Chapter 188 President Le Huizhen!

Jimmy and the plane fully agree with the conclusion of the collusion.

They didn't get along with Big D for long, but even a stubborn plane could see that Big D's brain was probably abnormal.

Aren't you just a talker?

Who cares?

Who doesn't know that the most absent person in Hexingsheng is the talker.

Not to mention that all the hall masters ignored the speaker, even they, the leaders of the hall master, who cared about the speaker?

Like blowing cocks, who cares?

In the past ten years, all the talkers chosen by Xingsheng and Hesheng have been arrogant.

Lin Huaile is beyond the level.

If Big D doesn't run, Lin Huaile will definitely not be elected.

Because there will be worse candidates to set him off.

So, with Fat Deng's urinary nature, can he choose Lin Huaile?

Definitely not!

In the eyes of Jimmy and the plane, it's great to do your own thing honestly. If you don't become a talker, you can develop yourself with confidence; after becoming a talker, you still have to worry about the club's affairs, how troublesome!

It's just that the two of them are junior and can't speak out.

There are serious rules in the club.

After seeing off the happily gangbang people, Jimmy asked Sister D:

"Boss, what do we do?"

Jimmy is looking forward to it. He doesn't want to be a groom anymore.

Is that what a man can do?

But who told him to start with the boss Guan Zisen?

Sister D glanced at the two of them:

"You will go to a place with me tomorrow. Your work is not in Tsuen Wan for the time being."

Jimmy and the plane looked at each other and nodded in unison:

"It's the boss!"

Sister-in-law D took out her Kunbao and each threw a hundred thousand silver paper to them:

"Dress up normally tomorrow"

"We're going to meet the big shots."

Jimmy and the plane became even more excited. Only big people have big opportunities.

It's just that they couldn't figure it out. In He Xingsheng, the eldest sister-in-law D is already a big shot, who else do they want to see?

The eldest sister-in-law D was careful, and after taking a look at the plane, she said to Jimmy :

"When you take the plane, choose a suit of clothes that is more formal."

She simply set the tone,

"You both go buy a suit"

"It has to fit."

Jimmy nodded immediately:


Sister-in-law D looked at her watch:

"Come to my house at eight o'clock tomorrow"

"Do you know where my home is?"

Jimmy and the plane nodded wildly.

Sister D waved her hand:

"Okay, go ahead and get busy."

The two people left quickly.

The plane looked at the banknotes in his hands and sighed:

"The boss is so generous."

Jimmy nodded:

"Yes, it is indeed generous."

The boss they were following was a fish-headed man who sold ecstasy pills in Liyu Bay, and the other was Guan Zaisen, a rotten gambler who lay in the horse stall all day long.

How could these two people give money to their subordinates so generously? ?

Jimmy said to the plane:

"Come on, I'll buy you a suit."

The plane sighed:

"Can you not go? Jimmy shrugged:

"If you don't want to listen to the boss, you don't have to go."

Then can you not go?

The plane frowned and said:

"Why do we dress so formally? I've never worn a suit before."

Jimmy's eyes lit up.

"The boss is going to give us a big opportunity!"

Then he spent the 100,000 yuan in silver paper given to him by Sister D until he had 3,000 left!

The look in Jimmy's eyes on the plane was so interesting.

The next day, the two of them came to Big D's house, and Sister D took the The two of them went out.

Jimmy and the plane looked at each other and were shocked: The boss was not with Big D.

Sister-in-law said calmly:

"My career is different from Lei Sheng"

"Help Lei Sheng just because he is my man"

"If you want to be with Lei Sheng, then you don't have to come with me."

Jimmy and the plane were not stupid at all, they said in unison:

"Listen to the boss."

Sister-in-law D nodded with satisfaction:

"We are going to Diamond Terrace today. If you are lucky, you can meet my boss."

"Fighting and killing in the rivers and lakes will not make a difference."

"Apart from being destined to be chopped down, there is no other benefit.‖ "

Jimmy and the plane were stunned.

Did they hear it right?

Is there a boss above your boss?

Sister D looked at the two of them and smiled:

"Set off!"

The two people immediately gathered their minds and drove to the diamond platform.

At the foot of Mount Wutai, the two drove to the diamond platform.

Jimmy carefully checked:

"Boss, our boss is the chairman of Diamond Platform? Sister-in-law D smiled and said:

"The boss is not just the chairman of Diamond Platform"

"Okay, you just wait in the living room"

"If the boss wants to see you, I will come and call you."

Jimmy and the plane naturally had nothing to say.

It was the first time the two came to the TV station, and they had to behave as much as they wanted.

The plane said quietly:

"The diamond table is awesome"

"I heard that the station manager has been replaced by a beautiful woman, who has quite a background."

"Many TV series were released one after another, making Jade Channel breathless."

Jimmy became interested:

"How did you know?"

The plane shrugged:

"What else can you do in that shabby place at Lei Yue Wan besides watching TV?"

"Let me tell you, Chen Zhen played so well"

"Every move hits the flesh."

Jimmy was speechless.

The two of them sat in the reception room, and someone even brought tea and snacks during the period.

The two of them were not bored, after all, they had someone to talk to.

I don't know how long they waited, but Mrs. D walked in with a happy face:

"Come on, Sister Zhen wants to see you!"

Jimmy quickly asked for advice:

"Boss, who is Sister Zhen? Sister-in-law D said calmly:

"My boss!"

Jimmy understood immediately.

The two of them followed Sister D to a huge office in an uneasy mood.

Ordinary people's houses may not be as big as this office.

Wang Jianjun looked at the two of them indifferently, which scared Jimmy and the plane. A jump.

They could feel the evil look and vigilance in the eyes of the man opposite.

After scanning them, he lowered his head and sat at the door of the office to read the newspaper. This was the task assigned to him by

Ana Shen. This is a task given by Captain Shi on behalf of the country.

How dare he not do it?

After Jimmy and the plane passed the test, they saw a peerless beauty. She was very young, even younger than Mrs. D. Le Huizhen looked at the two men and nodded slightly


"I heard that Sister Meiqi has taken in two younger brothers. I want to know what kind of talents can fall under Sister Meiqi’s eyes."

"Looks good."

Jimmy and Fei Qian didn't know how their boss recommended it to this boss, so they simply shut up and said nothing.

Le Huizhen didn't care about their reactions and said to herself:

"Sister Meiqi is my right-hand man,"

"She has done something big under my orders. I want to check on her and see if you have the ability to help her."

"Build an army!"

Wang Jianjun stood up immediately:


Le Huizhen wrote lightly:

"Drag the two of them to the next door and try their skills. Don't break them."


Jimmy and the plane looked confused.

Is this the way this big boss tests people's quality so that they can beat him up?

That’s right!

The two of them received a solid beating from Wang Jianjun!

Even if the two of them join forces, they won't be able to defeat Wang Jianjun alone.

When the two of them returned to Le Huizhen's office with bruises and swollen faces, Wang Jianjun was very disgusted:

"The two of them are in good physical condition."

"The aircraft has a strong sense of combat, but it doesn’t know how to adapt."

"Jimmy's skills aren't great, but he has great potential."

The two of them didn't know what to say.

After all, they were the top players in the league before, so they were said to be worthless?

However, weak people really have no human rights.

They can't withstand ten moves in Wang Jianjun's hands. How weird is that? Who?

Where did such a monster come from?

Le Huizhen said speechlessly:

"Jianjun, don't ask others with your judgment. There are not many people in Xiangjiang who can beat you."

Wang Jianjun shrugged:

"I can't last more than a few rounds in Brother Yan's hands. Le

Huizhen smiled and said:

"No one in this world can beat Brother Yan"

"Okay, tell me your conclusion."

Jimmy and the plane were dejected.

They thought they were finished.

Wang Jianjun said in a deep voice:

"Their skills are not good, but……"

"The two never gave up"

"You can admit defeat, but you can't give up"

"I'm still very satisfied with their performance."

Jimmy and the plane suddenly looked up.

Both of them were shocked.

They all thought that they were going to be eliminated. They didn't expect that this guy named Wang Jianjun, no, the boss, actually recognized them.

Le Huizhen nodded slightly:

"It is true that skills can be trained day after day, but a heart that never gives up cannot be found by training day after day."

After Wang Jianjun finished speaking, he ran to the door of the room, picked up the newspaper and read it attentively.

He was Le Huizhen's doorkeeper.

Other things were beyond his ability to worry about.

Le Huizhen asked the two of them:

"You got a beating when you came up. Do you have any resentment?"

The two nodded in unison.

The plane touched Jimmy:

"I'm stupid, tell me!"

Jimmy thought for a while and said,

"Mr. Le, you attach great importance to us, so you will focus on inspecting us. Le

Huizhen smiled and said:

"That’s right!"

She pointed at Sister D,

"Sister Meiqi is my right-hand man"

"I have a lot of things to do next, and there are many things for Sister Meiqi to do"

"She can't do it alone"

"I have to see if the assistant she chooses is suitable."

"The fact that you can pass the test of building an army shows that your quality is not bad."

"As for ability, I have no shortage of time and can wait for you to grow."

Before the plane could react, Jimmy took a breath of air-conditioning.

Mr. Le's tone was so loud!

Le Huizhen said lightly:

"Next, you have to cooperate with Sister Meiqi to complete a series of tasks."

".々 I want to set up a chip factory in Tsuen Wan"

"The first phase investment is 300 million silver paper"

"You are her assistants and must help her do this."

Opening a factory turned out to be a big factory with an investment of 300 million yuan?

Jimmy was on a plane.

After realizing it, he was ecstatic.

Jimmy didn't want to join the club, so he just wanted to do business.

However, when he was doing business, he was always harassed by people from the club. In order to find a backer, he joined Hexingsheng as a last resort, and ended up becoming a horseman.

His thoughts were much simpler.

Isn't it better to follow the big boss just to make money ?

Being able to transfer him with a transfer fee of one million silver paper shows that he values himself.

However, the two of them were surprised and raised a finger.

"The chip factory is the first one. In addition, I will build other factories within the scope of Xingsheng"

"Mobile phone factory, laser DVD, TV factory, etc."

"These factories are Sister Meiqi’s next targets."

Jimmy and the plane opened their mouths.

It's okay to invest in a factory, but how much does it cost to open so many factories at once?

Maybe the money can be pooled, but what about the land?

It's impossible to open a factory without land.

Sister D said with a smile :

"Mr. Le’s husband is the richest man in Hong Kong. Due to various reasons, he is not suitable to come forward, so Mr. Le can only do it for him."

"Money is not the problem"

"Land is not a problem either"

"As long as the people are in place, these can be put in place immediately."


The richest man in Hong Kong!

Jimmy and his opponent can see each other's fanaticism at a glance.

They're crazy!

They didn't expect that the boss they worshiped yesterday has such a high profile, and is actually working under the richest man.

That's no better than a gangster. Ten thousand times stronger?

Le Huizhen said calmly:

"Our problem is not money and land, nor technology."

"It's all about people. Jimmy raised his hand and asked:

"Mr. Le, how many people do we need?"

Le Huizhen shrugged,

"It is estimated that there will be at least 50,000 people!"

Jimmy choked (Li Qianzhao) half to death.

Fifty thousand people, where can we find them?

Sister D said leisurely:

"Fifty thousand people are actually available."

Jimmy and the plane didn't understand at all. Where can I find it ready-made?

Sister D smiled and said:

"and prosper!"!!

Jimmy and the plane were stunned on the spot.

He Xingsheng is a club!

Why are they willing to work in the factory?

Sister-in-law D said leisurely:

"The person I admire most in the world is Mr. Luo Zhiming of Xin Liansheng and Mr. Luo"

"He can lead 50,000 people in Xin Liansheng to be whitewashed directly, and lead 50,000 people to be whitewashed in one leap."

"Let 50,000 dwarf mules change their ways"

"With such examples before, why can't prosperous dwarf mules enter the factory? Le

Huizhen smiled and said:

"that's right!"

"Sister Meiqi, I will approve the event expenses of 30 million silver paper for you."

"Give you three months to get me all the people"

"If you don't have enough money, tell me"

"If you need any help, just tell me"

"But we don't have much time."

Sister-in-law D is full of confidence:

"Sister Zhen, don’t worry, I guarantee that our factory will have 50,000 people in three months!"

Le Huizhen clapped her hands and said,

"Sister Meiqi, you are indeed my right-hand man!"

"Then I’m waiting for your good news!"

Sister-in-law D took Jimmy and the plane away with brisk steps.

In the car, the plane couldn't help but ask:

"Boss, where did this Mr. Le come from? Sister-in-law D said calmly:

"Sister Zhen’s husband is called Shen Yan."

Jimmy and the plane were startled.

Mrs. D chuckled and said:

"That's right, that's the Superintendent Shen you imagined."

"Sir Shen’s true identity is the richest man in Hong Kong"

"Because of his career, Sir Shen dislikes Young and Dangerous."

"This is our chance, the chance to bring peace and prosperity to shore!".

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