The Eye of the Shadow Moon Failed! ! Madara Uchiha was forced to die! Madara: Don’t ask! I want to dance!

Uchiha Fugaku also looked at Namikaze Minato in shock.
But the other party nodded silently.
This information directly shocked the three souls who had just appeared.
Rin Nohara is in a bit of a state. I don’t know how the sons of Mr. Minato and Sister Kushina are brothers with the children of the Uchiha patriarch.
Uchiha Tomiyaki was surprised at how his son and Minato’s son were mentioned in the video? !
And what did he see in the image? !
What happened to Sasuke’s eyes? ! !
“No, that’s an eternal kaleidoscope!!”
Fuyue was confused, “How could Sasuke have the Eternal Kaleidoscope?!! And what is his right eye?!”
“That’s the reincarnation writing wheel eye.”
Namikaze Minato told him, “It’s the power that the Six Paths Immortals gave him.”
“Besides, as for why he has a kaleidoscope writing wheel…”
Minato said: “In the video is the story of another world broadcast to us by Horror Questions, and in that ending…”
He paused, and let Uchiha Fuyake prepare before telling him.
“Itachi didn’t tell Sasuke the truth, he bore everything alone. The coup d’etat of the Uchiha clan was buried by him. Only he, the genocide betrayal, watched the enemy’s movements as a spy, and made Sasuke, his younger brother, hate him.”
“Until Sasuke grows strong enough…”
“As the elder brother, Itachi used his own death to guide Sasuke to open the Kaleidoscope Shaker, and gave him his pupil power and eyes.”
“!!!” Uchiha Fuyue: “Itachi!! Did he actually do such a thing?!!”
Minato Namikaze nodded and said, “But this all happened in another world.”
He motioned Uchiha Fuyue to look over there, the 32-year-old Uchiha Sasuke, and said, “But these are all things this Sasuke has experienced.”
Fuyue looked at the 32-year-old second son over there.
The figure is a little thin and tall.
AlthoughHowever, it is not gloomy, but there is a feeling that the edges and corners are worn away by countless sadness.
Especially the empty sleeve on the left.
Seeing that Uchiha Fuyake, who is a father, was heartbroken.
He said angrily, “Itachi, he promised me to take good care of Sasuke!”
Namikaze Minato didn’t speak, he didn’t know, if Fuyue had seen the previous video and knew that Itachi died of self-blame and illness, but he was forced to squeeze his last value out and give Sasuke the power to protect himself. ,how to think.
“But fortunately, the horror quiz allowed Sasuke and Itachi to see the future of that world in advance, and they never avoided it.”
Namikaze Minato patted Uchiha Fugaku on the shoulder and said.
On the other side, Madara Uchiha stared out her writing wheel in surprise.
He stared at the image.
“This is… Six Path Immortals?!”
He was stunned.
Really stunned! !
“I and Hasuma are…” He suddenly turned his head to look at Senju Hasuma: “What did he mean?!!”
“You and I are the reincarnation of his eldest son and second son.” Qianshou Hasuma: “I don’t know why, it seems that the sons of the Six Path Immortals will eventually turn against each other. The information I know now cannot be analyzed for the time being. The reason, so it’s better to look at it.”
Madara Uchiha didn’t speak again, but there was a voice in his heart that kept reminding him.
‘turn out to be……’
‘Hashima is my brother? ’
‘Then why are the two sons of the Six Path Immortals? ! ’
He couldn’t believe the information.
But the same reincarnation eye as him, and the power of the pillars transplanted into his body to see the six-path immortal immortal eyes can explain it! !
[In the image, Senju Hashima, reincarnated in the dirt, walks towards Madara Uchiha, who is lying on the ground. 】
[“Is it Hashima?” Madara Uchiha in the video was dying, his voice weak and weak. 】
The young man Uchiha Madara almost wanted to hug his head and scream: “The person in the image can never be me!! How miserable?!”
Ghost Spot wants to strangle him.
The boy Hashimama said in a depressed tone: “Madara, why is it like this, you still have my face on your chest?”
Ghost Spot also wanted to strangle him.
Teenage Madara Uchiha: “Shut up!! Did you close your eyes without seeing your ugly face?! It’s disgusting!!”
“My face is disgusting, I’m sorry for you.” This time, the boy Hashima was depressed a little bit, so gloomy that he was about to grow poisonous mushrooms with him.
“But Madara, I hope you don’t ‘love me in a heartbeat’, we are brothers, and I will protect you like I love Tobirama.”
Ghost Madara wants to strangle himself as a child, Hasuma of that era, and his younger brother to death! !
Second Hokage: “…”
Tobirama when he was young: “…”
I want to refuse, but there are so many people, save some face for Big Brother.
As for the others, what they think is:
Wow, this white to black, is it really the first Hokage that ignited the fire of peace in the world?
“Who loves you so hard to say?!! Who?!!” The boy Madara Uchiha roared furiously.
Madara Uchiha and Senju Hashirama in ghost form were silent.
Madara Uchiha said in a low pressure, “What’s going on?!”
Hakuma quickly reported it, pointed at the man in the orange mask and said, “It’s him! He said it all!!”
Follow the direction that Senju Hakuma pointed.
Lin was surprised to see a familiar person.
It’s just that this person, he couldn’t have imagined that he had grown up so much.
“Is it… Kakashi?”
Lin asked in disbelief.
It’s a pity that Kakashi can’t see her, and the masked man beside Kakashi can’t see her either.
[In the video, after a long period of silence——]
[The Madara Uchiha, who was lying on the ground unable to move, finally spoke. 】
[He said: “You… and I… are the same in the end…”]
[“We are all… we ask but not…”]
Under the rendering of this atmosphere, there is a kind of sadness between the two that cannot be resolved.
[Foul Tuzhujian: “How could it be so easy.”]
[“We can only do so much in a limited amount of time. That’s why we must trust others and entrust our strength and responsibility to the younger generation.”]
Ghost Hakuma and Ghost Madara look at the image.
Although I don’t know when the content in the video is.
I don’t know what the two experienced before this video happened.
It’s just that they all know.
Uchiha Madara…
failed again.
[“You are still so naive.”]
In the video, Madara, who had lost her last motivation, seemed a little softer, and there was even a laugh in her words.
This kind of Madara made Hasuma forget to stand on the head of the nine tails, and he had to fight him to the death of the village Madara.
Not the paranoid spot he killed in the valley of the end.
Rather, it’s a bit like…
The two just shook hands and made peace, reaching the time of reconciliation between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan.
That kind of gentle, but also a little clumsy, Madara who doesn’t know how to express her feelings.”Madara…” The first Hokage said.
Madara Uchiha: “Shut up, I don’t want to listen to you right now!”
He Uchiha Madara doesn’t understand! !
Having obtained the eyes of the Six Paths Immortal, why does the future in the image still end with his fiasco? ! !
The anger inside is getting bigger and bigger.
He has planned for so many years.
Day after day in that dark and lonely underground cave waiting for an opportunity.
Why did you still lose to Hasuma in the end? ! !
Why is he inferior to this naive guy? ! ! !
【In the video—】
[The completely failed Madara Uchiha recalled the past, and it seemed that he was tired of missing those times and laughed out loud. 】
[“You are always so optimistic…”]
“Mara…” Hearing Madara in the video saying that, Chishou Hashima didn’t know what to say.
Because in his memory, Madara, who used to discuss with him how to protect his younger brother, how to build a village, shake hands and make peace, and named Konoha Hidden Village, has always been alive.
Just don’t know when to start.
The mind of that quilt began to be incomprehensible and distorted.
By the time he found out, Madara had really complied with these incomprehensions and was twisted into darkness.
[“My dream has been shattered.”]
[“And your dream is still going on…”]
The sad voice came from Madara Uchiha’s mouth in the video.
The Liudaoban that everyone has seen, who despised human beings, claimed to be gods, and even killed innocent people indiscriminately, no longer exists.
He conceded.
Although it may not be reconciled…
But he really had a sense of powerlessness.
Man, it might really be impossible to fight for life.
No matter how hard he tries, no matter what he does…
The winner will never be him.
And the loser will never be Hakuma.
Update today (4/The boat of friendship is overturned)
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I’ll see if I can try to add another chapter.

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