I have to say that Tahoe’s idea is very bold.

At least before this, few people in the wild had dared to think this way. after?

That’s even more impossible!

Is it unexpected?

Of course not, it's just because it's too difficult for spiritual roots to transform. Instead of spending this energy to help spiritual roots transform, it's better to think about how to practice and how to improve your cultivation.

As for the spiritual root... erase the consciousness, keep it as a collection, and let it produce a few spiritual fruits every tens of thousands of years. Isn't it fragrant?

Why put effort into doing something thankless?

Coincidentally, Taihao thought so too.

Not only does he think it, he does it.

Even the momentum was released.

As for Fuso's transformation, who is in charge of the Sun Star... is it important?

It doesn't matter.

Harvesting an innate spiritual root is the most important thing.

But when he used his magical power to reach where Fusang was, he was a little surprised.

"Is this really innate spiritual root? Why does it look like an ordinary fire tree?"

According to Taihao's idea, not only does the innate spiritual root have the courage to suppress the heavens and the world, at least one branch and leaf can cover the universe, right?

But the spiritual root in front of him looks ordinary, just like a Ordinary fire spirit tree


Taihao has a weird expression, even wanting to laugh.

"Even if you want to hide your clumsiness and fear that I will erase your consciousness, you still have to look at your surroundings!"Taihao was speechless.

In order to show that he was ordinary, this hibiscus tree tried its best to suppress the divine fire. Not only did it look ordinary, it even went so far as to let the divine fire on the branches and leaves go out!

But where is this place?

The Sun Star!

The entire prehistoric world is the most dangerous. One of the places where even the cultivators at the peak of Da Luo cannot stay here unless they are like Di Jun and Tai Yi.

In this case, no matter how hard the fusang tree hides itself, it is all in vain. It was an incredible thing to have plants on the Sun Star, and just after Taihao said that to himself naturally, Fusang seemed to realize that his concealment was unsuccessful, and then quickly lit up the flames and surroundings. The environment is integrated.

The fire on the sun star is the true fire of the sun.

Isn't it more completely exposed?

Seeing this scene, Taihao couldn't help but feel a little funny. A weak consciousness came to Taihao. Along with this consciousness, there were also trembling branches and leaves of the hibiscus tree, and even the trunk of the tree could tremble?

"How afraid are you of me?"

Tahao shook his head helplessly, and then began to read the information from Fusang's consciousness.

But after reading it, Taihao was a little surprised

"Do you want to take me as your teacher?"

If Fusang could speak, you would definitely hear its extremely sincere affirmation at this moment.

But it doesn't matter even if you can't hear it, just look at Fusang's current posture.

It's hard to imagine that after a tree bent ninety degrees, it actually Can you still bend down and not fall down? Is this a bowing ceremony?

Is this the Great


"Okay, get up!"Tahao laughed and found it interesting.

But the hibiscus tree had no intention of getting up. Instead, it lowered even more completely, making people wonder if it was going to bend in half like this.

So cowardly... No, so sincere. Is that funny ? Taihao thought about it quietly, but accepting Fusang as his disciple seemed like a good choice.

"After Hongjun became a saint, including himself, there were seven saints in one sect! Since I am in the same era as him, I cannot be too weak to him as a disciple. However, even if I wanted to rob Sanqing and others, I am afraid that I would not be able to rob him... But if I find a disciple who is not weaker than the Six Saints, It's always possible!"

Fuso, or innate spiritual roots, is a good choice.

Because after the innate spiritual roots are transformed, their roots are extremely powerful. It is no exaggeration to say that if the innate spiritual roots can be transformed at the same time as the Sanqing, they will definitely be able to They are comparable!

Their roots are not much weaker than Taihao!

But it is precisely because it is too heaven-defying that it is extremely difficult to transform the innate spiritual roots. There is only one innate spiritual root, which is Yang Mei.

"Mastering the laws of space, the green willow transformed into a shape, which already existed in the chaos. Even Kaitian did not let it fall. The enlightenment may have been before Hongjun... This is also a great god!"

"I don’t know what his current level of cultivation is, but after all, he should be a quasi-sage, right?"

"If I accept Fusang as my disciple, even if I can't compare to Yang Mei, I shouldn't be too bad!"

While Taihao was thinking, the hibiscus tree still didn't rise.

Well, he was very thorough and extremely cowardly.

"If you don’t get up again, then I won’t want you as my disciple anymore!"

After coming back to his senses, Taihao said this.

The next moment, the hibiscus tree was in full bloom, thousands of leaves bloomed, and the sun's real fire was burning...

It stood up straight!

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