This is the longest retreat in Taihao, lasting thirty Yuanhui!

At the same time, it was also the most rewarding time!

The first is the realm of cultivation.

Before the retreat, Taihao was a late-stage quasi-sage. Now that the retreat is over, he has reached the peak of the quasi-sage!

So of course, his fourth state of the Billions of River Sands Self-Contemplation Method has also been completed. Not a single particle of it is leaking out from his body, and all of them have been refined into a galaxy!

It's a galaxy, not a star!

There is only one word difference between the two, but they are vastly different, not to mention that there are hundreds of millions of particles that evolve into galaxies.

All the particles are refined into stars, which is the pinnacle of Da Luo.

The one who has been trained into a galaxy is the pinnacle of quasi-sage!

They cannot be compared or compared with each other.

The gap in strength between the two is even more unimaginable.

As long as Tai Hao is willing, with just a flick of his finger, Da Luo's peak body will be gone, and his body and soul will be destroyed!

This is not a matter of Da Luo not fighting back, but as long as Tai Hao takes action, Da Luo Jinxian will not have any chance.

That's not to mention leapfrog combat, it's impossible.

Of course, this is also related to Taihao's special situation. Although he is at the peak of quasi-sage, his strength is above the ordinary peak of quasi-sage!

For example, Luo Hu at the end of the Long Han Dynasty. Although he was also at the pinnacle of quasi-sage, if he were to fight with the current Taihao, he would be defeated in a short time. Even if all his magic weapons were there, even if Taihao stepped on Entering the Immortal Execution Formation is just a matter of holding on for a while longer.


This involves the second gain from the Thirty Yuan Retreat in Tahao.


When Taihao was blessed by the ancient luck, he had stepped into Hunyuan with one foot. He could almost get a glimpse of everything in that realm, whether it was the physical body, the soul, or the blood!

So if we talk about who has the deepest understanding of Hunyuan in today's prehistoric times, Hongjun may not be better than Taihao!

This is true even if Hongjun becomes the spokesperson of Heaven, has the help of Heaven, and has the temporary blessing of luck!

The understanding of Hunyuan is not only helpful for entering the realm of Hunyuan and breaking through the path of enlightenment, it is also very helpful for strength.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Taihao's strength at this moment should be half-step Hunyuan!

The power of Hunyuan, even if it is even slightly touched, can widen the gap with other realms. Because of this, even if Luo Human is resurrected, he cannot be Taihao's opponent!

"In terms of realm, Hongjun should be a little faster than me now. After all, his realm was higher than mine originally, and he got his wish and became the spokesperson of Heaven's Way.……"

"But my strength and his strength should be almost the same!"

"When it comes to magical powers, no matter how many blessings he receives from Heaven, he cannot surpass me! Because no matter what, I will use my magical powers to cover up everything!"

"In terms of rules, not only did I not lose, I could even be said to be far better! Because I have one supreme and two top!"

"When it comes to spiritual treasures, I am no weaker than him! Especially the level of innate treasure!"

Prehistoric strength relies not only on realm cultivation, but also on magical powers, laws and spiritual treasures.

Taihao is only one step behind Hongjun in realm. In other aspects, it is tied at worst, and the laws can even be said to be far superior!

More importantly What's more, Taihao was lucky enough to understand the Great Dao!

He was able to glimpse the truth of chaos, calamity, and Dao struggle. His state of mind and vision were not comparable to Hongjun's. Hao and Hongjun are now about the same strength, which is not an exaggeration.

"But his realm will definitely grow faster than mine. After all, he has the blessing of heaven."

"Although as long as he doesn't really step into Hunyuan, I can still be on par with him, but as long as he takes that step and becomes enlightened, I won't be able to compete with him.……"

Taihao's heart is like a clear mirror, and he can see clearly.

He is confident that he can equal the current Hongjun, but he is not so arrogant that he would use his quasi-sage level to fight Hunyuan.

That gap is bigger than from Da Luo to Quasi Saint!

"If there is no conflict with Hongjun, Hunyuan is not so urgent……"

"Although Hongjun still owes me karma, and many karma, who can say what will happen in the future?"

"You can't put your wealth and life on others not turning their backs on you! It’s better to take control yourself!"

In an instant, Taihao figured it all out.

And he also had a sense of urgency to achieve enlightenment.

Not to mention surpassing Hongjun, if he achieves enlightenment before him, at least it cannot be too late!

If he waits until the end of the third lecture of Zixiao Palace , the Hongmeng Purple Qi is in the hands of Sanqing and others, and he has not yet attained Hunyuan, let alone waiting until the Sanqings have attained it.

"Although it will take some time for me to achieve enlightenment and I miss the chance, no matter what, it will never be late!"

Taihao couldn't help but laugh.

Because if the Three Pure Ones have become saints, his"named disciple" Nuwa must also have become a saint, or have achieved enlightenment.

If he, the master, has not yet achieved enlightenment, wouldn't it be Even worse than a disciple?

Therefore, this situation must not happen!

Besides, Taihao has already found a way to achieve Hunyuan.

In terms of technique, he can break through to the fifth realm. That's a vast world.


's just that I don't have enough understanding now, so I can't try it yet.

However, Taihao believes that it won't take long before the time is right.

"In this case, there is no point in retreating anymore. It is better to see how the prehistoric world has changed after thirty Yuanhui."

Thinking about it, Taihao did some calculations.

Calculate Sun Star first, then Buzhou Mountain.

Calculate whether his two apprentices transformed and whether there were any accidents.

The result was naturally calm, without ups and downs.

Whether it was Fusang , or Nuwa transformed smoothly, and did not encounter any trouble.

This is normal. After all, with their cultivation, it is good not to find trouble with others. If there is still trouble, dare to find them

? The disciples had all transformed, and Taihao was not in a hurry to see them.

Firstly, as a master, he shouldn't have done so, at least not until there was no problem.


"I now have spiritual treasures, laws, magical powers, everything, but there seems to be one indispensable thing missing!"


The dojo!

Thinking of this, Taihao started to deduce again.

Then the next moment, he was so blessed that he calculated the place where he should go most at this time.



Because not only can he find the dojo there, but he can also find it. Fragments of the jade disc of creation!

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