Ye Chen established his authority.

He wanted to let these people know the gap between them.

He didn't want to be too hostile to the Wu Clan. After all, the Wu Clan had a strong background.

The ten great ancestors of the Wu Clan were all at the quasi-saint level. Now he was not at the level of the ancestors of the Wu Clan.

"What a human being, how dare you leave your clan behind!"

Gu Yang did not attack, as this punch hurt his very foundation.

If he did not avenge such a great hatred, he would not be a witch.

But he was sure that he could not beat this human. But if he just left like this, he would be laughed at by others and looked down upon by the demon clan.

It was like some people who could not win a fight and made harsh remarks.

Ye Chen said contemptuously:"I don't have any clan behind me, if you don't want to die, get out of here now."

"You!" Gu Yang was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He pointed at Ye Chen angrily, but did not refute at all. He shouted angrily:"Okay, okay, you bully my Wu clan, you are cutting off your own path. I, Gu Yang, will definitely……"

"You are talking too much nonsense."Ye Chen immediately raised his fist and was about to punch. Gu Yang was so frightened that his eyelids twitched wildly. He turned around and fled through the void.

Gu Yang?

Remember this person's name.

If he doesn't open his eyes, he will take his life next time.

Gu Yang ran away, and some of the powerful cultivators who were watching did not want to be involved in the cause and effect of the Wu clan. Most of them fled away. Everyone knew that the Wu clan would take revenge for any slight, so they didn't want to let innocent people suffer. They were just here to watch the fun, to see the people who were going through the tribulation, and to see if they could get some opportunities.

Now that they saw that such a strong and ruthless person had appeared in this world, they couldn't help but feel a little scared.

They were afraid that the other party would... Attack them.

However, a few people still stayed.

Ye Chen looked and saw a middle-aged man in a black Taoist robe. He was intimidating without being angry, and his demonic aura was overwhelming.

There was also an extremely beautiful woman. This woman was so charming that the world was eclipsed wherever she stood, and her seductive eyes were so charming that they could capture the soul. Her figure was too cheating, with a wasp waist and a fat buttocks, and bold clothes. Only a wisp of flowing cloud-like gauze skirt showed the unfathomable depth of her chest.

Under the long skirt dancing in the wind was a pair of flawless long legs that were so attractive. The most important thing was that her charming temperament was too attractive to men, and any man who saw her would be excited.


Ye Chen's mind was attracted, but he quickly cut it off. He glared at the beautiful woman, which earned a roll of the woman's eyes.

As for the last one, it was an old man in a yellow robe. He had white hair and a youthful face, and an ethereal appearance.

He clasped his fists to Ye Chen and showed his kindness.

"Fellow Daoist, I am Lingjizi. I am practicing in Yanxia Mountain thousands of miles away from here. Fellow Daoist has such magical powers just after breaking through the Golden Immortal Realm. I am ashamed. I stay here to borrow a good relationship with you. I will visit you another day."

A divine consciousness came.

This old man is in the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm.

But he is protected by a body of precious light, and it seems that his cultivation is not shallow.

Since he took the initiative to make friends, Ye Chen would not refuse.

He knows too little about the situation in this prehistoric land.

This person is neither a witch nor a monster. He is not of human descent.

It seems that there is another opportunity to become a Taoist. Ye Chen thought about talking to him next time.

It is not okay to work in isolation, so he responded with kindness:"Fellow Daoist Lingjizi, you are polite."

Lingjizi nodded, raised his hand to break through the void and escaped.

He left behind the two black tiger kings and the woman.

Ye Chen looked over.

He said:"What's the matter, fellow Daoists?"

The black tiger king smiled embarrassedly.

It was indeed the initiative to clasp his fists.

"Congratulations on achieving the Golden Immortal status. I have no ill will towards you. As for the Taoist temple with a million miles of territory you mentioned, it is meaningless to me. I will also restrict my subordinates from setting foot in this area."

This person has a strong demonic aura. Ye Chen knows that this person is a powerful demon.

But he doesn't have a good impression of the demons.

The human race suffers the most at the mouths of demon beasts.

In terms of harm, it is no less than that of the witches.

But the other party's attitude is acceptable.

Ye Chen:"Yeah."

The Black Tiger King forced a smile.

If it were an ordinary human, he would regard him as an ant.

But Ye Chen is different. He is a real and valuable Golden Immortal.

If he can be recruited, it will be of great benefit to his competition for the master of the demon country.

"I just heard from you that you have no sect, is that true?"

Ye Chen's face darkened:"Why, do you care whether I have a sect or not?""The

Black Tiger King waved his hand and said:"You misunderstood, I am the demon king of this land.

Today, the Heavenly Court is just established.

I obey the order of the Demon Emperor and build the Demon Kingdom.

No matter what kind of creature, as long as they are willing to serve the demon clan, they will be protected by the demon clan.

You have great magical powers.

If you enter the Demon Court, you will have a bright future.

At that time, let alone a million miles of territory, you can also control tens of millions of miles of territory and enjoy supreme resources and a blessed land.


Establishing a demon kingdom, what a guy.

Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun is really ambitious. Not only did he establish the Heavenly Court, he also wanted to establish a demon kingdom in the prehistoric world to rule over all races.

It would be strange if the witch clan agreed, no wonder the witch clan couldn't stand it and started a war.

However, if Di Jun succeeds in this way, then the prehistoric world will really be the world of the demon clan.

If the demon clan really lets the demon clan command all races, the strength of the witch clan will surely be weakened.

The outcome of the war between wizards and demons is hard to say.

But for Ye Chen, he is determined not to lie down in this muddy water.

Sooner or later, wizards and demons will all end, and the human race is the future.

He can't lose sight of the important things and wait for them to fight half to death, wouldn't it be nice to win by lying down?

So he said:"I am a free and easy person. I don't like being bound. I just want to practice well and prove my truth as soon as possible. I am not interested in joining the demon court."

Hearing Ye Chen's refusal, the Black Tiger King was not annoyed.

He knew that this matter was not decided in a moment.

The other party had his own confidence.

But it didn't matter. He observed that Ye Chen was wearing revealing clothes and was like a weak human. He must not have felt the resources and power. After he enjoyed the peak of power that controlled billions of lives, he might be tempted.

"Haha… I am being rude. You don’t need to respond to this. Joining the Demon Kingdom will only make your cultivation path smoother. Since you have made a breakthrough, I have some gifts for you. Please accept them."The

Black Tiger King took out a jade bottle and a jade box and handed them to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at the Black Tiger King’s gift and raised his eyebrows.

As the saying goes, you should not hit a smiling person, and the Demon King has great power.

It seems that offending him is not a good thing.

"Daoist friend, you don't have to worry about Gu Yang of the Wu Clan.

There is a late Yuan Wu patriarch in his clan, but my Black Tiger lineage has a Taiyi Jinxian-level great man who holds an important position in the Heavenly Court.

As long as Daoist friend joins the demon clan, there is no need to worry about the threat of the Wu Clan.

When the demon clan is unified in the future, won't Daoist friend be able to kill them?"When the Black Tiger King saw that Ye Chen did not accept the gift, he hurriedly sent a message to explain.

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