Chapter 71: He is not fighting alone.

West Kowloon Headquarters, Crime Unit Group C Conference Room.

Everyone is busy doing things.

Suddenly someone walked over, which immediately aroused everyone's alert.

Abang stood up first and said angrily:

"You guys from the ICAC are really haunted. Who are they here for this time?"

Luo Ji, Chen Yongren, and Yang Jinrong all stood up.

The police department and the ICAC have enmity.

At least Group C has an enmity with the ICAC.

First, Commissioner Luo of the ICAC specifically targeted Group A, a good Group A. No longer exists.

Later, Shen Yan led Team C to kidnap Commissioner Luo directly from the ICAC. Commissioner Luo's whereabouts and punishment are unknown. Lu Zhilian quickly stopped and said in surprise


"It was Sir Shen from your group who invited me here. Didn't he tell you? Abang was stunned:

"Did Sir Shen invite you here? Yang

Jinrong immediately said:

"I'll go ask Brother Yan."

Lu Zhilian didn't tell the difference, so he waited quietly.

Ana Shen walked out with a big smile:

"Sir Lu is here, please come in! Lu

Zhilian smiled bitterly and said:

"Sir Shen, if you invite me here, please tell your brothers in advance."

"It's not good for them to misunderstand. Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Does your ICAC have a good reputation among the Third Division and the Thirteenth Bureau?"

"I invite people to drink coffee every now and then."

"Who wants to go?"

"You can't blame others for what happened to you. Lu

Zhilian shrugged:

"got used to!"

He is really used to it.

The ICAC is different from other agencies in Hong Kong.

It is not under the framework of the three departments and the thirteen bureaus.

Strictly speaking, it is a personal anti-corruption agency of the Hong Kong Governor. Parliament"810"Through the meeting, their legitimacy was confirmed and they were independent of all the conquest agencies in Hong Kong.

The investigators and investigation directors of the ICAC are not civil servants. They use an appointment system.

These employees have nothing to do with the conquest. Therefore, all civil servants except the Chief Executive can be investigated.

The Secretary for Administration, the Department of Justice, and the Secretary of Finance are even under their investigation scope.

Of course, when Gui Lao is in power, he always favors his own people. What is fairness and justice? Just listen.

Not only the police department hates the ICAC, but every department in the 3rd Division and 13th Bureau hates them.

"Brother Yan, why do you invite him over? Shen

Yan explained:

"The cases we investigate are too big to handle on our own."

Abang felt his scalp numb as he thought of the various lists in the file.

That long list of important officials, lawyers, bank officials, entrepreneurs, story dealers... is indeed not something their small police station can handle.

Lu Zhilian had a bad premonition:

"Sir Shen, you told me that there is a good thing, but it doesn't seem like a good thing, right? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"I give you the credit for your promotion to Chief Investigation Officer!"

Lu Zhilian became more and more vigilant:

"Is it that easy to be a chief investigator?"

"How much credit does that have? Ana

Shen asked seriously:

"Can Tongtian’s contribution be enough? Lu

Zhilian smiled bitterly and said:

"Unless you can encounter a case like Commissioner Luo, it will be difficult."


Ana Shen snapped his fingers and congratulated:

"Congratulations on getting the answer right. Lu

Zhilian asked carefully:

"Am I in a hurry to leave now? Ana

Shen gave him a kind smile:

"What do you think?"

Lu Zhilian was helpless.

He smiled bitterly and said:

"I knew something was wrong."

However, after reading the dossier, Lu Zhilian's face was completely dark.

"I knew there was a problem, but I didn't expect it to be such a big problem"

"Su Jingwen?!"

"How could it be him? Ana

Shen asked back:

"Why can't it be him? Lu

Zhilian explained:

"Because of the current system, the commissioner of the ICAC must be a ghost and cannot be one of ours."

"Under him, there are two deputy commissioners"

"A ghost, a Chinese"

"Su Jingwen is the Chinese with the highest position in the ICAC."

"He actually has a problem? Ana

Shen mocked:

"Isn't the upper beam straight and the lower beam crooked? Commissioner Luo has this kind of virtue. Is it abnormal for the deputy commissioner he hired to have a crooked buttocks?"

"Now I even suspect that the ghost deputy commissioner also has a problem. Lu

Zhilian smiled bitterly and said:

"In addition to Su Jingwen, there are two chief investigators……"

"This is really a big case"

"This is just for our ICAC"

"There are more than 20 members of the Legislative Assembly, in addition to several high-ranking conquest officials, high-ranking bank officials, and other important officials... This is a hidden case! Ana

Shen mocked:

"Still the kind that reaches the sky."

He clapped his hands,

"Sir Lu, I won’t lie to you."

"Is this kind of credit enough for you to be promoted to Chief Investigation Director? Lu

Zhilian said quietly:

"……Be prepared to be shattered to pieces first. Ana

Shen laughed loudly:

"Sure enough, I saw the wrong person."

Lu Zhilian was very curious:

"Do you really believe me? Aren't you afraid that I'll tell the truth?"

Ana Shen shrugged,

"I'm afraid you don't know me yet"

"I have a little more ability. Lu

Zhilian said curiously:

"for example? Ana

Shen chuckled and said:

"For example, looking at people"

"I can see into people's hearts. Lu

Zhilian frowned and said:

"Face to face? Ana

Shen shook his head:

"No, no, no, the last person in front of me is a psychologist."

"I can tell his thoughts clearly"

"When I led the team to capture Commissioner Luo, you were watching from the side."

"You are not looking for a chance to rescue Commissioner Luo, but you want to maintain order on the sidelines."

"Are you afraid that I might have a conflict with someone from the ICAC?"

"You work in the ICAC not because of the ghosts, but because of the sense of justice in your heart."

Speaking of this, Ana Shen paused.

"You didn't bother to leak these files to Su Jingwen. Lu

Zhilian smiled bitterly and said:

"Do you know what I'm thinking now? Ana

Shen shrugged:

"You should agree with my idea, right? Lu

Zhilian said seriously:

"Fortunately, we don't work together, otherwise I would definitely resign."

"Psychologist is also an unpopular profession! Ana

Shen laughed loudly:

"That's too bad. You're already unpopular, but you've learned a criminal mind, and you're even more unpopular! Lu

Zhilian was startled:

"Do you even know this?"

Ana Shen smiled and shrugged.

Lu Zhilian quickly took the file and left. We can't stay in the Group C office, it's too scary!

He politely greeted the police officers one by one and said goodbye.

Abangqi said:

"This Sir Lu from the ICAC is very polite. Luo

Ji smiled:

"The ICAC is not well-liked by others. If he didn't behave politely, how unpopular would he be?"

"ICAC investigators are also human beings, and they also have ordinary social needs."

"However, Brother Yan is so powerful that he was able to find Austrian aid in the ICAC itself! Ana

Shen said softly:

"Everyone is mentally prepared. This case is too big for our family to bear."

Both of them laughed,

"we know!"

"We are not fighting alone!"


In fact, everyone knows that it is basically difficult for the police force to complete this task alone.

Unless some special methods are adopted to obtain their tangible evidence, it will be impossible to turn this case into a solid case.

At this time, only a fool would choose to fight alone.

Shen Yan explained:

"This case is too big for our family to bear."

"Only by apportioning it to various departments can this case be successfully solved."

He said bluntly,

"Can we solve the case on our own?"

"In my opinion, of course it can!"

"But this is inconsistent with our principles"

"Eating alone is always the most annoying thing."

Everyone nodded in unison.

This is a simple truth, that is, the simplest issue of trade-off, but many people don't understand it.

The word"choose-off" is easier to write than very difficult to do.

Everyone in Group C was not surprised at all by Shen Yan. Being able to do such a thing is just like Group C's own fund.

Logically speaking, Shen Yan doesn't need to do such a thing. He can make a fortune on his own.

However. He didn't. He just set up a special fund to let the members of Group C take advantage of it. It is true that they can handle a case like this, but when it will be solved is not possible for

Group C. It is a pure waste of police power to waste time and energy on this case. There are many serious cases in the West Kowloon Headquarters every month.

"Can’t the ICAC alone do it? Ana

Shen said in a deep voice:

"Of course you can't rely solely on the ICAC"

"The crime group headed by Sir Li and others covers politics, business, police, integrity and crime."

"If we fight alone, we will easily avoid being targeted by their off-board moves."

Chen Yongren was stunned:

"Off-board move?"

"for example? Ana

Shen said casually:

"Isn't this simple?"

"If our investigation is discovered, the ghost guys from the Political Department will put pressure on the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then suspend us and conduct an internal investigation on us.... "

Chen Yongren frowned and said:

"Is it useful? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Do you think that’s it?"

"The temporary suspension is just the first move, the combination punch is still to come."

"Someone from a group they control put hundreds of thousands or millions into our bank account."

"Then the ICAC received the report, and a few of us would be invited to the ICAC for tea."

"You have to explain the source of the money, right?"

"Then the suspension period was extended again."

Chen Yongren's face changed drastically:

"So poisonous!"

Ana Shen disagreed,

"Is this vicious? Still early!"

Chen Yongren's mouth opened wide:


Ana Shen disagreed,


"Their goal is to drive us away, not to allow us to continue our temporary investigation"

"To put it bluntly, it means we should leave our police positions."

"To put it bluntly, we must either resign or be convicted!"

Chen Yongren absolutely cannot accept it:

"Are we still going to be punished? Ana

Shen shrugged:

"What else?"

Luo Ji, Abang, and Yang Jinrong all looked heavy.

They were originally listening quietly to Shen Yan's lesson to Chen Yongren, but they didn't expect that they would become nervous after listening!

Chen Yongren asked:

"How can this be? Ana

Shen shrugged:

"They have such huge resources. Isn’t it easy to frame us?"

"Someone from the crime syndicate 'accidentally' revealed to the media that the case would soon be made public in Hong Kong"

"Qian Mu from the Security Bureau is the direct supervisor of our police station. He will put pressure on Brother Yi."

"At that time, Mr. Huang couldn't even protect us."

"We will be stripped of our police status and investigated"

"Then find a few"death warrior" tasks from the club and come to the Political Department of the police station or Su Jingwen of the ICAC to surrender."

"The script has been arranged for you, but you can't even explain it clearly!"

Chen Yongren was sweating profusely, and he shouted:

"How come you can't explain clearly?"

"This is obviously not our doing, why should we admit it?"

Ana Shen shrugged,

"The arrest, interrogation, prosecution, and trial were all done by their people, forming a perfect closed loop."

"Can you explain it clearly?"

"What law enforcement agencies focus on in solving crimes is evidence."

"The evidence they created for you is perfect, so how do you get it?"


Everyone gasped.

Chen Yongren's face turned pale:

"Isn't this a trick of surrender? Ana

Shen shook his head:

"No, this is an honest and fair accusation!"

"You still have the mouth to speak."


"Even if you really haven't committed a crime,���The evidence at the scene clearly shows that you have indeed committed a crime!"

He looked at Chen Yongren with a half-smile,

"Now, do you think our police force can handle such a case on its own?"

Chen Yongren shook his head crazily.

Ana Shen smiled and said:

"In fact, it is possible, but it requires a high level of confidentiality and strong execution. The fault tolerance rate is too low and it takes too long."

"I will not risk the honor of our West Kowloon General Administration and your lives."

Everyone looked at Ana Shen with eyes filled with admiration.

Abang suddenly said:

"Only now do I understand why Lu Zhilian only took away the files related to the ICAC and the outline of the case."

"I'm afraid he already knew that this case was difficult to investigate, right?"

Yang Jinrong pushed up his glasses and expressed his opinion,

"Brother Yan seemed to be talking about our group just now, but if you think about it carefully you can see,"

"Not just us, but any law enforcement unit, if they fight alone, they will encounter the terrible things that Brother Yan said."

"Lu Zhilian couldn't investigate such a thing himself, and the same was true within the Security Bureau.……"

"Only when several departments act at the same time can such a criminal group be wiped out in a short time!"

Chen Yongren was sweating profusely:

"Brother Yan, what about the club? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Let me tell you a good news"

"Our colleague Luo Zhiming is now the leader of Xinliansheng"

"Following my orders, he has already found a way to break into the Gold Club!"

Chen Yongren's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Ana Shen could do this!

Abang laughed:

"Sir Shen, I believe the day when we can make meritorious deeds is not far away!"

Everyone agrees!.

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