Horror Game: Kidnapping The Lady Of The Horror Tavern

Chapter 152: Counseling Is Fresh And Refined

"Ye Fan, listen to me..."

"Thirty seconds left!"

"How did your time pass so fast?" Liu Zhenyu was shocked.

"The time I stipulated, I said he still has thirty seconds, and there are still thirty seconds, no, there are still ten seconds.

"Ye Fan...."

"Three seconds left!"


At this time, the soul power detector on Liu Zhenyu's waist was also flickering frantically.

It shows that the fluctuation of soul power detected by the detector is getting stronger and stronger.

"Ye Fan, can't you give us, the horror game investigation bureau a face."


Liu Zhenyu wanted to say something, but the soul power detector on his waist suddenly exploded.

Liu Zhenyu's complexion suddenly changed, and his face was full of horror. Their soul power detectors can detect up to ghost-level soul power fluctuations.

Now that the soul power detector has exploded, he knows what it means best.

Soul power fluctuations that exceed the ghost level, that is - red clothes!

It was Hong Yi who provoked the Wang family. This discovery made Liu Zhenyu break out in cold sweat.

At this time, the voice that has undergone some changes also spoke out the last number 13: "1..."

"Wait a minute!" Sensing the fatal crisis, Liu Zhenyu hastily shouted: "We, the Horror Game Investigation Bureau, will not intervene in this matter. Please let us leave safely."

"Okay, I'll give you two minutes." Zi Yun'er's avatar said according to Ye Fan's intention.

"Enough is enough." Liu Zhenyu quickly took out the communicator and shouted: "All the people from the investigation bureau of the thriller game, all leave the Wang Family Manor within two minutes, or you will bear the consequences."

After finishing speaking, Liu Zhenyu turned around and ran away.

The Patriarch of the Wang family next to him was completely dumbfounded.

Seeing that Liu Zhenyu was about to leave, he quickly pulled him back: "Ju Liu, you can't just leave like this. You have accepted all the property of my Wang family."

"I'll go to your md and burn it for you tomorrow!" Liu Zhenyu kicked the head of the Wang family away.

If it is a ghost, even a high-level ghost, they are not afraid of the horror game investigation bureau.

After all, there are not no high-level ghosts, and there are so many people that they can talk about it.

But this is Hong Yi, Liu Zhenyu can say with certainty that no one in the entire horror game investigation bureau can deal with Hong Yi.

At this time, it is a fool not to run.

So after kicking down the Patriarch of the Wang family, Liu Zhenyu didn't stop, and ran outside directly.

"Open a hole in the soul power barrier to let the people from the Horror Game Investigation Bureau leave." Ye Fan said.

"Okay." Zi Yun'er opened the soul barrier obediently.

Ye Fan shook his head looking at those people from the investigation bureau who fled in disorder.

If they didn't do a lot of things that benefit ordinary people, Ye Fan really wanted to keep them too.

Is a face himself a face fruit capable person?

But it doesn't matter anymore, anyway, his main goal has been completed.

After all the people from the Horror Game Investigation Bureau left, the force barrier closed again.

Hearing the screams coming from the manor, Liu Zhenyu shrank her neck in fright, then turned and left.

After a few minutes, Ye Fan stood up from the bench.

Things are done, it's time to find his aunt.

And now... According to the news from Zi Yun'er's avatar, they are in a large shopping mall not far from Ye Fan.

So after arriving at the mall, Ye Fan consciously waited at the door, not daring to go in.

Two hours later, Liu Yiyi and Mu Qianqian walked out of the shopping mall.

At this time, they already had several shopping bags in their hands.

"Brother Ye, are you finished?" Seeing Ye Fan waiting for them outside, Mu Qianqian hurried over and asked.

"Yeah!" Ye Fan nodded.

"Xiaofan, how long have you been here, and you haven't called us yet."

"It's okay, I just arrived too." Ye Fan walked over and took their shopping bags over.

"Then let's go look elsewhere."

"Okay......okay!" Ye Fan nodded.

At the same time, when passing by a place where no one was there, I directly received those storage bags into the inventory.


At the same time, after leaving Wang's Manor, Liu Zhenyu ran back to the city's Horror Game Investigation Bureau with his people, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Liu Zhenyu took out a special communicator and called.

Soon, the call was connected, and a voice came: "Old Liu, you are looking for me at this time, is the matter with the Wang family settled?"

"Director, it's over!" Liu Zhenyu replied.

"That's good, it seems that this Ye Fan is still giving us a little face for the horror game investigation bureau.

"Director, I mean, the Wang family is finished." Liu Zhenyu corrected quickly.

"What?" The person on the opposite side was startled: "Didn't you tell him what we mean by the investigation bureau of the thriller game.

"Director, I have said all these things, but Ye Fan simply ignored him, and he did not show up at all, and did not admit his identity."

"Just give us a minute to think about it, either leave alive or die there."

"Then you ran away?" asked the communicator.

"Director, I can't help it......" Liu Zhenyu's face was full of bitterness.

"I can't help it, Ye Fan is strong, so our horror game investigation bureau is just for nothing, I gave you so many resources and so many people, why did you go there.

"He is in red..." Liu Zhenyu said quietly.

"Red clothes, what's the matter with red clothes... Red clothes and red clothes are good......" Okay..." The director of the investigation bureau of the horror game on the opposite side was suddenly speechless.

After a long time, the group asked weakly: "Are you sure?"

"Sure, the soul power detectors are all off the charts." Liu Zhenyu nodded.

"So what did you do after that?"

"So why don't I take people away?"

"657 ahem, it's good to run away, it's good to run away, then let's forget about it." The director on the other side said a little embarrassed.

"Let's leave it like this?" Liu Zhenyu was a little surprised.

"Otherwise, what else can we do? It's Hongyi."

"And two days ago, didn't your sub-team leader reflect Ye Fan's intentions to us?"

"Since he doesn't want to take the initiative to cause trouble, then let's not ask for trouble."

"Some small things in life, we can also help to solve, try not to hurt the friendship, after all, he is good and we are good.

"Ahem, that's it, that's right."

Hearing the director's words, Liu Zhenyu was also speechless for a while.

He obviously admitted that he was cowardly, but in the end he said it so implicitly.

But then Liu Zhenyu said: "Speaking of this, there are really some things in life.

"Yesterday, Ye Fan's aunt resigned and quit. Our staff collected a piece of information. It seems that the manager of Ye Fan's aunt was very angry and wanted to deduct his aunt's salary for this month."

"What!" The director of the investigation bureau of the horror game on the opposite side was suddenly furious: "Who gave his dog the guts to dare to default on the wages of employees.

"You lead someone now, and arrest that person for me."

"Director, it seems that we are not responsible for this kind of thing." Liu Zhenyu asked in a low voice.

"What's the difference? Both serve the people."

"Yes!" Liu Zhenyu shouted loudly. .

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