Chapter 31 The top student was clearly me!

Mr. Huang had a lot to do, so he encouraged the members of Group C and left.

Superintendent Chen expressed appreciation to Lu Qichang:

"well done. Lu

Qichang smiled and said:

"It was only through the hard work of colleagues in Group C that Da Fei was brought to justice. Superintendent Chen glared at him:

"Who said it was flying?"

Lu Qichang was stunned:

"Aren't you talking about a case?

Superintendent Chen chuckled and said :

"I’m talking about Yang Jinrong!"

Everyone was surprised.

Superintendent Chen smiled bitterly and said:

"Lao Lu, your eyes are poisonous enough"

"Sir Shen is a first-class talent, we have seen it too"

"When he was transferred here, do you know how much effort I put into it?"

"Sir He in military uniform almost came to my rescue!"

Lu Qichang wisely kept his mouth shut.

His strength came from his superiors, and he is the one who enjoys the benefits.

It is better not to provoke his superiors' anger at this time.

Superintendent Chen sighed:

"Sir Shen was originally trained by Sir He as an important reserve force - you are from the police academy, and you have just graduated as an inspector. After working for a year, you have accumulated meritorious service, and you are highly valued by the uniformed leaders."

Ana Shen had to stand up:

"It’s all work, so you should give it your all. Superintendent Chen expressed great appreciation:

"It is worth learning from us to take credit without being proud."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The police force also pays attention to factions and inheritance.

Generally speaking, there are two factions in the police force, one is the police academy faction and the other is the social faction.

The so-called social faction refers to those with high academic qualifications People who have entered the police force after a short training.

Most of these people have a high degree of education, usually college or above.

In Hong Kong, it is extremely rare for such highly educated people to join the police force. Popular.

They enter the police force after a short training, and they do not start at the grassroots level, but directly take up positions above the inspector level.

It can be said that their innate starting point is higher than that of the police academy. That

's the traditional police growth path. There are always few people who go to the police academy at the age of seventeen or eighteen and go through the police's path from military uniform to plainclothes.

, so this faction is also the largest.

However, the problem is that academic qualifications are a barrier.

Therefore, although there are few people in the Socialist faction, they are on par with the Police Academy faction in the top ranks.

As long as Shen Yan doesn't die halfway, he will definitely become the Constitutional Committee. Seniors.

This kind of person should be firmly under control.

Sir He, who is in military uniform, is very optimistic about him. Who would have thought that he would be transferred to the crime team as a plainclothes officer


Si smiled bitterly and said:

"We have transferred Sir Shen from the military uniform, and then transferred Yang Jinrong... I don't dare to meet Sir He anymore."

Lu Qichang said with a smile:

"Sir, didn't Mr. Huang come forward? Superintendent Chen sighed:

"The boss has spoken and I have to do specific things."

Lu Qichang stopped talking immediately.

Chen Yongren was confused:

"Is it difficult to transfer Ah Rong?"

He thought to himself, back in the police academy, Ah Rong didn't seem to be so popular, right?

Superintendent Chen sighed:

"Not only is it difficult to adjust?"

"If it weren't for Mr. Huang's words this time, the military uniform would not pay attention to us at all."

Chen Yongren's eyes widened.

Superintendent Chen explained:

"Although Police Officer Yang Jinrong is young, he is already a trainee inspector."

"After working for a year and a half, as a trainee inspector, this evildoer is second only to Sir Shen"

"With such a talent, I wouldn't let him go in vain."

Chen Yongren was startled and murmured:

"Trainee inspector?"

He went to the police academy and"almost" became the top student.

Naturally, he knew how long it would take to become a trainee inspector by performing meritorious service step by step.

Chen Yongren was convinced that Shen Yan could become an inspector.

But Yang Jinrong...

This was a bit too much for him to accept.

Forget it, Ana Shen, he has a good mind and a strong view of the overall situation, and now he has become the brains of Group C. Even Lu Qichang listens to him.

Why should

Superintendent Chen suddenly think of something:

"Huh? Ah Ren, Sir Shen and Ah Rong are in the same class, right?"

Chen Yongren said quickly:

"Yes, we are classmates in the same class. Superintendent Chen encouraged:

"My classmates in the same class, Sir Shen and Sir Yang, are already ahead, so you have to work hard to catch up."

Chen Yongren said loudly:


Watching Superintendent Chen leave, Chen Yongren felt inexplicably uncomfortable:


At the beginning, I was the one who performed best!

Why did they catch up one after another?

Lu Qichang knew when he saw Chen Yongren that this kid was unbalanced.

He called Chen Yongren to the office and threw him a Marlboro :

"Is it uncomfortable?"

Chen Yongren was startled, pursed his lips and forced a smile:

"Not uncomfortable."

Lu Qichang smiled:

"Aren, I have been optimistic about you since you were in the police academy, and I am still optimistic about you now. Chen

Yongren sighed:

"At that time, I didn’t know how high the sky was, I just thought the world was within my reach."

"After I graduate, I will arrest all kinds of criminals whenever I want.……"

He smoked a cigarette vigorously,

"My wife was so real back then!"

Lu Qichang looked at him like a fool:

"Have you been stunned by Sir Shen?"

Chen Yongren looked at Lu Qichang in confusion.

Lu Qichang said bluntly:

"You can compete with anyone you want, but don’t compete with Sir Shen"

"That's a monster."

Chen Yongren's mouth twitched:


Lu Qichang was really optimistic about Chen Yongren, so he said:

"I am really optimistic about you students."

"There are too many elites inside"

"To be honest, Sir Shen and Yang Jinrong didn’t come into my sight at all at first."

"You, Song Zijie, Zhuo Kai, Xu Fei……"

"I can name a whole bunch of people."

"However, it wasn't until I started working that I realized that Sir Shen had hidden his clumsiness when he was in the police academy."

Lu Qichang said expressionlessly,

"He didn't want to be sent as an undercover agent, so he behaved quite well."

Chen Yongren said with a bitter smile,

"Yes, all those who performed outstandingly were sent as undercover agents...I……"

He found out that he was really stupid.

If it's really easy to be an undercover agent, why doesn't Ana Shen go?

He suddenly felt that he was very lucky, and his undercover experience in just one and a half years was enough.

Compared to Luo Ji's five years, what does his one and a half years mean?

Lu Qichang said to Chen Yongren:

"Never think that you are the best, that's just because no one can compete with you."

Chen Yongren said quickly:

"Don't worry, Sir Lu, I am self-aware. I can't compare to Sir Shen. Lu

Qichang asked back:

"Where is Yang Jinrong?"

Chen Yongren was surprised.

Lu Qichang said slowly:

"Do you know who had the best relationship with Ayan in the police academy back then? Chen

Yongren said in surprise:

"Yang Jinrong?!"

Lu Qichang nodded solemnly:

"That was also the time when I hid my clumsiness."

There was a huge wave in Chen Yongren's heart!

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