If such a treasure is known by the great powers of the prehistoric world, they will definitely come to snatch it!

Ye Chen knew that such a treasure must not be shown to others easily, and this innate top-grade spiritual treasure has thirty-six innate restrictions.

With his current realm, he may not be able to refine all of them, and it is estimated that he cannot release the full power of this treasure.

But even if he can only exert one tenth or one twelfth of the power of this treasure, he is confident that he can defeat the masters of the earthly realm with his own strength.

This is the terrifying thing about the innate top-grade spiritual treasure.

Even in this period of witch and demon calamity, the great powers of the heavens may not have such a treasure to protect themselves.

"It must be refined as soon as possible!"

Ye Chen rubbed his hands excitedly. At this moment, he wished he could refine the twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls immediately. This treasure has its own space inside. After refining, he can sneak into it to practice at any time. It has its own paradise, which is exactly what he needs now!

"Husband……"Ye Chen got up and left excitedly. Perhaps because of the noise, Yue Er woke up. There was still a trace of blush on her face.

"Yue'er, are you awake?"Ye Chen heard this and suppressed his excitement. He looked at Yue'er with concern and rubbed her black hair. Yue'er got the first pregnancy gift pack, so Ye Chen liked her more and more.

Feeling Ye Chen's joy, Yue'er also showed a happy smile. However, for several days, her husband had been tirelessly nourishing her with spiritual fluid. She felt a little overwhelmed. On the contrary, Ye Chen was more powerful than the demon beast barbarian bull. She hesitated and said,"Husband, I have something to discuss with you. I wonder if you agree."

At this moment, Ye Chen was very happy and said,"Yue'er, if you have anything to say, I will do it for you. I will definitely satisfy you."

Yue'er glanced outside the door and said,"Husband, Yue'er's body is really overwhelmed. I want Qingxi and Qingyun, my two sisters, to serve you together. They grew up with me and are as close as sisters. What do you think?"

What, there is such a good thing?

To be honest, Ye Chen had this idea in mind.

Yue'er had never been pregnant before, so he naturally worked hard, hoping that Yue'er would get pregnant soon.

Now that Yue'er is pregnant, she will soon enter the waiting period, and this waiting period will be a year.

You must not be idle during this period, because these two women are excellent in appearance.

If you win them over, you will be able to greatly increase the gift package rewards.

Now that Yue'er took the initiative to mention this matter, Ye Chen felt that it was not impossible. It can only be said that women in the prehistoric times were sensible.

And men in this era, let alone marrying ten, as long as you have the ability, no one will say anything even if you marry a hundred.

Ye Chen:"Yue'er, you arrange this matter, indeed you should rest for a while."

Hearing that Ye Chen agreed, Yue'er showed a happy expression. These days, Qingxi and Qingyun have been taking care of her. They are like sisters. On the first day, Ye Chen's physique was too strong and he couldn't get out of bed at all. That day, she wanted to share the pressure with her two sisters.

So she said happily:"Okay, I'll tell the two sisters later."

Ye Chen was itching to refine the twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls.

So he said,"Yue'er, I feel something in my heart and need to practice. You should take a good rest recently."

"Husband, go and do what you have to do."Yue'er said very virtuously.

A true good wife and mother. When Yue'er recovers, he must compensate him well.

Leaving a kiss on Yue'er's forehead.

Ye Chen got up and left. When he came to the door, he saw the two maids waiting respectfully outside.

The two women have their own characteristics.

Qingxi is the elder sister, with a quiet temperament and a sweet and lovely appearance.

The younger sister Qingyun is wild, lively and active.

She probably loves to play.

One of her long legs is full of wheat color.

The whole person is like a little wild leopard.

The two women are the most beautiful women in the tribe.

They are naturally tall and have wavy hips.

Ye Chen is also very satisfied.

As for the two ladies, the elders fainted and fixed their grandchildren.

Ye Chen actually knew about the matter of the two girls, but this was normal.

In this primitive society where one wants to gain great power, marriage is the simplest and most effective measure.

So when he left, he left them with a meaningful smile and left.

The two girls were puzzled.

Then they heard Sister Yue'er in the room calling them in.

The two girls walked in with doubts.

At this moment, they saw Sister Yue'er blushing. Yue'er's legs were weak at the moment, but she still forced herself to ask the two girls to sit down:"Two sisters, I have already told my husband that I want you to serve my husband with me. What do you think?"


The two women who just sat down were stunned for a moment.

Their faces were immediately flushed.

But they couldn't hide their joy.

After all, Ye Chen was the strongest man in the tribe.

He was handsome and extraordinary. As a woman, it was impossible to ignore his charm.

Qingxi was quiet and shy, and said:"Sister, has the Lord agreed?"

Sister Qingyun also pricked up her ears. In fact, Yue'er had already revealed the signs of this matter.

They were smart and naturally knew that there would be such a day.

But they didn't think it would be so soon.

Yue'er smiled and said:"My husband has agreed."

The two sisters bowed their heads shyly when they heard it.

No wonder Ye Chen showed a meaningful smile when he went out just now.

He was still looking at them, and it seemed that he already knew about this.

But the two sisters were also confident, although their temperament and appearance were slightly inferior to sister Yue'er.

But in terms of figure, they were not much worse, and each had a proud and straight figure.

Sister Qingyun was even more plump and broad than Yue'er

"In this case, everything will be decided by my sister." Qingfeng and Qingyun looked at each other and spoke at the same time.

Yue'er smiled and nodded and said,"Okay, then it's settled. When your husband has finished his training, I will let them marry you officially. From now on, we will still call each other sisters."


At this moment, a temporary tribe thousands of miles away was like a sea of blood and corpses, like hell.

The human race of this small tribe was exterminated.

And Shan Yue, whose arm was broken, was kneeling in front of a witch leader.

This witch looked down on this despicable human race.

It was equally shameful for the witch clan that the human race betrayed their own tribe.

But this kind of thing has happened before.

The witch clan is one of the masters of this world.

Except for the demon clan, when have they ever taken the weak human race seriously?

In their view, human women are just the wombs that give birth to the great witch clan.

They use human women to give birth to offspring for their witch clan.

And there are also human bloodlines in their tribe.

It's just that they were defeated miserably in a witch clan tribal battle, and ended up here by chance.

Now is the time to strengthen the offspring, and wait until the tribe becomes strong one day to fight back and take back the blessed land that should belong to them.

As for the poor land of the human race, they just don't look down on it.

"Boy, tell me." The Wu clan leader looked down on the ants, because traitors were not welcome anywhere.

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