The 20th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was officially cancelled.

Zhang Hao stood up and said, "Everyone, I am announcing as the head of the Hong group!"

"From now on, all the territory of the Hong group!"

"No member of the Japanese group can appear!"

"If anyone secretly colluded with the Japanese, once discovered!"

"I, Zhang Hao, will definitely sweep his territory and pull down his flag!"

"Everyone, who agrees and who opposes?"

Hearing this, everyone agreed.

At this time, who has nothing better to do, stood up and sang the opposite tune.

More importantly, the matter of return mentioned by Zhang Hao just now.

Everyone present was moved.

After all, no one wants to be repaid later.

It's rare to have such a great opportunity, who would miss it!

Zhang Hao said, "Okay, since everyone agrees, let's adjourn!"

"Brother Piao, Uncle Dong, Lord Ma, stay for a while!"

The three looked at each other and nodded silently.

Obviously, Zhang Hao had something to tell them.

Seeing this, the other leaders of the clubs exchanged a few words and left the meeting room.

A moment later.

In the meeting room.

Wang Dong spoke first, "Ahao, do you have anything to talk about?"

Zhang Hao smiled and said, "Uncle Dong, don't let outsiders take advantage of you."

"I have some business here and need manpower."

"You three are all elders I trust."

"When there is good news, naturally think of your family first!"

Brother Piao laughed, "Hahaha, Ahao, Brother Piao loves you for a reason!"

Logically, Zhang Hao should call him uncle.

Whether it is from Tornado or Zhang Hao's parents.

However, it doesn't matter.

Zhang Hao chuckled and said, "Brother Piao has helped me a lot over the years."

"If there is a good thing, I can't forget you!"

Brother Piao asked curiously, "Ahao, what is the good thing?"

Zhang Hao pondered and said, "Brother Piao, there are some goods coming in from the mainland recently."

"I plan to let them go through your Hongle wharf."

"First, it is to cover up, and second, it is to help you make connections."

Brother Piao was stunned and asked, "It's natural to go through our wharf."

"But what kind of goods? The mainland won't touch powder, right?"

Based on his understanding of the other side, it is absolutely impossible to go through this thing.

But if it is something else, why should it go through his side.

Zhang Hao said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, it's not powder."

Brother Piao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He has been fighting too fiercely with the "He" character recently.

The British are keeping a close eye on it. If it is powder, it will be a bit troublesome.

Because, if the mainland wants to transport it, it will not be a small amount!


Zhang Hao said: "It's not powder, it's munitions!"


Brother Piao almost spit out the tea he just drank.

Good man, this is more deadly than powder!

Brother Piao coughed lightly: "Ahem, Ahao, stop making trouble, isn't it safer for you Hongxing's own docks?"

Zhang Hao shook his head slightly and said: "Now, I am fighting with He Shenghe."

"I have my eyes on his waterway dock."

"Similarly, my waterway dock is also being watched by his superiors."

"At this time, we will all ship goods from other people's docks."

"Recently, the Japanese have secretly transported a lot of stuff to He Shenghe."

"We can't be short of stuff here, otherwise we will suffer!"

"So, That’s why I kept you three here to discuss this matter. ”

“As for the benefits, of course, you will not be left out.”

“I will pay a fee based on the amount of each batch.”

Brother Piao patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry about this matter!”

“If you want to talk about other things, I will consider it. Fighting the Japanese is our duty!”

“Ah Hao, how much goods do you have? I will help you transport it!”

Zhang Hao smiled and said, “Thank you, Brother Piao, but according to the rules, you have to pay!”

Brother Piao did not refuse after hearing this. After all, no one has a grudge against money.

Wang Dong pondered and said, "Ah Hao, my Quanxing wharf is naturally fine."

"Besides, I won't accept your bribes."

"But you have to be careful when fighting the Japanese."

"Those bastards are very vicious!"

Zhang Hao nodded and said, "Uncle Dong, don't worry, I will be more careful."

At this moment, Malacca, who had not spoken, asked:

"Ah Hao, you and my daughter Qingxia..."

Zhang Hao didn't lie and said, "We were on the road today.

"We met by chance." After that, Zhang Hao told what happened just now. Brother Piao slammed the table and said, "Damn it, bullying orphans and widows is really embarrassing for us!" "That Wanlong Gang, I will send someone to destroy it in a while!" Zhang Hao chuckled and said, "Brother Piao, I have asked Jiu Wenlong to deal with it." Hearing Jiu Wenlong, Brother Piao nodded slightly. Recently, Jiu Wenlong has been very powerful! Of course, this is because Zhang Hao is backing him up. Since Zhang Hao has arranged Jiu Wenlong to take action. Then there is no need for him to do anything unnecessary. Wang Dong chuckled and said, "Ahao, you did the right thing in this matter!" "Although, young people nowadays don't talk about morality anymore." "But people still can't forget their roots and must abide by their hearts!" Malacca nodded slightly and said, "Brother Dong is right." "Hey, the world has changed now. ”

“It’s not like we were back then.”

“Nowadays, those who are out there don’t have any sense of the ways of the underworld.”

“Ah Hao, Uncle Ma is very happy with your actions!”

“Uncle Ma is also an experienced person. Uncle Ma will not interfere in your affairs with Qingxia.”

“But you must remember not to bully Fengxia!”

“I am Malacca, and I only have one child!”

“If you dare to bully her, I will risk my life and bring my horse gang to fight you to the end!”

On the side, Wang Dong said, “Old Ma, don’t worry.”

“Ah Hao, this child, I watched him grow up.”

“Let’s say, those who are out there have fun every night.”

“But look at Ahao, he is not that kind of person at all.”

“My Fengyi is almost spoiled by him!”

“Old Ma, just be my relative! ”

Malacca laughed when he heard this: “Haha, before, we two old guys were still worried about the children.”

“Now, the two sisters are following this stinky boy!”

Zhang Hao laughed innocently when he heard this: “Hehe, don’t worry, the two of you.”

“I, Zhang Hao, am known in the world as a wife-loving maniac!”

“Of course, I won’t let them suffer any grievances.”

“Ahem, today is a good day.”

“How about I treat the three elders to tea together?”

The three of them nodded silently and stood up.

After a while, Zhang Hao chatted with the three people in the teahouse.

It was mainly about the little devils, so they should be prepared in advance.

As time passed, the top floor of the Buguiren under the night.

Yao Wen took the three brothers of Ating and walked into the box.

“Ah Hao.”

“Brother Hao!”

Zhang Hao smiled and said: “Come on, come on, you don’t have to be restrained when you come to me. ”

“Tonight, it’s time to eat and drink.”

Yao Wen chuckled and said, “Ahao, I just happen to have something to tell you.”

“Axiang, take Ating and the others to the bar outside!”

Axiang nodded silently and took Ating downstairs.

In the box.

Zhang Hao threw a cigar and said, “Brother Yao Wen, you should have guessed why I’m looking for you, right?”

Yao Wen took a puff of the cigar and said, “I know, I can also come to help you.”

“But, I hope you can help me with something….”

Just as the two were talking.

In the bar next to Buguiren.

Ating and the other two fought fiercely...............

“Damn it, you dare to hit my Taizigang, don’t leave if you have the guts!”

Ating and the other two saw this and immediately ran to Buguiren.

At this moment, Jiang Zhangang was furious. He never thought that someone would dare to hit him!

“Ajie blew the whistle to shake people! ”

I flew back to Tianjin today, and will update later. Thank you for your support, I am so grateful!

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