Chapter 93 Sir Li: I invite Mr. Luo Zhiming from the New Liansheng Group.

Luo Zhiming looked at Richard with a half-smile, making the latter panic.

"You don't want to see me at all, Xin Liansheng, okay?"

"Looks like I'm going to have to give you a hard time.".

Richard Khan has come down:

"Brother Luo, there’s a misunderstanding!"

Luo Zhiming didn't call him Qu, he waved his hand:

"Beat him up for disturbing the public market."

He Jiaju smiled ferociously and was about to step forward, but was scolded by Luo Zhiming:

"Are you from the security department? Are you going to step forward?"

"Do you think we are still in a club?"

"We are a company!"

"The company has its articles of association and you are my assistant. How can you do such a thing?"

"Let the security department come, they have the power to enforce the law."

Richard felt cold:

"Brother Luo, why don't you let people from the market management office come?"

He Jiaju sneered:

"Forgot to introduce you"

"The wharf under your feet recently changed its ownership. The current boss is our brother Luo!"


Richard gasped.

"Have you successfully bleached it?"

He Jiaju said again:

"Our brother Luo is also the chairman of the board of directors of Xiangjiang Electric Power."

Richard's ghost appears:

"Brother Luo, Mr. Luo, please spare me this time!"

However, Luo Zhiming didn't even look at him.

The people from the security department - actually the thugs from Glorious Hall, swarmed around him, raised the rubber roller, and beat him all over the face!

What a beating!

After a while, Richard was beaten De was beaten to the point of crying.

This group of people had been fighting all the time, and they knew exactly where to hit the human body the most.

They also had black hands, and they beat him for a full three minutes before Luo Zhiming shouted. Stop.

The captain in charge of the security department still said:

"Brother Luo, this guy only disrupted the market for three minutes. Isn’t it too little?"

The one who beat up was a ghost guy. This group of people felt so happy!

When have they ever beaten a ghost guy?

Everyone was still unsatisfied.

Luo Zhiming glared at them. The captain of the security department was startled and quickly bowed and retreated. Get out.

Richard was beaten black and blue, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth.

Luo Zhiming said coldly.

"I give you face, you have to catch it"

"Young and Dangerous people who hang out all know how to respond to other people's kindness."

"Do you think I'm easy to bully? Richard said in a hoarse voice:

"Brother Luo, I was really wrong."

He once again felt how terrible Luo Zhiming was, and he missed the days when he worked with Lin Yaochang or Tim.

At that time, he was a master of people.

Even Lin Yaochang, who he didn't deal with, despite his bad attitude, still cooperated very well. Happy.

Who would have thought that the newly appointed Luo Zhiming didn't care whether he was from the Fu country or not. He really wanted to kill him. If he had known this, why would he want to kill him? At least Ah Tian can still be alive. Cooperating with Ah Tian is billions of times better than working with Luo Zhiming! No! The relationship between the two cannot be considered cooperation at all.

"I am a reasonable person and I have considered your difficulties."

"I'll give you a month to prepare money"

"No matter what method you use, if you don’t pay back the money after one month"

"Then, I will send someone to the police station to ask for"

"By the way, I want to tell you that there is still a part of Xinlian Lease that has not been reorganized."

"You don’t have to give it a try!"


A stream of cold air went from Richard's head to his heels.

What a threat from Hong Guoguo.

Richard never thought that one day he would be so threatened.

Now, he felt it.

He felt it deeply, Luo Zhiming He really wanted to kill him.

Richard had no doubt that Luo Zhiming would do it if he had the chance.

Who told him to hire someone to kill him?

Richard didn't dare to speak and said:

"Don't worry, Brother Luo, I will definitely pay you back within a month.〃~ !"

Luo Zhiming turned to He Jiaju and said:

"Jiaju, write a punishment letter in the name of the port and let Richard take it back."

"In case it was difficult for him to explain why he was so honorable. Richard laughed dryly and said:

"Isn’t this unnecessary? Luo

Zhiming looked at him indifferently:

"I am not discussing this matter with you, but giving you an order."

Richard choked to death!

Who knew Luo Zhiming clapped his hands and said:

"The first thing a new official should do when he takes office is that I just couldn't find anything to establish his authority, and you came here."

He patted Richard's shoulder gently,

"Richard, thank you, you are a great guy!"


Richard was so shocked that he twisted his mouth and couldn't help but cry!

Huge grievance filled his heart.

What the hell is going on?

He is about to become famous at the port. ?

Have you become a prop to establish your reputation?

There is seafood everywhere in Hong Kong. How is the seafood in the outlying islands worse than in Yuen Long?

Is this an insult to others

? There was no way to express his dissatisfaction, he didn't dare!

His eyes were confused for a moment, and he didn't know what to do.

Luo Zhiming looked at him strangely.

"You don’t dare to go back quickly, what else do you want to do?"

Richard woke up from a dream, struggled to stand up, held the penalty notice in his hands, endured the pain and shame, and walked away without looking back.

He wanted to throw away the penalty notice.

But He knew that once he threw it away, the police force would definitely be notified.

It would be embarrassing, but at least his life would be saved.

Luo Zhiming turned to criticize He Jiaju.

"You are my assistant. When you think about problems in the future, you must look at them from the perspective of an assistant."

"You are not the leader of some club now, you are my assistant"

"You said that you, a civilian employee in an administrative position, would challenge someone to a duel?"

"Are you good at one-on-one combat?"

He Jiaju nodded repeatedly and asked curiously:

"Are all rich people so shameless?"

He was referring to the unprovoked frame-up of Richard.

Luo Zhiming looked at him angrily:

"What is this mess? We just use the rules reasonably"

"We know why we beat Richard, and he knows why we beat him."

"Richard didn't dare to resist, let alone tell everyone the real reason."

"This is why we can punish him for this seemingly absurd reason."

He Jiaju suddenly realized:

"I thought rich people were so shameless! Luo

Zhiming said speechlessly:

"Brother, you are considered a rich man now"

"How could you scold yourself like that?"

He Jiaju was speechless for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said:

"I must try my best to learn the ways of the upper class. Luo

Zhiming reminded:

"No need to follow their example"

"You just need to master their rules."

"For those of us who transcend classes, the most important thing is to learn their rules!"

He Jiaju nodded and accepted the instruction.


Richard came back with a bruised nose and face, startling the two ghost guys who were looking for him:

"Richard, what's wrong with you?"

"Do these yellow-skinned monkeys dare to attack the police?!"

Richard was frightened and he said sharply:

"Where do you think this is?"

"Don't use this word, or you'll be thrown into the sea!"

The man disagreed:

"We are corrupt people……"

Richard was furious:

"The last corrupt person who dared to say this openly was Commissioner Luo of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, directly under the Hong Kong Governor!"

"Where is he now?"

The man was silent.

Richard held back the pain and lectured:

"George, shut your mouth"

"You have to know that 90% of the people in the Gold Club are Chinese"

"If they know you are talking about this word, we will have to go to the sea to look for you!"

George shut up immediately, and for a while he said angrily:

"You are a senior superintendent. How dare people at this dock do this to you? Richard smiled bitterly and said:

"I owe someone money!"

George said suspiciously:

"When did you owe the money?"

Richard sighed:

"It’s not just me, it’s the people in our political department who owe it."

"The creditor is Luo Zhiming, who owes him 20 million yuan."

"Unfortunately, he bumped into his territory."

George opened his mouth wide:

"When did Xin Liansheng extend its influence here?"


"This is Yuen Long Port, and Xin Lian Sheng doesn’t dare to act recklessly here, right? Richard said dullly:

"Sun Lian Sheng was about to be bleached, and they took over the Yuen Long Pier."

"They beat me for disrupting order at the port."

"Go back quickly, this is a shame!"

George and McCann were shocked.

Several people started the car and walked out, still in shock:

"Xinliansheng, one of the top five forces in the world, actually wants to clean up?"

"Are you kidding me? Richard shook his head and said:

"Luo Zhiming told me personally, there was no need for him to lie to me!"

George disagreed;

"This is impossible to say. Richard glanced at him and said calmly:

"After all, Luo Zhiming is the leader of Xin Liansheng. This kind of person needs face."

"In their position, keeping their word is a basic requirement"

"Once they keep their word, their credibility is gone!"

"Do you know what this means?"

"No one in the world will do business with them"

"Although Xin Liansheng is powerful, if no one plays with them, they will directly decline."

"Let me tell you some news."

George and Mackenzie looked at him,

"Any other news?"

George curled his lips and said,

"I don't believe there is any more shocking news. Richard pointed to his face and asked unusually calmly:

"You said that I was beaten like this by Xin Liansheng. Did I ever think about coming back for revenge?"

George laughed ferociously:

"` 々Needless to say?"

"We will definitely come back with revenge."

However, Richard's words almost hit his chin,

"NO, I have not!"

"I'm not thinking about revenge at all!"

George was confused:

"how come?"

Richard sighed:

"You don’t understand, do you?"

"This is even more shocking news - not only is the port we just went to under the umbrella of New Liansheng,"

"Ho Ka Kui also told me that Luo Zhiming has become the chairman of Xiangjiang Water Company."

McKen's hand shook as he was driving, and the car almost ran off the road.

With great difficulty, he managed to steady the steering wheel, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

George cursed:

"McCann, if you want to die, don't get involved with us. He turned and asked Richard:

"Is this news true? Richard said gloomily:

"We are senior police superintendents. We can know some things with just a little investigation, right?"

George thought it right and quickly urged McCann to go back.

But he was extremely panicked.

Xin Liansheng is no longer difficult to deal with. If Richard's words are true, then Xin Liansheng will be completely impossible to deal with.

On the other hand, if they want to deal with them, they only need to follow the above words.

They are indeed from the Fu country, but this is Xiangjiang, and the main force is still Chinese. If this is true

, the rich people in China are the most important.

, then instead of causing trouble for Xin Liansheng in the future, they would have to worry about the latter causing trouble for them.

After all, the last thing to offend in Xiangjiang is the rich!

The three of them returned to the bureau with anxiety. They checked the companies associated with Luo Zhiming through friends at the Secretary of State.

After checking, they were all confused!

First of all, Luo Zhiming was the legal representative of the Xinliansheng Sports Association-that is, the association in Xiangjiang had always been a leader. In the name of a certain sports association,

Xin Liansheng was no exception.

Then they found out that he was also the chairman of the board of directors of Yuen Long Seafood Terminal.

In addition, there were two others. Luo Zhiming serves as a director of every large company.

George (Wang Zhaozhao) is completely unbelievable:

"Is this fake?"

"Who is Luo Zhiming?"

"Did he go to Xinliansheng to experience life before?"

"How does a gangster undergo a gorgeous transformation?"

"When did it become so easy to change class? Richard shouted:

"Shut up!"

George was so frightened that he quickly silenced.

Richard said fiercely:

"We made a mistake. Luo Zhiming is too talented. He is even better than Lin Yaochang and Ah Chiang."

"We should keep the explosive ones"

"Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing we can do now!"

George said worriedly:

"Richard, hurry up and think of a way to resolve the grudge between him and us."

"Otherwise, I would be afraid of being stared at by such a person!"

Richard pursed his lips:

"I'm scared too!"

McCann nodded crazily beside him.

This damn thing is no longer the Xinliansheng gangster that they could manipulate at will.

It is a ferocious beast that can eat people!

George came up with an idea:

"Richard, do you want to report it to Sir?"

Richard sighed:

"Do you dare not to report it?"

He thought for a while and hung up the phone:

"Dear Sir, there are big changes, I think you will be interested."

Sir Sir Li's old voice came over:

"Richard, is there any good news? Richard smiled bitterly and said:

"Sorry, this is not good news"

"The New Lens Lease I have been dealing with is bleaching, and, they have succeeded. Sir

Li was stunned:

"Xinliansheng bleached?"

Richard told the story, including the grievances between himself and Xin Liansheng. At the end, he said:

"The current Xin Liansheng is something I can’t afford to offend. Sir

Li smiled and said:

"This is good news, Richard. Could you please come and invite Mr. Luo?".

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