The fragments of the law were right in front of him, but Taihao was not in a hurry to comprehend them.

He was checking whether there were still any remaining souls in the time.

Shichen is the top Chaos Demon God. He has lived for countless calamities and possesses unimaginable means. Even if there is only a trace of his soul left, he can still spread"opportunities" to the outside world across the thirty-third heaven under the suppression of heaven.".

So we have to guard against it.

But if you think about it from another angle, maybe the thirty-third heaven is used to imprison it?

This shows how terrible time is.

But that is all in the past. After some careful investigation, Taihao can now confirm that Shi Chen is indeed dead, and even the last remaining soul has disappeared.

Annihilated by Taihao's ultimate magical power.

This magical power is none other than the magical power that opens the sky!

That is the supreme magical power he learned from the Kaitian Seal!

"The magical power of Kaitian is indeed domineering! Even the hour cannot hold it, even though it is just a wisp of its remnant soul! But it’s scary enough! It's just consumes a lot?"

The so-called consumption does not refer to blood or mana.

It refers to the spirit!

Taihao found that his spiritual thoughts at this moment had shrunk, and the extendable range had become narrower.

Although it was only temporary, hundreds of years It can be restored later, but it is enough to explain the problem.

"With the aura of awe-inspiringness, my energy, blood, and magic power are almost never exhausted...but my physical body and my soul have flaws after all!"

Tahao gradually understood

"The supreme magical power requires the unity of spirit, energy and spirit to be successfully used, especially the magical power of opening the sky!"

"But apart from my energy and blood, my soul and body are not perfect, let alone compared with the great god Pangu. Therefore, when I use my divine power, not only will I not be able to exert my true power, but the consumption will be magnified many times!"

Tai Hao knows very well that he has not exerted the true power of Kaitian Divine Power.

It is no exaggeration to say that it may not even be one in a billion.

Because so far only Pangu can display the true power.

Tai Hao Hao doesn't expect that much for the time being. He just wants to reduce consumption.

"So I have spirit, body, qi and blood, all three are balanced and complete? Doesn't that mean I need it?……"

"Nine-turn Xuan Gong and Nine-turn Yuan Gong?"

Nine-turn Xuan Gong is a method for cultivating the physical body.

Nine-turn Yuan Gong is a method for cultivating the soul.

Generally speaking, any one of these two methods, as long as it reaches the seventh turn, will have at least the strength of Daluo.

If it is When you reach the ninth level of cultivation, you can be comparable to Hunyuan! In fact, if you are not at the level of Da Luo, it is basically impossible to understand the seventh level, let alone the ninth level.

Only in this way can one understand the method.

But this does not mean that the two methods are not strong. On the contrary, these two methods are the top cultivation methods even in chaos. The reason is that they originally belong to Pangu!

These two methods can only be found in Pangu Zhengzong, that is, Sanqing and Zuwu.

"That's not right. My roots are higher than those of the Three Pure Ones, and even higher than those of the Ancestral Witches. Then why don't I have the Nine Transformations Xuan Gong and the Nine Transformations Yuan Gong?"

"Is the inheritance wrong, or is there something wrong somewhere?"

Tahao couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, but then he realized it.

"No problem, there is also Dharma in my inheritance! And it is no worse than the method of cultivating the physical body and the soul!"

"That is... my unique law of power!"

"The great god Pangu has three major methods, the physical body, the law and the soul. Logically speaking, the essence and spirit will be equally divided, but the awe-inspiring energy is difficult to transform, so only two major methods appear! No wonder the only thing missing is the law of force! This is what it turns out to be!"

Tahao felt balanced in his mind, but he immediately faced a new problem.

That is how to get Xuan Gong and Yuan Gong to achieve a perfect balance of energy, energy and spirit.

You must know that Sanqing and Zuwu have not yet been born.!

"Forget it, we’ll talk about it later, this opportunity is important right now!"

The so-called chance is the law of time.

This is the main purpose of Taihao coming to the thirty-third heaven.

In comparison, neither the spiritual roots nor the spiritual treasures of the thirty-three heavens are that important.

After all, the spirit The root is not an innate spiritual root. Even if the spiritual treasure is the best innate, it is difficult for Taihao to use it.

But this law fragment is different.

According to Taihao's perception, it contains not only one of the top ten laws. The law of time seems to have some insights from the time!

To a certain extent, the experience from the time is more precious than the law of time. What he lacks is the understanding of the top power.

Create a method of your own, open up the inner world, and take a road that has never been traveled before.

But this requires a lot of magical power as a reference, otherwise there may be gaps and it will not be perfect.

Therefore, he will not reject the rules. The same is true for comprehending supernatural powers.

With his understanding, there is no way he can't learn it.

It just takes a little more time, and Long Han's calamity is not over yet, so he has a lot of time to comprehend it, so there is no need to worry. It's a matter of time.

Then Taihao no longer hesitated and entered the state of cultivation.

He didn't want to understand the way of heaven, but the way of time!

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