."

"I will find out who is secretly tracking him down."

Luo Zhiming's eyes were red:

"Ah Yan, you must avenge Luo Sir.

Shen Yan patted his shoulder gently.

"We will definitely avenge our brother."

"But Luo, I have to remind you that you are undercover now."

"I don't ask you to collect a lot of intelligence, I ask your personal safety first"

"Xinliansheng is there, they can't run away"

"You are in a wolf's den now. If something happens, we can't help you even if we want to."

Luo Zhiming nodded repeatedly:

"I understand."

Shen Yan nodded gently:

"What is the situation of Xinliansheng?

Luo Zhiming shrugged:

"Lin Yaochang is getting old and will retire soon"

"It's election day again"

"Xinliansheng holds elections every five years, and the elected leaders each serve for five years"

"The fight will be more intense this time."

Shen Yan asked:

"Are you interested in being the leader?"

Luo Zhiming was surprised:

"A Yan, I am an undercover agent. Should I be the leader?"

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Shen Yan said calmly,

"so what?"

"If you become an undercover agent, you will be able to control the entire Xinliansheng submarine. Wouldn't it be easy to catch them all in one fell swoop?"

Luo Zhiming shook his head:

"I have no interest in doing this."

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"If you don't want to do it, then don't do it."

"Honestly speaking, if we really want to put all 50,000 people from New Union into jail, we have no place to put them in Hong Kong."

Luo Zhiming was getting more and more surprised.

"Do you really want me to be the leader of Xin Liansheng?"

"Working undercover and becoming a gang leader……"

"I've never heard of it."

Shen Yan disagreed:

"If you really become the leader, you can control the gang of hooligans in Xinliansheng very well, which is quite good."

"But if you don't want to, forget it."

"Undercover life is not easy, I understand your point of view"

"I am different from others. I will not force you to do something you don’t want to do."

Luo Zhiming waved his hand:

"I never thought I'd encounter something like this."

"It seems that it is not impossible to be the leader."

Shen Yan reminded,

"I just said it casually"

"You have to start from your actual situation and remember your personality."

"Don't do things that go against your personality."

Luo Zhiming was stunned. He thought about it and finally shook his head.

"Then I am not suitable to be a leader"

"I will give you the Xiaoyao Sect in Xinliansheng."

Shen Yan did not force it, he asked:

"Where do Xinliansheng's drugs come from?"

Luo Zhiming said:

"This part is in charge of by A-Tian. I only know the general idea."

"There are only two people who really understand the ins and outs of this, Lin Yaochang and A Tian."

"There are only two sources of this."

"One is to trade with others, just like some time ago"

"The other is to get it from the foreigners."

Shen Yan was startled:


Luo Zhiming nodded seriously:

"Yes, ghost guy"

"They seem to have considerable power."

Shen Yan was surprised:

"A foreigner?"

Luo Zhiming told a secret story:

"Five years ago, Xinliansheng was not as big as it is now."

"Lin Yaochang didn't know where he found these foreigners."

"The foreigners supplied him with goods, and they agreed that he would pay them after the goods were sold."

Shen Yan's face was extremely serious:

"Buy on credit?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Looking all over the world, there is no such way of doing things.

However, Luo Zhiming said,

"This is true."

Shen Yan stood up and left.

"I will investigate the identities of these ghost guys."

"Be careful in everything."

Luo Zhiming contacted Shen Yan, feeling relieved:

"Don't worry, I will pay attention."

Shen Yan said before leaving:

"Are you familiar with He Jiaju, the top-ranked younger brother of the famous horse dealer?"

Luo Zhiming nodded slightly

"Familiar, able to talk."

Shen Yan said softly:

"He is our colleague."

Luo Zhiming's mouth opened wide!

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