The Vortex Mianma Appears! At the beginning of the game, a “farewell ceremony” was issued, and the identity was directly exposed! !

Qianshou Tobirama said: “I was thinking about a question just now.”
His voice attracted the attention of nearby ninjas and Uzumaki Naruto.
“Have you forgotten the reward Kakashi once got in the horror quiz, the ninjutsu experience volume called Da Helix Lunyu.”
Obito first remembered that Kakashi tried to use that thing combined with the 600 billion detonating talisman to kill him inside and outside!
A piercing gaze stared at his back, Kakashi: “Uh…”
“It’s true that there is such a thing.”
So many things have happened, especially in the world where Obito, Rin, and Minato-sensei are all alive. In addition, it was clearly pointed out in the movie that Uzumaki Mianma was Naruto Uzumaki from another world.
So much so that Kakashi really didn’t associate the name Uzumaki Mianma with the ninjutsu experience volume.
But looking back on it…
One blow to destroy Konoha’s ninjutsu scroll!
According to the introduction, that is—
Uzumaki Ninjutsu! ! !
Here comes the problem.
Naruto Uzumaki arrived in that world.
So what about the Whirlpool Face Pocky?
“Look at the video, there should be an answer soon.” Senju Tobirama, who had basically guessed it, stood with his arms folded over his chest.
In the video, through the perspective of Haruno Sakura, everyone looks at Naruto and his family together.
I can’t help but think of the images I’ve seen all the time.
From the first time I watched the ninja coalition gather, Gaara’s declaration to protect Naruto and this ninja world began.
And then to how he desperately saved Gaara.
“Mo Hong” desperately tries to save Sasuke.
She fought desperately for Konoha and saved everyone’s life.
And the bullying and exclusion he suffered as a child.
His loneliness and persistence.
The people of Konoha Hidden Village can’t even forget,
At the critical juncture of the Fourth Ninja World War, the sudden appearance of the Fourth Hokage, and the Naruto Naruto who was watching the video in the viewing area when he called the fourth Hokage “Dad” in the future video.
It seems that in retrospect, it is like what Shikamaru said in the video, who was absorbed by the divine tree, but was saved by Naruto Uzumaki, who decided to do Naruto’s military…
That Naruto has always worked hard for others.
work hard for others.
In order to gain recognition from others, stick to the path of your dreams.
Then, what about himself?
Actually, it was in the illusion of the enemy that he truly realized his own dream hidden in the bottom of his heart.
The comrade from class 7 looked at the video.
It is not difficult to understand the Haruno Sakura in the video. Seeing such Naruto from the window, she couldn’t bear to disturb her mood at this moment.
Konoha’s ninjas also subconsciously paid attention to their families.
They didn’t care too much about anything.
Or rather, their close family affection.
On the contrary, it is a wish that a hero who can save the world can’t even imagine, a dream that can only be suppressed in the deep consciousness.
“Why, seeing Naruto’s happy appearance with his parents in the video, Yu was so sad that he wanted to cry.”
Is already crying.
The daimyo of the Land of Fire wiped the corners of his eyes, showing the depth of his involvement in the play.
“Your Highness…”
The attendant was speechless. Ever since Mr. Daimyo became the mother fan of an unexpected No. 1 ninja in Konoha Village, this situation has become the norm.
“How far is it from Konoha Hidden Village?! Why is it so slow! Why can’t I catch up with the start of the third Chunin exam?manage? ! ”
The little fan of the big name of the country of fire shook and flew, accusing the ox cart of not being fast enough.
“But no matter how fast it is, the road will be bumpy,” the attendant thought about his words: “If you don’t watch this video, you should be able to reach Konoha Hidden Village in one day.”
“I want to see the video, and I want to compress it in one day.”
Attendant: “I think…”
“I don’t need you to think, I just need to think for myself!!”
The daimyo attendant is also on the verge of resigning today.
The Hidden Village of Konoha in the Country of Fire——
Naruto Uzumaki, the son of prophecy concerned by the daimyo, looked at the image and had doubts in his heart about what the Infinite Moon Reading was.
“Is this kind of illusion in the world of Infinite Moon Reading?”
Obito glanced in Naruto’s direction.
In fact, not to mention him, even Madara doesn’t know what the world in the illusion called ‘Infinite Moon Reading’ looks like.
“With my father and mother, this is the life I have always wanted.”
“A world happier than dreams.”
Naruto looked at himself in the image, who was running against Sakura, and said, “I know it’s the enemy’s ninjutsu, but I still can’t help but want to stay here. The unlimited monthly reading should be more terrifying than the limited monthly reading…”
Naruto, both inside and outside the image, was confused.
A sudden explosion!
It was the Hidden Village of Konoha in the video that was attacked by the man in the robe and mask! !
“That guy actually has a helper!!”
Looking at the image, the nine figures also wearing masks flying behind the masked man in the fur coat, people in the major viewing areas suddenly reacted from the dream world, after all, this is the enemy’s ninjutsu!
There must be some conspiracy waiting for them! !
Xiao Nan: “Blue, White, Zhu, Xuan, Kong, South, North, Three, Jade!”
“What do you mean?!” Nagato asked.
Xiao Nan stared at the image. The figures behind the man with the mask in the fur coat were a figure that looked like a dragon, a figure of a white tiger, a figure of a vermilion bird, a figure in the shape of a turtle, a figure in the shape of a horse, and the figure of an executioner on the left and right. The figure of the god of death with a sickle, the figure of a goddess! !
“Look, the nine figures behind the masked man, in terms of image, just correspond to Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Kongchen, Nandou, Beidou, Santai, and Yunu from Xiao’s organization!!”
There are nine in total.
The members of the Akatsuki organization can be matched one by one! !
Nagato looked at Anbu in the black cat-face mask behind Kakashi.
“In other words, this power is most likely given to him by Uchiha Obito? Let him use this power to kill Naruto?!”
Obito: “…” Can’t you leave a way out for your former accomplice? !
The man in the fur coat mask in the video is arrogant, directly attacking the Hokage office building and injuring the fifth Hokage Tsunade.
Tsunade looked at the frail woman with glasses in the video, “Am I so fragile?”
Jiraiya: “No no no, this just shows that you in the real world are better than King Kong…”
“Boom!” Beautiful fingers painted with red nail polish pinched a stone into slag in front of Jiraiya.
Tsunade gently advised Jiraiya, “Think about it before we talk about it?”
“I mean, Tsunade, your will is as hard as King Kong, inheriting the will of fire of the first generation of adults.” Jiraiya’s desire to survive told him that as a man at this time, if you should be soft, you must be soft!
Jiraiya also made a face behind Tsunade.
The first Hokage laughed and sighed that Tsuna had grown very well.
In the video, the man in the fur coat and mask asked Konoha for the Book of Vermillion Moon. The props felt that he replied, and he said directly: “Do it.”
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Subsequent updates of the group number Jiu San Si Qi Ba Wu Wu Jiu Er 934785592 I saw other groups are usually advertisements Cloud disks were maliciously tampered with documents Only one cloud disk is the most complete in the entire network Nine monsters with masks cooperate tacitly.
Under his orders, several ninjas in Konoha were beaten without the strength to fight back.
Feiduan looked at the masked monster with a scythe in the video, and began to push him again, saying that he was uncomfortable with the other party, and wanted to give him to the Heretic God.
Nagato: “The scythe attack doesn’t hurt anyone, it sucks all the chakras? What the hell is that guy with the mask on?!”
Kakashi looked at Anbu behind him without a trace.
“Anbu” shook his head, saying that he didn’t know either.
[“Hurry up and hand over the Book of Vermillion Moon, or the next moment will be your death.”]
Whether it was the means of combat or the judgment before the attack, the men in fur-robed masks were all concise and straight to the point, and before Konoha could react, he had already dealt a heavy blow.
However, at the critical moment, Naruto Uzumaki and Haruno Sakura who came to the limited monthly reading world with him were the ones who appeared!
[Namifeng Minato: “Don’t come here, face numb! This isThe guy is the mask man! Not for you! ! “]
Naruto in the video is stupid.
Masked man?
That’s it……? !
What about Spot? ! What about the organization? ! !
[Naruto: “This guy is a masked man? What about Madara?!”]
[The man in the robe and mask heard him mention the name ‘Ban’, “So that’s the case, you are the one that ‘Ban’ wants to deal with…”]
Haruno Sakura, who desperately wanted to return to the real world, wanted to force the masked man in the fur gown to reveal the whereabouts of Dan, but unfortunately Brother Sakura was not a match for the masked messengers behind him at all.
“So strong, that guy.”
“Well, the future Naruto and Sakura have no strength to fight back?”
Kakashi analyzed: “He must have undergone more systematic training, and his shots were not sloppy, without any extra moves. Unlike Naruto and Sakura, they always hesitated for half a second before shooting.”
“That’s why you would think that the man in the fur robe and mask’s moves was not eye-catching at all, but he hit the key with one blow.”
Matt Kay: “Fast, ruthless, accurate, that guy’s physical skills are also very good.”
Xiao Li: “Naruto-kun and Sakura have a little extra action… ah, sorry, I accidentally… I didn’t mean anything, just…”
“I know, I know, the one with thick eyebrows.”
Naruto stared at the image: “The guy in the image feels weird to me.”
“I also have this feeling.”
“I also have this feeling.”
Sasuke and Charasuke actually spoke in unison. The two looked at each other, but Charasuke didn’t respond. Sasuke directly showed his disgust for each other.
Just like what Naruto, Sasuke, and Charasuke who watched the movie said.
In the video, the man in the fur coat and mask attacked Naruto more severely, and it seemed that it wasn’t just because of the ‘Spot’.
But… a personal vendetta… or something else? …
[“I feel something disgusting from you.”]
As soon as the man in the fur coat raised his hand, the nine masked messengers gathered together and attacked Naruto!
Everyone was surprised.
But I saw Naruto’s figure flickering and disappearing in place!
【”Golden Glitter!”】
Naruto: “Dad saved me?!”
“It’s so strange, that world.” Shikamaru thought about it: “Sir Shidaimu retained the name of the golden glitter in that world, but he didn’t become Hokage?”
Neji: “Although our existence is real, there have been many changes in history, and in the end everyone’s character has changed.”
Second Hokage suddenly said, “The biggest change is probably Naruto.”
Sakura: “Yeah, even the name has turned into a numbness.”
“No, the old man didn’t say that.”
Quanna glanced at Tobirama, he knew Qianshou Tobirama too well, the other party said so, it proves…
He has seen Naruto Uzumaki in the limited monthly reading world!
Quanna looked at the video…
The man in the robe and mask kidnapped the woman named Haruno Sakura and used her as a human in exchange for the “Book of Vermillion Moon”.
All the masked messengers disappeared.
A dark purple energy ball was gathered in the hands of the man in the fur mask.
Namikaze Minato: “Muji Ninjutsu?!”
[“Before leaving, let me give you a farewell gift.”]
In the video…
The masked man in the fur coat rose to the height of Konoha.
Under everyone’s astonished expressions, the man in the fur coat and mask gave the ‘farewell gift’ to Konoha.
Like a small star with a planetary ring, slipping down from his hand.
[“The Big Spiral Wheel Yu.”]
Like a nuclear explosion, the entire Konoha was destroyed by this farewell ceremony.
Everyone was so surprised that they couldn’t drink it.
They finally know…
Naruto Uzumaki entered the world of limited monthly reading.
So where did the original whirlpool face go numb…
At this moment, it is above the high sky of Konoha.
Sent a deadly farewell gift! ! !
I once almost asked for Uchiha Obito’s ninjutsu experience volume – Big Spiral Wheel Yu!
At this very moment, Konoha’s life is about to be killed…
Today’s update (1/Mian Ma’s Farewell Ceremony)
Asking for a monthly ticket, asking for flowers, asking for automatic subscription~.

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