"Since you want to see your Lord so much, I will reluctantly send you to see the Lord."

As soon as Jiang Cheng finished speaking, with the help of the strange energy, Jiang Cheng directly turned the four strange nuns into ashes...

It was exactly the same as when Lin Sixue solved the disgusting Minister He in the office.

Jiang Qinyu was a little afraid to look directly at him, but she didn't notice any movement from Jiang Cheng for a long time.

When Jiang Qinyu opened her eyes again, she found that there was only a mess in front of her.

As for the four scary-looking strange nuns, they disappeared completely.

""Jiang Cheng, did you take care of them all?"

Jiang Qinyu opened her mouth slightly, she was a little surprised.

It only took Jiang Cheng a word? He actually took care of all four scary-looking weird nuns...

If it weren't for the scene still set up for the sacrificial ceremony, plus the blood...

Jiang Qinyu would really think that nothing existed.


The only remaining person also opened his eyes, and his expression was the same as Jiang Qinyu's.

He opened his eyes wide, his mouth wide open, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Let's go."

Jiang Cheng was just a little angry, and if the fire in his heart is not resolved, he will be uncomfortable.


Jiang Qinyu nodded gently.

However, when Jiang Cheng and Jiang Qinyu left together, only that person was left with his eyes wide open.



He was a little confused. Why did the two of them just leave?

Why didn't they care about him? He was such a big man... and now he was tied up.

What was going on?


While the man was at a loss, a dark light emanated from the sacrificial site on the ground.

As the dark light suddenly rushed towards the man, he fainted.

When Jiang Cheng and Jiang Qinyu returned to the house, Jiang Qinyu suddenly remembered that there was still one person left in the basement.

"Jiang Cheng... it seems that there was another person alive just now?"

She didn't react for a while, so she ignored that person.

"Don't worry about him."

The four apostates should be the only apostates in the Phantom God Church, and the Phantom God belongs to the Order Camp, so the Phantom God's followers should naturally not harm humans.

Jiang Cheng thought that the man was safe, and it would also teach him a lesson. The horror world is not a joke.

"All right……"

Jiang Qinyu looked at Jiang Cheng's gaze, her pretty face flushed, and the scene in the corridor just now came to her mind again.

Jiang Qinyu snorted softly.

"Scumbag, how come you are so popular in the horror world?……"

Jiang Cheng actually had the leisure to be in the horror world. She was a little scared, but... she also seemed to want to……

"It didn't work just now... What about now?"

Don't mention it, Jiang Qinyu in a nun's uniform really has a different charm.

Her white thighs are exposed, and Jiang Qinyu's legs are really good, full of flesh.

In fact, Jiang Cheng doesn't know why so many people like"white, young and thin", in fact, full of flesh is the top.

Especially when exercising, it's really……

"Are you really going to come?"

Jiang Qinyu's face flushed. She wanted to come a little...

But if she and Jiang Cheng were really together, wouldn't it be a bit bad? Would she be worthy of her sister?

If she really ran into her sister in the horror world in the future, how would she explain to her sister?


"Why not?"

Jiang Cheng admired Jiang Qinyu seriously. Jiang Qinyu was really charming.

He never thought that Jiang Qinxin actually had a twin sister, and they actually...

It can only be said that it was a bit bloody, but also a bit cool.

He was going to pray!


"and you……"


"Dean Eliza, do you really want humans to become nuns and serve Lord Ghost God?"

"I think humans……"

Floraliya had a look of disdain on her face. She thought that weak humans could not accomplish the task of serving the Ghost God.……


Eliza looked at Floraliya in surprise.

"You haven't already learned the teachings of Master Youshen.……"

The Phantom God treats everyone equally. As long as you sincerely believe in the Phantom God, the Phantom God will not discriminate.……

"of course not……"

Floraliya was a little excited

"But will those humans affect our affairs? Lord Youshen is……"

Floraliya is a fanatic. She has a high status in the Phantom Church. She knows something.

"How could a group of humans possibly influence our affairs? What we need to do now is to wait for the Archbishop to come back."

Eliza was now pondering.

Was Jiang Cheng the Holy Son of their Youshen Sect? And why did Jiang Qinyu look exactly like the Archbishop?

She was particularly puzzled.

"All right."

Floraliya turned her gaze to the tall statue in the nave.

"Lord Youshen, your servants are here to tell you……"

As Floraliya began to pray, Eliza's thoughts slowly immersed themselves in it again.

"Brother, why did that guy become a missionary, and we can only clean the house?……"

A person's eyes are full of indignation


His words also resonated with several people around him. They were only worthy of sleeping in a large bunk bed, and the environment was very damp and dim.

It was like a dungeon.

"Yes, why can that man be a missionary, but we are only qualified to be cleaners?"

The person they surrounded was the middle-aged man.

He was silent at this moment.

"You guys should talk less. You can say those things in private. Don't be like that idiot before."

"In the dungeon, everything is weird. Whatever they say is what it is. Don't refute it."

The middle-aged man was of course a little unhappy, but he could only be unhappy. What else could he do?

He didn't dare to express his dissatisfaction directly.

"What's wrong with cleaning? As long as you can survive in the dungeon for 15 days and complete the task, you will get a reward."

"Brother, then you go to the last copy……"

Others looked at the middle-aged man with some curiosity.

"I am now level 2 and have received 100 Gui coins.……"

The middle-aged man was a little flattered by the flattery of several people. He also got a ghost-level weapon.

Now his self-protection ability is a little

"Once you become a formal player, you can open the horror mall, where you can spend ghost coins to buy items in the horror world."

"In short, don't cause trouble, don't cause trouble."

The middle-aged man said seriously

"Brother, it seems that two people went out to the toilet just now, and they haven't come back yet."

The next day, early in the morning


"Why are you here again?……"

"No, not there!"

After Jiang Qinyu completely collapsed on the bed, she really didn't want to move at all.

She didn't even have the strength to lift a finger.

""Qinyu, you should have a good rest."

His fighting power is extremely terrifying now... If it were Lin Sixue and An Weiwei... he would probably only be able to fight a few times in a row.

But Jiang Qinyu is a human being... He doesn't have any yang energy at all. Once he fights, Jiang Qinyu can't stand it.

"I want to work……"

Floraliya told her that she had to start working today, but she really didn't want to move at all.

"I'll talk to you, don't worry about it, just have a good rest"


Inside the nave

"Eliza, Jiang Qinyu is sick and needs to rest for a day. She probably can't work today.

Jiang Cheng saw Eliza under the statue.

"Is she sick? She should have a good rest." Eliza nodded,"Why, you guys slept well last night?"

"I slept well."

Refreshed, of course, very good.

Jiang Cheng regained his former confidence.

"I have found the apostates. They were performing a sacrificial ritual in the basement. They attacked me, so I had to kill them all.……"

Jiang Cheng coughed lightly. He had originally planned to keep one person, but Jiang Cheng knew almost all their information.

So it didn't matter whether to keep them or not.

"A sacrificial ritual in the basement? No wonder two humans and four nuns are missing.……"

Eliza thoughtfully

"They worship the Undertaker... As for his real name……"

After hearing what Jiang Cheng said, Eliza quickly said,"You don't have to tell me your real name. I know it."

"The Undertaker is one of the enemies of Lord Phantom God... He just happened to start a war with Lord Phantom God recently, and……"


Eliza doesn't plan to tell Jiang Cheng about this

"How do you know they converted to the Undertaker?"

Based on Eliza's understanding, it should not be easy for Jiang Cheng to know what the group of traitors converted to.

And from the way she looked at Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng seemed���The Undertaker's real name is known to all.

The Apostate does not know the Undertaker's real name.

"Well, the sacrificial ceremony should be in the basement now, you can go and take a look."

It seems that Eliza and the others did not notice what happened in the basement.


"Are they all the nuns in our church?"

Jiang Cheng pointed to the many nuns in front of the statue. They were all kneeling in front of the statue.

If we don't count the human players, there are probably more than 20 weird nuns.


Eliza nodded.

"In the morning, we need to pray to the ghost god together."

After getting Eliza's reply,

Jiang Cheng began to use the Eye of True Vision to find out the information of those strange nuns.

After all, there might be more than just those four strange nuns who betrayed their faith.

"It seems that only those four nuns are apostates."

After checking their information, Jiang Cheng found that the nuns who were praying seriously were all believers of the ghost god.

Then the side quest that Eliza gave him was completely completed.


"Dean Eliza."

At this moment, a deep voice came from the side, interrupting the conversation between Jiang Cheng and Eliza.

As Jiang Cheng and Eliza turned around, they saw Birdbeak walking towards them strangely. His eyes were full of solemnity at this moment.

"Coopers? What's up?……"

Eliza looked at Coopers in confusion. Coopers was the one with the strange name of the bird's beak.

"A demon is coming……"

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