Generally speaking, Daluo Jinxian's magical power can easily cover hundreds of millions of miles of time and space.

If it is supplemented by spiritual treasures or even treasures, its power will be even more exaggerated.

The space-time with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles is extremely broad, and some small worlds may only be this size.

So to a certain extent, the Great Luo Jinxian of Xiaoqian World can be destroyed by raising his hand.

But to the prehistoric world, whether it is a thousand small worlds or hundreds of millions of miles of time and space, it is nothing.

It can even be said that it is not even a drop in the ocean.

Only the size of the Zhongqian World can clearly feel its existence in the prehistoric era. For example, the thirty-third heaven, or the fairy island world where Taihao is now.

And I want to have the same effect in the middle thousand world as in the small thousand world.

That is enough destructive power to annihilate an entire world.

The strength of Daluo Jinxian is no longer enough, only a quasi-sage can do it.

And it cannot be in the early stage of quasi-sage, it must be in the realm of quasi-sage and have a certain accumulation.

As for the Great Thousand World... that is a realm that only Hunyuan can reach.

At this moment, on the prehistoric land, two forces spread half of the prehistoric pressure. Their respective masters have stepped into the threshold of enlightenment with one foot, and they are half-steps of Hunyuan!

Although the Great Desolate World is far larger than the vast world, neither Taihao nor Yang Mei intends to annihilate the Great Desolate World.

If you can't do it, don't say it, and you won't do it.

The reason why they let their momentum spread so far was not to show off their strength in front of all sentient beings and shock them.

They did this just to test and want to have a fight across infinite distances of time and space.

After the temptation is over, the next step is to unleash the magical power that has been brewing for a long time!

Considering that Yang Mei's Space Law may have been perfected, and Taihao's inner calculation, Taihao used his own magical power to create something out of nothing!

This is the supreme magical power that can only be realized by combining the two top laws of cause and effect and time.

Even if he is not as good as Kaitian Divine Power, Taihao is confident that he will not be weaker than Yang Mei!

Even if he has really realized the perfection of the laws of space!

The reality is pretty much what Taihao expected.

Although the perfect law is more than a little bit stronger than the later law, the magical power realized by relying on the two top laws is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Therefore, when two magical powers collided, it was extremely rare that they were evenly matched!

Yang Mei's spatial magical power is astonishingly powerful.

It can condense the realms of the heavens and countless spaces, and then form a huge pressure, and then wrap, crush, cut, and tighten the opponent... To a certain extent, it is the same as the big one who appeared after the calamity. Millstones have different approaches but the same purpose.

This shows how amazing this magical power is.

It can be said that if this magical power were to hit a certain middle-thousand world, that middle-thousand world would not be as stable as the thirty-third heaven.

Then this world will definitely shrink smaller and smaller under the magical power until it becomes nothingness!

But at this moment, it clearly met its opponent.

Taihao's magical power is not weak at all. The cause and effect and time that come out of nothing are constantly killing the pressure of space.

And every time there is a place that cannot be resisted, a magical power from the past will be automatically transformed to make up for the shortcomings.

In such a short period of time, not only the magical powers of the ancestors of the three innate clans appeared, but also the demon ancestor Rahu!

As a result, the two magical powers were in a stalemate!

The destructive power caused was enough to cover the star field above the ancient land in a short period of time, and even the sun and lunar stars were dimmed.

That’s why it is said that the stars and rivers lose their color and the sun and the moon have no light!

"Immortal Yang Mei is indeed extraordinary!"

After the magical power fell, Taihao couldn't help but sigh

"But I’m not bad either! This battle can be considered a draw."

At this time, not only Taihao thought so, but Yang Mei also thought so.

At this moment, he was even more surprised than when he found out that Taihao had deduced him.

Not only because of Taihao's realm, but also because of Taihao's magical power of law.

"There is both cause and effect and time. This fellow Taoist’s understanding is really terrifying!"

"Not only can he comprehend two top-level laws, but he can even use them in a magical power!"

"If it weren't for the deeper understanding of the Law of Laochan, I'm afraid it wouldn't end in a draw this time, but in a big defeat!"


Just when Taihao and Yang Mei were sighing together, a vision suddenly appeared in the world.

Then a voice of dissuasion sounded, spreading throughout the world!

"Fellow Taoists, please stop!"

"It seems like just yesterday that the Long Han Tribulation ended. The ancient world has not yet fully recovered its vitality, but it cannot withstand the devastation of these two Taoist friends."

"If you two fellow Taoists are interested, why not go to Huan Chaos and talk about it?"

The third great power!

In addition to the two people who just took action, there is actually a great power of this level in the world!

For a moment, the whole world exploded again.

This great power is none other than dozens of yuan. Hongjun hadn't come out yet!

After hearing Hongjun's voice, Taihao frowned slightly.

Although he had guessed that he would come out to dissuade him, Taihao didn't expect that Hongjun would be so high-profile and not notify him and others separately. Yang Mei, let her voice spread throughout the whole world!

"What does Master Hongjun want to do? So high-profile?"

"Logically speaking, he doesn't have to do this at all"

"Whether it's to dissuade Yang Mei and I, or invite us to go to Chaos, just send the message directly! How can flowers be so powerful?"

Suddenly, Taihao seemed to understand.

The expression on his face also became weird.

The next moment, Taihao's magic power condensed into a Taoist sound, which also spread throughout the world.

"Since Taoist friend Hongjun invited me, I should go to Taihao!"

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