Xuantian nodded with satisfaction and said, “In the future, the seat will be like this, and it must not be changed.” ”

Then Xuantian began to preach.

Xuan Tian is a spokesperson for humanity.

Hongjun has the blessing of the Heavenly Dao, and there is also a creation jade butterfly to assist in the sermon.

Xuantian also has humanitarian support and the support of the Three Thousand Avenue Map and the humane purple butterfly.

Therefore, the effect of preaching is much better than that of Hongjun.

During the preaching of the two Daoists and the Daoist ancestors, Honghuang was surprisingly calm.

As the main figure of the dispute, the leaders of the demon clan all went to listen.

It is impossible for the Wu Clan to fight with itself.

So he began to return to the Pangu Hall to cultivate.

The first time he preached, Hongjun and Xuantian both preached the Taoism below Da Luo Jinxian.

Although everyone is the peak of the Daluo Jinxian.

But Hongjun and Xuantian’s cultivation is not something they can compare.

The exercises are not comparable to them.

In particular, Xuantian cultivated the “Hongmeng Creation Technique” which was mixed with formation, Dan Dao, Instrument Dao, Medicine Dao, Fu Dao, and so on.

Three thousand avenues and eight hundred side gates, Xuantian has talked about.

This opened a door to a new world for the monks below who listened to the sermons.

It turned out that they all practiced their own.

I didn’t know that there were so many cultivation contents in it.

Many people choose their favorite side door to study.

For example, Tongtian learned the formation.

Styx learned the blood path.

Zhen Yuanzi learned alchemy.

Nuwa learned the Fu Dao.

Fuxi learned Tai Chi gossip, and so on.

Everyone is grateful that Daozun has taught himself so much.

At the same time, I am glad that I was able to come to the East China Sea to listen to the Tao instead of going to the Zixiao Palace.

At this moment, the system’s prompt sounded.

Xuantian never expected that the system would have a choice when preaching.

[According to the fact that there is no Yuan God in Houtu and cannot understand the host’s preaching, the following options are now available.] 】

1. Regardless of the backsoil, continue to preach. Reward the ultimate innate spirit root peach tree.

2. Explain the physical body cultivation exercises to Hou Tu and reward Pangu Yuan Shen.

3, explain the law cultivation to Hou Tu, and reward the Pangu cultivation exercise “Mixed Yuan Tiangong”.

Note: Multiple selections can be made this time.

Xuantian carefully looked at the choice, this is completely a reward prepared for the back soil.

It’s useless to get it yourself.

However, for the respect of Houtu, Xuantian is still ready to help Houtu.

The first one is definitely not chosen, and if you don’t help Houtu, you can’t pass your own level.

He also rewarded the Peach Tree, which Xuantian remembered was Hongjun’s spiritual root, and later Hongjun was rewarded to Yaochi.

Become the spiritual root of luck to suppress the Heavenly Court.

If he gets the peach tree, Hongjun will really have to fight with himself.

Although Xuantian is not afraid, it is better not to have any problems during the sermon now.

The second option is to reward Pangu Yuan God, which is of no use to Pangu Yuan God Xuantian himself, this is for Hou Tu.

Now Xuantian himself could no longer refine Pangu Yuan Shen.

What suits you is the best, now that Xuantian has the most powerful physique in Honghuang, he will definitely not sacrifice his capital to the end.

As for the last option, it turned out to be the reward “Mixed Yuan Heavenly Skill”, which is the cultivation method of Pangu, the first person in Chaos.

If Xuantian didn’t have the “Hongmeng Creation Technique”, he would definitely be very excited to practice Pangu’s exercises at the first time.

But with the “Hongmeng Creation Technique”, Xuantian will no longer practice “Mixed Yuan Tiangong”.

Because he had practiced the Hongmeng Creation Technique, Xuantian knew that this exercise was far from as simple as he imagined.

It is more powerful than Pangu’s “Mixed Yuan Tiangong”.

It is impossible for Xuantian to let go of powerful exercises and cultivate poorly.

However, “Mixed Yuan Tiangong” is still very suitable for Wu Clan cultivation.

The Wu clan has not inherited the complete Pangu Gong, and the “Nine Turns Xuan Gong” they cultivate is only sorted out according to the inheritance of the 12 ancestral witches.

Nine revolutions can be sanctified, but whether nine revolutions can be sanctified is still a question mark.

Because the Wu Clan itself does not know whether they can cultivate to the ninth revolution.

And “Mixed Yuan Tiangong” and Xuantian Cultivation’s “Hongmeng Creation Technique” are also divided into nine revolutions.

But this nine turns can become the realm of the avenue.

It is not at all comparable to the exercises of the Wu Clan.

So after weighing it, Xuantian directly chose the second and third options.

Although the ultimate innate spiritual root is good, Xuantian can’t pass his own level.

[Congratulations to the host for making the right choice and the reward is distributed in advance.] 】

After a while, Xuan Tian’s mind appeared about the exercises of “Mixed Yuan Tiangong”.

There is also a Pangu Genshin in the system warehouse.

Now Hou Tu is very upset, because others are listening carefully.

And because he didn’t have a yuan god, he couldn’t understand what Xuantian said at all.

“Is the Wu Clan doomed to be abandoned?” Houtu was very unwilling.

At this time, suddenly the Xuantian sermon above suddenly stopped.

The power below was dumbfounded, and everyone’s obsession suddenly stopped.

But everyone didn’t dare to question Daozun, but wondered why Daozun stopped?

Hou Tu was also puzzled as to why Xuantian stopped here, but he saw Xuantian’s gaze looking at him.

I don’t know why I feel flustered.

Xuantian did not speak, but directly hit the Pangu Yuan God in the system warehouse into Hou Tu’s mind.

“This is Pangu Genshin?” Tongtian was taken aback.

As a Pangu Yuan deity, he is particularly sensitive to Pangu Yuan God.

He never expected that Xuantian Daozun still had a Pangu Yuan God without spiritual wisdom in his hands.

And it was directly rewarded to the backland without the Yuan God.

The back soil is constantly absorbing the Pangu Yuan God.

Now the back soil is a small Pangu.

The back soil has the Pangu Yuan God, and at the same time it is also the Pangu essence blood form.

Such a back soil made Tongtian a little jealous.

Now the back soil can be called the most authentic Pangu authenticity.

Now everyone understood why Daozun suddenly stopped.

It turned out that it was because Daozun found that there was no Yuan God in Houtu who could not understand the sermon.

At the same time, everyone respected Xuantian even more.

PS: Thank you for sending flowers, the comment area is too quiet, let me post a little panicked, even if you scold me for writing rotten, let me know that someone is watching.

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