"Don't be impulsive."

As a security guard, her duty is to protect people's safety, but now such a terrible thing has happened, she is powerless.

Jiang Cheng knew that Chen Jingwan was a little excited, but now it seems that they are really in a horror game, he can't let Chen Jingwan be too impulsive

"I know……"Chen Jingwan nodded, Wang Mengqiu just gave her a look... and the girl exploded from the inside out, she knew that this was not the time to fight against him.

The two followed behind Wang Mengqiu, Jiang Cheng whispered to comfort Chen Jingwan, but don't look at him comforting Chen Jingwan, Jiang Cheng himself was actually a little panicked.

How could he not panic?

Not to mention that his ex-girlfriends might have turned into evil spirits, the key is that he now has the [Tang Monk Physique].

His current situation is completely like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth! If those weird things knew that eating him would be a great tonic, they would probably eat him up.

But he must not panic now, how could he panic? He must stay calm

""Well, Ms. Wang, are we going to start work today?"

As the atmosphere was a bit depressing, Jiang Cheng, who had social bull syndrome, spoke again out of habit.

He intended to ease the tense and awkward atmosphere.

Jiang Cheng's sudden opening made the man with flowery tattoos and the girl with an internet celebrity face next to him, who were covered in blood, look at Jiang Cheng twice more.

So brave! Isn't this person too brave? He actually dared to ask the female ghost a question now.

Chen Jingwan also looked at Jiang Cheng in a daze.

No way? Brother, are you so brave? The one in front of you is a weirdo!

A weirdo who kills without blinking an eye! But Chen Jingwan didn't dare to speak to stop Jiang Cheng.

She was afraid!


Wang Mengqiu nodded, she stopped, turned around and looked at the man with tattoos and the internet celebrity woman, and said:"You have to work today, but... you two better go take a shower first."

"Serve the tenants and maintain good hygiene.……"

"It will excite the tenants."

In the eyes of Weird, that flesh and blood is very delicious food.

""Old Li, register them."

Led by Wang Mengqiu, they arrived at the property management office of the community. Old Li was a security guard, an old man wearing a blue hat. He looked a bit like a normal person, but his face was a little pale.

Old Li stood up from the chair tremblingly, but the next second his waist was directly split in half in front of everyone, and bloody intestines fell out from the cross section.

The scene was a bit horrifying.

"Ahem, sorry, I'm old and my waist is not so good."

"Ouch, my old waist!"


Is that because his waist is not working? Is that because it is broken in the middle? His intestines are all spilling out.

If Jiang Cheng didn't know what Old Li's temper was like, he would have complained to him.

His intestines are quite long.

"Old Li will assign your tasks to you. If you have any questions, you can come to my office upstairs. Wang Mengqiu looked as if she was not surprised.

"Well... come with me to the office first." Wang Mengqiu paused for a moment, and she turned her eyes to Jiang Cheng."

Little handsome boy, your Yang Qi is so strong, and it smells so good. She doesn't like to eat people, but she thinks it smells good."……


After a moment, Jiang Cheng realized that Wang Mengqiu was talking about him. He knew that his [Tang Monk Physique] was probably working.

Wang Mengqiu had successfully noticed him.

""Well... it's you."

Wang Mengqiu nodded. In their eyes, Jiang Cheng was emitting a faint light at the moment, like a light bulb.

Chen Jingwan looked at Jiang Cheng with some worry, and Jiang Cheng gave Chen Jingwan a look to comfort her.

If it was a male ghost, he might have some problems now, he couldn't deal with male ghosts.

But Jiang Cheng was not afraid of female ghosts, at most he would sacrifice a little color.

He had the experience of successfully conquering two hundred girls, and Jiang Cheng thought he could deal with any woman now.

Female ghosts, aren't they women? Just different women.

Anyway, they are the same when the lights are turned off, aren't they? What's more, he, Jiang Cheng, has never been Ning Caichen.

Besides, his yang energy is now a hundred times that of ordinary people, and he is very confident.

Wang Mengqiu can't just squeeze him dry, right?

"Tongzi, a Tang monk is not strong enough. Do you know that you are harming me? You'd better give me some more rewards to make up for my……"Following behind Wang Mengqiu, Jiang Cheng silently said in his heart

"I'm completely in the dark now... How about giving me an all-seeing eye or something? Otherwise, you'll be a widow when I die!"

"The hosts of other novels all have the Eye of All-Seeing and the Eye of Insight and so on. I can’t have none of that, right?"

【Host, please don't push your luck!】

【To make up for the host, reward the host with the Eye of True Vision】

【Eyes of True Vision: You have a pair of eyes that have seen countless women. No female creature can escape your eyes. You can see through all women, including the specific information of female ghosts.】

"As expected, Tongzi, you love me." Jiang Cheng was a little happy, he asked if the system worked.

His Tongzi was really arrogant, but... he liked it! The reward system really gave out rewards.

Of course, he thought that the reward should not be called the Eye of Truth, but the Eye of Reading Women.

It seemed that it could only see through the information of women, which had certain limitations.

It could not see through the information of men.

Forget it, it was definitely better than nothing, and he couldn't be too picky.

【Name: Wang Mengqiu】

【Position: Manager of the property department of Kaili Community】

【Race: Ghost】

【Level: Ghost Level】

【Favorability: 50 (Your appearance makes her heart beat faster, and she is greedy for your body)】

【Preference: She likes big ones, the bigger the better, the bigger she likes it】

【Weakness: She was treated violently and coldly by her husband in her early years. Although she looks cold and indifferent, she actually longs to be treated violently. The more violent the treatment, the more she likes it. Please treat her roughly.】

【[Ranks: Wandering Soul - Evil Ghost - Evil Ghost - Red-Clothed Evil Ghost - Evil Level - Ghost King - Unspeakable - Evil God] Do you like big ones? What kind of big ones? If it's that kind of big, then his is big!

He protects it, okay!

You know, when he used to urinate, other men didn't dare to stand next to him, and that was something he was proud of.

Whoever was in the pit next to him would walk away.

Just looking at the information given by the system... Wang Mengqiu should have Stockholm, right?

Jiang Cheng looked at Wang Mengqiu who was walking in front, and he had an idea in his mind.

As the silence came from the office, a crisp sound came.

Jiang Cheng's action made Wang Mengqiu stop. She turned around and blinked at Jiang Cheng, her beautiful eyes full of surprise.

In an instant, Wang Mengqiu's watery eyes were filled with spring.

""Mengqiu, what's the matter with bringing me here?"

Before Wang Mengqiu could speak, Jiang Cheng took over the host's position. He walked straight into the office, sat down on the sofa, crossed his legs, and looked at Wang Mengqiu with a scrutinizing look.

It was as if he was the boss.


That would be very difficult for Wang Mengqiu. How could a human being who only had more Yang energy than other humans and was more handsome than other humans pretend to be very familiar with her so seriously?

Who gave Jiang Cheng the courage? Jiang Cheng was not afraid of her. She had just made an example of him. But the slap Jiang Cheng gave her just now hit her right in the heart... She had been the property manager of the Kaili Community for many years, but no one had ever dared to touch her.

Hit her directly? No one dared to do that. The head of the property department was eyeing her covetously, but he didn't dare to touch her either.

Wang Mengqiu originally wanted to ask Jiang Cheng why his Yang energy was stronger than others, but now... she didn't know what to say. She couldn't ask Jiang Cheng to slap her again, right? That would be too embarrassing. She was a ghost, and she couldn't be so weak in front of a human.

"You...how come your Yang energy is stronger than that of the other humans?"

Wang Mengqiu looked at Jiang Cheng curiously. She couldn't tell what was different about Jiang Cheng from the others.

More handsome than the others? But being handsome shouldn't be the reason for having more Yang energy, right? So Jiang Cheng has a special physique?

Wang Mengqiu sat next to Jiang Cheng, and her pair of black silk jade legs fell in front of Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng was indeed very handsome, much more handsome than the male stars on the screen when she was alive.

What A-Zu, what Yan Yan, none of them could compare to Jiang Cheng. She even suspected that Jiang Cheng was a male star in the past.

But he didn't look like one.

After Jiang Cheng knew Wang Mengqiu's preferences, he became very arrogant.

Wang Mengqiu now really understood why the handsome boy in front of her had such a strong Yang energy than others.

Jiang Cheng's majesty made Wang Mengqiu look at him differently.


Wang Mengqiu rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng was so rude and direct, she didn't say she hated him.

On the contrary, she liked him more.

Wang Mengqiu's fair face flushed, she felt a little embarrassed.

She actually started to fantasize in front of a human being. Hmm, why was she so timid?

What was going on? She shouldn't be like that, right? All she could say was that the man in front of her was really too handsome.

""Mengqiu, I have to work too, right?" Jiang Cheng asked seriously.

He is now in the horror game, and he has to complete the tasks seriously. Only by completing the tasks seriously can he get high evaluations and generous rewards.

If his ex-girlfriends really become weird, then he has to work harder in the horror game to get rewards. He has to protect himself!

At this moment, [Tang Monk Physique] is a hot potato to him... What if he runs into his ex-girlfriends and they want to kill him?


"How about you be my assistant? The daily salary is 200 yuan. Can you do it?"

Wang Mengqiu looked at Jiang Cheng. She couldn't break the rules and had to assign him to work.

"It's that kind……"

"……"Wang Mengqiu rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng and said,"You are so frivolous! In one word, do you want to do it or not?"


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