Chapter 49 Breaking into the ICAC

Yuan Haoyun took a breath of air:

"Other things are easy to say"

"What if Commissioner Luo becomes hostile to us for no reason?……"

"Isn't Ayan in trouble?"

Superintendent Chen waved his hand,

"Don't worry, Ayan has already taken this into consideration."

Yuan Haoyun was stunned:

"Has he even considered this?"

"How did this brain grow?"

However, he frowned and said,

"How will Ayan prevent it?"

Lu Qichang shrugged,

"We'll find out when he comes back."

Yuan Haoyun extended his thumbs to the two of them,

"You two are really calm and not worried at all?

Superintendent Chen smiled and said:"I am quite confident in Ayan's ability.""

Yuan Haoyun smiled and stopped asking.

Having worked together for so long, he knew very well what the two of them were like - they would never risk their subordinates' lives to gain a better future.

This is because he really believed that Shen Yan had such ability.

Yuan Haoyun was right Shen Yan was quite curious.

He felt that he must have a good discussion with Shen Yan in the future. To be honest, even if he was asked to lead the team, he could not guarantee that he would be able to complete the task perfectly.

Si and Lu Qichang actually believed in Shen Yan unconditionally, which showed Shen Yan's ability. Shen Yan led everyone in

Group C to the outside of the ICAC building.

Looking at the sign of fairness and justice at the door, Shen Yan smiled. Where can there be true fairness and justice in the ICAC? Luo Ji usually doesn’t speak, but he asked at this time:

"Sir Shen, what should we do? Ana

Shen smiled slightly and said:

"Just watch what I do"

"Ah Rong, please take good care of your law enforcement instruments."

"From now on, it is necessary to turn on the law enforcement camera."

Luo Ji and Chen Yongren turned to look, speechless.

Chen Yongren sighed:

"Ayan, isn't this a camera? Ana

Shen waved his hand:


"This is our law enforcement instrument"

"Our law enforcement process needs to be recorded using this. Chen

Yongren frowned and said:

"Isn't this asking for trouble for us?"

At the police station at that time, the law enforcement methods were really not very civilized. Punches and kicks occurred from time to time.

If such actions were recorded, people would be sure to complain.

Ana Shen lightly kicked him,

"This is the ICAC Building!"

Chen Yongren suddenly realized.

Yes, this is the ICAC building.

Of course the law enforcement cameras will record their law enforcement videos.

But who is recording more?

The response of the ICAC officers!

Chen Yongren sighed:

"You're still thinking carefully. Yang

Jinrong chuckled and said:

"Ah Ren, when has Ah Yan ever suffered a loss?"

"He was right."

Chen Yongren nodded repeatedly.

"makes sense"

"Thanks to Aren, otherwise I would never be able to earn so much money in my ten lifetimes."

Luo Ji sighed,

"You lamented that you were in the wrong place. If it hadn't been for Sir Shen, you would still be getting beaten up on the street."

Chen Yongren was startled and nodded slowly:

"That's what stepbrother said."

Yang Jinrong remained silent.

As far as he was concerned, as early as when he was in the police academy, he had made up his mind to follow Shen Yan to do a big career.

Now he is just fulfilling his dream in his boyhood.

Shen Yan led the three people straight in. When I arrived at the ICAC Building, I immediately revealed my identity:

"I am Shen Yan, Inspector Shen Yan, Group C, Crime Division, West Kowloon General Administration. There is a case that requires Commissioner Luo’s cooperation in the investigation."

"Please take me to the commissioner's office."

The staff of the ICAC were stunned, as if they did not hear Ana Shen's words clearly:

"What did you say?"

Ana Shen repeated it calmly and calmly.

The ICAC staff was completely stunned. He couldn't believe his ears.

However, Ana Shen's expression was quite calm. He showed his work ID. There was also an approved document.

The staff of the ICAC suddenly felt that it was extremely ridiculous. They had always heard that the ICAC took people from the police force. This was the first time they heard that the police came to the ICAC to ask the staff to cooperate with the investigation.

Yes, the person who asked to cooperate with the investigation was actually the ICAC commissioner! The staff first felt that the other party was joking.

However, who would joke about this?

"Sir Shen, stop joking.……"

Ana Shen said calmly:

"I'm not kidding"

"I'm on official business"

"I'm sure you won't think I'm joking"

"When you guys from the ICAC go out with your ID cards, will you make people think you are joking?"

"I'm a police officer, why do you think I'm joking?"

The ICAC staff suddenly changed their expressions.

Ana Shen said calmly:

"Don't let me think that your ICAC staff are unprofessional."

The staff no longer dared to talk nonsense, he smiled bitterly and said:

"The commissioner is working on the top floor. Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Thank you."

He took the three people into the elevator and went straight to the top floor.

The staff was stunned for a while, and then they came back to their senses after a while.

"After working for a long time, I can encounter all kinds of weird things."

"The police came to the ICAC to seek help from the Commissioner?"

"Does it have to be a specialist? Deputy Commissioner, Chief Investigation Officer, Chief Director, can’t help you?"

He was about to tell his colleagues about this strange thing, when he suddenly got a jolt:


"That's not asking for help from the commissioner."

"They want to take the commissioner to the police station for coffee!"


The staff member gasped.

He really couldn't believe that the police officer would be so bold.

The staff member came to his senses and frantically made an intercom call.

However, no matter how he called, the phone was always busy.

Work The staff was frightened and hurriedly stumbled to the elevator, where they happened to bump into the Chief Investigation Director Lu Zhilian frowning.

"What happened? So panicked?"

The ICAC has always been about elegance.

When it was founded, in order to avoid being corrupted by the gangster police at that time, a group of ghost guys were specially transferred from corrupt countries.

Various customs and habits were passed down.

For example, the ICAC's coffee, such as the elegant Style.

How can the staff care about elegance?

He gasped:

"Director Lu is in serious trouble. Lu

Zhilian comforted:

"This is the ICAC, nothing will happen."

The staff smiled bitterly and said:

"Just now, Sir Shen from the West Kowloon General Administration came over with a group of people. Lu

Zhilian disagreed:

"Come over, come over"

"The Police Department and the Independent Commission Against Corruption are both brotherly agencies and they should help each other."

The staff was very anxious:

"That's not what happened!"

"Sir Shen said he would take the commissioner back to investigate. Lu

Zhilian said casually:

"What kind of case requires the help of a commissioner? Isn’t it possible to work at the ICAC? Do you have to go back to the police station?"

Suddenly he was stunned,

"What did you say?"

The staff smiled bitterly and said:

"Sir Shen wants to ask Commissioner Luo to go back and assist in the investigation!"

He simply made it clear.

"Sir Shen wants to arrest our commissioner!"

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