Chapter 34 The Birth of a Multimillionaire

"Mr. Shen...the stock is already worth 100 yuan, do you still hold it?"

The stockbroker stammered and reported to Ana Shen.

At this time, six days had passed since Ana Shen purchased the stock.

Ana Shen chuckled:


The stock broker was stunned:


"I think this stock can go up again."

"This stock is so hot now that other customers can’t buy it even if they want to."

"It would be a shame to throw it away. Ana

Shen’s voice was very firm:

"The human heart is not enough, so I am satisfied. Just throw it away."

After a pause, he said,

"You should have bought it too, right?"

"Here’s a piece of advice for you, with such a small plate, just put it away when you’re ready."

The stock broker was sweating profusely:

"Yes, yes, I will throw it away immediately!"

After Shen Yan reminded him, the stock broker remembered the original shape of this stock.

When Shen Yan bought this stock, the price was only 3 million.

Now the stock price has soared to 100 yuan. The value has increased more than a thousand times!

If you don’t sell it now, what are you waiting for?

"Monster stock!"

"I actually met a monster!"

The stock broker had already reacted at this time - he had encountered the legendary monster stock and ate a large piece of meat.

Naturally, he had to cash out and run away!

The stock broker quickly placed a sell order The order was gone in almost seconds!

Everyone in the market was optimistic about the future of this stock, and their selling orders were snapped up by countless people.

The stockbrokers suddenly felt numb when they saw the crowd.——

"Are these people crazy?!"

"This fucking thing is a monster"

"Who dares to touch it like this?"

"Aren't you afraid of damaging the rooftop?!"

The stockbroker reflected on himself. If it hadn't been for Shen Yan's list, he would have been like the people in the hall, right?

After all, money is so exciting!

Fortunately, he cashed out and left.

So, he gave Shen Yan the money at the first opportunity. Report:

"Mr. Shen, your stocks have been cashed out, and the price is 150 million! Ana

Shen nodded with satisfaction:

"Thank you."

The stock broker said quickly:

"It's me who should say thank you. I followed your operation and made a fortune."

"Do you think it's convenient today? I'll treat you to a meal. Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"There’s no need to eat. Next time I want to buy or sell stocks, I’ll come back to you."

What the stockbroker wants is this sentence from him,

"Thank you Mr. Shen for your appreciation. Ana

Shen hung up the phone with a smile.

Lu Qichang said curiously:

"Sir Shen, is there anything good going on? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Of course there are good things"

"But it belongs to the five of us."

Yang Jinrong has already made the handover at this time and has just joined the job:

"Brother Yan, what's good?"

Ana Shen gave it up:

"Let’s wait until I celebrate your success after get off work."

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one knows what kind of medicine Ana Shen sells in Gourd.

After work, according to the rules, Yang Jinrong has to pick up the wind and cleanse the dust, but Ana Shen did not go to the restaurant, but invited his colleagues to come to his house At home.

He lives in a thousand-square-foot mansion—that is, a house of one hundred square feet.

In Xiangjiang, where land is expensive, a house of one hundred square feet is indeed a mansion.

Shen Yan took the receipts from everyone and said:

"Seven days ago, I said I would give you a surprise in seven days"

"Now, I will tell you what happened before"

"I am optimistic about a stock and judge that it can appreciate in value. If I want to make a fortune myself, I must not forget about my brother."

"So, I bought the stock."

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Chen Yongren smiled bitterly and said:

"Ayan, why are you so mysterious?"

"How high can the stock market appreciate in seven days? Yang

Jinrong shook his head:

"Not necessarily, the most popular stock in Hong Kong has appreciated more than a thousand times. Chen

Yongren sighed:

"I also wonder which stock Ah Ren bought?"

"But is it possible?"


"Just think about this kind of thing in your dreams. Yang

Jinrong smiled and said nothing.

Luo Ji was thoughtful:

"Sir Shen, have you gained something from this? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t invite you to my home. Luo Ji smiled and said:

"As long as there is something to gain."

There are risks in buying and selling stocks. If there is a reward, then that's good.

Luo Ji doesn't have that big ambition. He just needs to make money. If he really wanted to make money, he wouldn't work as an undercover agent next to Ni Yongxiao. Six years.

Lu Qichang said curiously:

"Ayan, how much did you earn? Ana

Shen pointed at the IOU and said:

"We brothers will settle the accounts, and 20% of the proceeds will be my commission. Lu

Qichang waved his hand and said:

"You make us rich, this is what we should do"

"How much did you make?"

Don't say Lu Qichang is curious, everyone is curious.

They don't value money, but having said that, who doesn't like having more money?

Shen Yan said with a smile:

"Today is the day for Ah Rong to report, and it is also the day for all of you to become multi-millionaires. Let us cheer!"

He raised his glass and suddenly felt strange -


Why didn't anyone respond?

Lu Qichang and others were dumbfounded:

"Ayan, a god-demon multi-millionaire?"

Ana Shen shrugged,

"Seven days ago, I bought a stock when the price was 10 cents"

"When the market opened this morning, the stock had soared to one hundred and five yuan."

Everyone stood up in excitement.

Chen Yongren said in shock:

"Ayan...Sir Shen, did you buy that hot stock?"

Ana Shen shrugged,


"It skyrocketed a thousand and fifty times, but I cashed out"

"We have agreed that 20% of the profits will be mine, and the rest will be yours."

"Any comments?"

Everyone's heads were shaking like rattles.

Any objections?!

Of course not!

Who has such an opinion?

Chen Yongren couldn't believe it:

"Am I a multi-millionaire? Ana

Shen corrected:

"Wrong, you are now worth 16.8 million."

He took out four cashier's checks,

"I opened an account for you at Citibank in your name."

"Now, this is a cashier's check."

"Let's raise our glasses and wish we could become multi-millionaires."

Everyone hurriedly looked at their promissory notes and giggled.

Yang Jinrong was the first to come to his senses and raised his glass solemnly:

"Brother Yan, thank you for helping me get rich. From now on, your words will be my orders."

Ana Shen smiled and clinked the glasses lightly with Yang Jinrong.

Lu Qichang and others quickly joined in. They were already convinced by Ana Shen, and it goes without saying now.

Sixteen million!

Just give it as you say, so domineering!

They are all convinced I admire Shen Yan's broadmindedness.

However, something happened when he went to work the next day!

Someone from the ICAC came to the door:

"Shen Yan, Inspector Shen, please come to our place for a cup of coffee!"

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