The next day, seeing that Ito Kisaku had not arrived half an hour after the working hours, Suehiro Enka frowned slightly.

She wanted to go out with him to expand the business and expand other things along the way, so why didn't he come yet?

"This uncle, wouldn't it be..."

Thinking of the way the other party looked at Kashiwagi Ayano yesterday, Suehiro Enka felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart.

At this moment, a girl in a light yellow long skirt, with three thousand green hair draped behind her head and a pair of gold-rimmed round glasses on her nose, came in slowly.

Seeing the other party, the male employees in the sales department all showed a bit of fiery eyes.

Such a beauty, if you can marry her home, you must let her... Thinking about it, they subconsciously bent down to avoid showing their ugliness.

Seeing this, Suehiro Enka's eyes flashed with a group of strong disdain. A group of losers who have evil intentions but no evil courage, who only know how to YY, how can they compare with their uncle?

Surrounding in a circle, the next moment the girl successfully found her target, with a faint smile on her lips:"Uncle!"

This���The sound was like the singing of a nightingale, and everyone couldn't help but feel lighter.

Himeno Takuya, who was busy, raised his head when he heard the familiar voice.

Seeing the girl, his face was filled with joy:"Aoi, you are here!"

Then, he looked at Suehiro Madoka not far away:"Madoka, where is your cousin? I will introduce a friend to him."

Upon hearing this, Suehiro Madoka instantly understood what the other party wanted to do, and a hint of gloom flashed in his eyes.

The girl is not inferior to her in terms of figure or appearance.

The most important thing is that at this time, her eyebrows are still there and her legs are tightly closed, which shows that she is still a virgin.

Never underestimate a man's obsession with the first time.

If the two of them really meet, wouldn't he be......

Thinking that he would never be able to enjoy the feeling of falling into the clouds again, Suehiro Enka was very anxious.

Just when he was about to say something to mess up the matter, two policemen in police uniforms, one tall and one short, suddenly walked in.

In an instant, everyone's attention was attracted by them, and they couldn't help but guess what the other party was doing in the group, except for Himeno Takuya.

At this moment, he was panicking to death. Could it be that his embezzlement of public funds was exposed, and the other party wanted to take him back to the Metropolitan Police Department for investigation?!

As the two got closer and closer, Himeno Takuya's heart was in his throat.

The other party's low footsteps, like drumbeats, accurately hit his heartstrings.

Just when he couldn't help but want to surrender and seek leniency, two policemen suddenly stopped in front of Suehiro Enka:"You must be Miss Suehiro Enka, your cousin Ito Kisaku was found dead in the alley yesterday, and now you need to identify the body...."


It was like a thunder blast in her head. Suehiro Enka couldn't help but take a few steps back until she hit the desk and stopped retreating.

The uncle was dead, the strong and powerful uncle was dead. How could he die? How could he die?!

It would be fine if she hadn't met him, but she had already seen the vastness of the ocean, so how could she be tempted by that small pond?!

Not to mention Suehiro Enka's later identification of the body, when she learned that the blind date her uncle wanted to introduce to her was dead, the girl called Aoi showed a bit of loss in her beautiful eyes. Is it still not possible?

The reason why she has not had a boyfriend until now is because since she was a child, any opposite sex who expressed a good impression of her would suffer an inexplicable disaster.

The first time was when she was still in junior high school, a male classmate confessed to her.

At that time, she said she wanted to think about it, but in the afternoon, the other party had a car accident and died on the spot.

If one person is still an accident, then in the following three years, three other boys showed their affection for her one after another.

However, the one who was least injured among the three had a broken arm and had to stay in the hospital for a whole semester.

Because of this"glorious record" of three deaths and one serious injury, her classmates secretly gave her the nickname"Black Widow", and the boys avoided her.

Although she was indeed very beautiful, people could not help but want to..., but it's not worth it to risk her life for those ten minutes of happiness! Not worth it!

She thought that this matter would end when she entered high school.

But her classmates in the same junior high school spread the news to the whole school.

So she spent another three years in this strange look and gossip.

Until the end of the college entrance examination, in order to avoid the same thing happening again, she deliberately chose a university far away from her hometown. She planned to open her arms and welcome a new life.

But unexpectedly, bad luck has always been with her and never dissipated. On the second day after accepting the confession of her favorite person, she learned that the other party had an accident and was hit on the head by a flower pot falling from a high altitude and died on the spot.

In order to avoid repeating the same mistake, she studied hard for four years in college and no longer accepted any confession from any boy.

After graduation, she returned to her hometown and found a job as a nurse at Shenghua Hospital until now.

But the twenties are the best time in a woman's life.

She also wanted to have a sweet love and taste the sweetness of love during this most beautiful time of 367!

So when her uncle proposed to introduce her to a blind date, she thought for a long time and finally agreed.

Maybe her curse has been lifted after so long?

But now it seems that the curse has not been lifted, but has become more serious.

At least she suffered an accident after she confessed her love, but now she has not even met him....

Perhaps my life is destined to end in loneliness! After bidding farewell to Himeno Takuya in a lost state, the girl lowered her head and slowly walked out of the group.

But her mind was in a mess and she did not notice the person in front of her, and then the accident happened. The girl felt like she had hit a wall and fell straight to the ground.

If such a delicate girl collides with the hard marble floor, the consequences will be disastrous.

Seeing that the tragedy was about to happen, suddenly a warm big hand hugged the slender but plump waist.

Looking down at the beauty in his arms, Bai Ziyu had a faint smile on his lips:"Miss, are you okay?"

The morning sun shone on him, as if covering him with a layer of golden coat.

Looking at his handsome face, the girl at this time had only two words in her heart-so handsome!.

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