“Look! That monster gathered in front of its mouth!!”
“What is that red ball?!”
“Looks like… it’s an attack that gathers the power of the earth-shattering just now!”
The viewers didn’t know what it was.
But the tailed beast that exists in the body of Ren Zhuli is clear that it was formed by gathering the power of all their tailed beasts-Ten-Tailed Super-Tailed Beast Jade! !
It is the most powerful and destructive attack of the tailed beast! !
Shikamaru in the video said: “Anyway, that thing is getting bigger and bigger!”
Next to him, Dingci, who seemed to have gained weight several times, asked, “Could it be that he aimed at Naruto?!”
A certain ninja in the video spoke out the hearts of all the moviegoers——
“How can Naruto, who is exhausted and has no chakra, be able to fight?!”
The crimson-tailed beast jade in front of the monster continues to expand.
Looking at it from a distance of thousands of meters, it seems like a new moon is about to form!
At this near-final moment, everyone is staring at the monster on the opposite side and the thing in front of it…
[Sakura in the video closes her eyes…]
Just when the viewers thought she had given up hope, the handsome cherry-haired girl said:
[“It’s so far! How can we be shaken?!”]
Such monsters are enough to destroy the world! !
themIt’s a ninja! Maybe to the country they are props of war!
But for them…
They just use their flesh and blood to protect their relatives and homes behind them! !
How can they be shaken now? !
How could they back down now? !
If they back away!
The world is over, isn’t it? ! !
However, Haruno Sakura in the video has more to say than that!
[“Naruto did everything he could to achieve the results he has now!!” She said, “He treats us all from the bottom of his heart! He treats everyone as his companion!!” 】
【“What qualifications do we have to be shaken like this?!”]
[“What qualifications do we have to choose to end?!!”]
[“With all the efforts of everyone before, will the Fourth Ninja World War end here?!!”]
【”You…are you willing?!!”】
Sakura’s words in the video left everyone on the battlefield stunned.
He also said that he stayed in the world watching movies at this moment!
The effect of Sakura with short hair is different from that of long hair now.
She suffered a lot and lost a lot.
Even Ino was stunned by Sakura’s handsome posture in the video…
“Is that… Sakura?”
It’s not just her, the men and women in front of the image have a feeling at this time—
This girl is prettier than the man!
Even those watching the movie at the moment were shocked, let alone the ninja coalition forces participating in the war in the video!
[“Partners.” “Yes, we are all companions.” “So how can I let go of hope now?!” “We have to protect the family behind us, and more importantly, protect the companions here and each other!”]
A kind of morale regrouped!
The short-haired Sakura in the video said, “I will heal all Naruto’s injuries! We should do what we need to do!!”
“If you die anyway…”
The girl with short cherry-colored hair had firm eyes and gritted her teeth: “Instead of waiting to die like this, it’s better to use our own methods – to die in battle!”
Naruto, who was watching the movie, was stunned by such Haruno Sakura, and murmured, “Sakura… so handsome…”
Not only Naruto Uzumaki, the effect heard from the people watching the movie one after another:
“So handsome! So handsome!”
“This feeling of inner strength and confidence!”
“I feel like I’m not afraid to go to the battlefield of the Fourth World War now!”
Tsuchikage and Raikage, who were rushing to Konoha to participate in the Five Shadows talks, were also infected by this emotion, and complained with a little smile:
“Looks like Konoha will come out with another Tsunade Hime in the future!”
“That kind of medical ninjutsu! And that kind of courage and heroism that doesn’t lose to men!!”
“If you add the strange power, it’s just a replica of that Tsunade princess!!”
There were also more objective and rational people among the moviegoers. They asked, “But how do you fight that monster? All the ninjutsu attacks won’t hurt him at all, right?!”
“No,” the man next to him said, “Have you not seen the tailed beast mode of Naruto Uzumaki before? The future ninja alliance must be buying time for him! Only he can defeat that monster!!”
“That’s right, so the focus is not on attacking, but on defense! Before Naruto Uzumaki has recovered his chakra, he desperately has to defend against that monster’s attack!!”
“But…” How to defend? !
[The Shikamaru in the video passes through Yamanaka Ino and connects to the loess of Iwayin Village in the Land of Earth! 】
Let the Quan Nin Federation learn the simplest earth escape ninjutsu!
“If the quality is not good, we will fight for the quantity! The calculation is broken in an instant, as long as we continue to create new barriers! It will definitely change the trajectory of the opponent’s attack!”
That’s right, even if they gather the strength of the whole ninja alliance, they may not be able to hurt that monster in the slightest!
All they wanted was not even defense against this attack.
Instead, it changes the trajectory of its attack through layers of earth escape! !
So Nara Shikamaru in the video contacted the loess in Yanyin Village, and quickly contacted Kirabi in Yunyin Village!
[“Mr. Bi! Later, when we use the earth escape to create a barrier to slow down the attack speed! Please try to use the tailed beast jade to attack from the side! As long as you can hit it off the track is enough!!”]
Immediately afterwards, without any time to breathe, Shikamaru needs to issue an order to the All Ninja Federation! !
[“Ino, I need to link all the ninjas on the battlefield, can you do it?”]
The pig deer butterfly watching the movie, Qiu Dao Dingza, the head of the Qiu Dao clan, Nara Shikisa, the head of the Nara clan, and Yamanaka Hai, the head of the Yamanaka clan, were shocked when they heard this!
Link everyone on the battlefield? !
Even Haiichi Yamanaka at this moment is somewhat difficult! !
What’s more, his daughter was only seventeen years old at that time! !
But in the video, Ino’s answer was—
[“It’s not whether I can do it! It’s because I must be able to do it!!”]
The beautiful girl in the image has a seal on her hands, her foreheadThe nerves on it bulge out like the pupil technique of the Hyuga clan! ! It is even said that the nerves on Baiyan’s face are stretched thicker and more protruding! !
She really did it! Linked to the ninjas of the All Ninja Alliance on the battlefield! !
After watching the movie, the patriarchs of the three clans of Pig, Deer and Butterfly are more gratified. Sooner or later, their children will grow up to that level, surpass them and lead the family to go further…
And stick to the will of fire, forever guarding Konoha Hidden Village! !
It’s just that they may not know that in that ending line, they have no chance to see the exciting scene of their children…  
Because in the fourth ninja war, they had already died from the attack of the ten tails.
Their children are full of pain and grow up on the battlefield—
In the video, Yamanaka Ino’s forehead is bulging with blue veins, and she slowly forms a seal, which is the seal of the basic ninjutsu! !
The ninja coalition has regained its fighting spirit, and a kind of morale connects everyone!
Everyone held their breaths and followed Yamanaka Ino to learn Tudun Ninjutsu on the spot! !
Everyone watching the movie was shocked!
This has never been the case! ! Even a picture they never imagined!
The Ninja of Tuyin Village in the Land of Water! ! The Ninja of the Land of Wind, Sand Hidden Village!
[This work is from the Internet and published books. If it violates the legitimate rights and interests of the author, you can contact the author privately. The copyright of the content belongs to the author.] The work is only for readers’ preview, please delete it within 24 hours of downloading, and shall not be used for commercial purposes. Yes, please buy genuine books, thank you for your support to the author! 】
Subsequent update group number Jiu San Si Qi Ba Wu Wu Jiu Er 934785592 I saw other groups are usually advertisements The cloud disk was maliciously tampered with the document The land of the land, the ninja of Yanyin Village! The Ninja of the Land of Thunder Cloud Hidden Village!
The Ninja of the Hidden Village of Konoha in the Land of Fire!
The ninjas of the five kingdoms form a joint seal! ! Perform a ninjutsu at the same time! !
The ninjas gathered in the viewing area looked at the scene in the video and suddenly murmured: “The ninja coalition of the five countries regards each other as the strength of their companions from the bottom of their hearts!”
“Yeah! This is really exciting!!”
“If… I mean if…”
At this time, they were driven by the rhythm of the image, and they forgot their hatred. They only remembered Haruno Sakura’s words and Uzumaki Naruto’s actions.
“If the five countries can really form a family, and they can only see each other as their companions… Isn’t it more meaningful for those former wars and former dead companions?!”
“That’s right! Their deaths are not to leave us with a deeper hatred!!”
“It’s so that we don’t have to follow in their footsteps! It’s for their companions, so that we can live better!!”
[In the video, the Allied Forces of the Five Powers also have the same idea. 】
All Ninja Alliance clapped their palms and clenched each other tightly!
The last “Si” seal is complete! !
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Begging and never giving up (crying), ah ah! The next

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