Seeing some desire on Bai Ziyu's face, Sugimoto Shoko immediately stepped up her offensive:"Onii-chan, Akane-chan has never been in a relationship, and you're still a virgin~"

Looking at the girl who was trying hard to sell other women to her boyfriend, Bai Ziyu gently rubbed her head:"Okay! Don't worry about this matter, I have my own arrangements!"

"Then, if you have Akane in the future, don't forget Shoko.~"

"Of course! Shoko is so cute, how could Onii-chan bear to forget her?!"

Hearing Bai Ziyu's promise, a smile slowly appeared on Sugimoto Shoko's lips. So beautiful! So sweet!

The next morning, Bai Ziyu, who was awakened by a warm feeling, saw the red color and a gentle smile appeared in his eyes.

After a while, his throat moved slightly, and he gently wiped the corner of his mouth. Sugimoto Shoko smiled like a flower:"Onii-chan, you're awake~" He nodded with a faint smile and gently stroked the pretty cheek. Bai Ziyu's eyes were full of pampering:"Well! Let's go, I'll take you to school!"

"Shoko wants to stay with her Onii-chan and doesn’t want to go to school!".

"That won’t do. If Shoko delays her studies because of me, Onii-chan will feel guilty!"


The girl finally went to school obediently, but her legs were trembling slightly when she got off the car. After returning to the villa, not long after waiting, Akimoto Aoi in a light pink dress came to seek medical treatment.

When she saw Bai Ziyu and was about to say something, a strong wind suddenly blew.

In an instant, the long skirt fluttered, revealing...

"" Ah~"

With a cry of surprise, the girl hurriedly pressed down the corner of her skirt, lowered her head, and a few faint pink blushes appeared on her snow-white jade neck.

But Bai Ziyu seemed not to see it, and just said softly:"Come in!"

Two and a half hours later, Akimoto Aoi was lying on the bed with a face as bright as the morning glow and a breath as fragrant as orchid.

Reaching out his right hand, he gently helped her to push away the sticky hair on her forehead. Looking at the delicate and beautiful woman, Bai Ziyu praised from the bottom of his heart:"Aoi, you are so beautiful〃〃 !"

After saying that, he slowly leaned down.

Facing the handsome face that was gradually approaching, the beauty's long eyelashes kept blinking, and her hands tightly grasped the bed sheet.

But when the distance between the two was only 0.03 meters, he suddenly pushed Bai Ziyu away:"Da Me~" He was pushed back a few steps without checking, and a look of astonishment immediately appeared on Bai Ziyu's face.

Then, this astonishment was replaced by guilt:"Aoi, I'm sorry, I just......"

Hearing this, Akimoto Aoi said nothing, but buried her head between her legs and sobbed softly.

Bai Ziyu slowly came to her side, sat on the bed, and hugged her in his arms:"Aoi, can you tell me why?"

As soon as these words came out, the girl trembled slightly, and then shook her head.

Looking at her recent thoughts, Bai Ziyu sighed softly:"Okay! Since you don't want to say it, I won't force you."

"But I hope you know that you are not alone!"

After that, Bai Ziyu let him go and slowly walked out of the room.

When the door closed, Qiu Benkui slowly raised her head, with tears on her pretty cheeks.

In the evening, Bai Ziyu was the only one left in the huge villa again.

According to the order, it was the beautiful lady's turn tonight.

So the next moment, accompanied by a flash of white light, a white jade beauty appeared in front of him.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but be stunned. It was too beautiful.

Although they have been in harmony with each other many times, seeing them again still made his heart beat.

Suddenly coming to an unfamiliar environment, Misako subconsciously blocked her arms in front of her and was about to shout.

But soon, she saw the bad guy, and her beautiful eyes were immediately happy.

She hurriedly walked towards him with a lotus step.

And this movement attracted...

The moon was above the treetops, and Bai Ziyu gently stroked the beautiful woman's hair in his arms and said softly,"I haven't seen you for a few days. Your cooking skills are still as good as ever!"

Hearing the praise from her beloved, Misako felt ashamed and her cheeks flushed,"As long as Jie Yijun likes it!"

"I like it! Of course I like it! I never get tired of the lady's delicious food~"

As he said that, Bai Ziyu slightly exerted force with his right hand, lowered his head and gave a gentle kiss.

In the middle of the night, at the Amamiya family, after coaxing the lady to sleep, Bai Ziyu slowly opened the door and came to Etsumiko's room.

Looking at the tranquil beauty bathed in the moonlight, he had a signature smile on his lips.......

Sudden attack, Yumiko was awakened from her sleep:"Um~, who?!"

The next moment, smelling the familiar breath and feeling the familiar body, Yumiko immediately complained:"Jie, Jie Yijun, um, you are so bad~"

Holding the slender waist of the beauty and gently stroking it, Bai Ziyu said with a hint of playfulness:"` 〃Oh~, how did Etsukiko recognize me?"

"Humph~, I won't tell you, you bad guy~"

"Well, you dare to say that I'm bad, Etsuko, I'm going to punish you!"


In the end, Etsumiko paid an unimaginable price for her careless words.

The next day, seeing that Etsumiko had not gotten up for a long time, Misako came to the door and knocked gently:"Etsumiko! Are you up?" After calling a few times and seeing no one answered, Misako said softly:"Then I'll come in!" Then she opened the door and walked in....

Looking at the scene in front of her, Misako's snow-white face began to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a moment, she spat softly and left in a hurry.

But because she was in too much of a hurry, she accidentally bumped into the corner of the table next to her, making a dull sound.

Etsukiko, who was awakened by the sound, raised her eyelids slightly, glanced at the hurriedly leaving back, and closed them again. (Node Zhao)

She was too tired and just wanted to have a good rest.

At the same time, in the villa in Kanagawa City, Akimoto Aoi also ushered in her last treatment.

Biting her cherry lips lightly to endure a massage, the girl was about to get up, but was held down by Bai Ziyu.

Looking down at the girl's eyes that kept dodging���He asked in a deep voice:"Aoi, are you rejecting me because of your past?"

Hearing this, the girl was struck by lightning, her body suddenly stiffened, and the blood on her face faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu smiled faintly:"So it's really like this!" His mind was blank at this time, and Akimoto Aoi murmured in a low voice:"How did you know?"

"I'm sorry that I investigated your background without your consent, but I don't regret it."

As soon as these words came out, the girl's body shook violently, and crystal tears appeared in her eyes.

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