The Church of the Gods


When Eliza found out that Estelle was carrying Coopers on her back and Coopers was covered in blood, her expression immediately became a little serious.

"Coopers was injured?"

Coopers was a forest ranger of their Ghostly Church, and he had always been on guard of the surrounding forests.

His combat power was slightly weak, but his concealment ability was extremely strong, and ordinary evil beings could not find Coopers.

How could Coopers be injured?

"Dean Eliza, save my brother, he's injured and cursed by the Fallen Devil!"

Estelle's tone was filled with anxiety, and she even cried a little.

"Ahem... Dean Eliza is a mid-level fallen demon... Ahem……"

"A mid-level fallen demon?"

Eliza's face changed drastically, and she spoke in a serious tone.

"I will tell the Archbishop right away. Estelle, take Coopers to the purification room first. I will pray for him to dispel the curse later."


Eliza then disappeared in front of them.

On the other side, Jiang Qinyu and Jiang Qinya had already come out of the house. They were walking and chatting.

""Sister, do you really like Jiang Cheng?"

She had the thought of killing Jiang Cheng directly, but if Jiang Cheng was really the lover of Lord Youshen.

Her two sisters both liked Jiang Cheng. If something really happened to Jiang Cheng, the impact would definitely be very great.

If Lord Youshen knew that she had touched Jiang Cheng, I'm afraid...

So that thought just dissipated in her mind in an instant, but after listening to Jiang Qinyu's words, she still didn't understand.

"Well... he's really nice."

She is now with Jiang Cheng, but if she really sees her sister in the horror world in the future, she will feel a little embarrassed to explain to her sister.


Jiang Qinya's mind began to reappear the kiss between her and Jiang Cheng, and her pretty face turned slightly red.

""Ahem... Sister, if that bastard bullies you, just tell me and I will teach him a lesson for you."

Why did she keep thinking about that? What was going on? Was that man really that magical?

That scene could not be dispelled and echoed in her heart.


With the appearance of Eliza, she interrupted the chatting of Jiang Qinyu and her sister.

"Archbishop, Coopers has been cursed. The one who invaded our church is a mid-level fallen demon. It is now in the forest, heading towards the church.……"

Eliza got straight to the point. She looked serious.

"A mid-level evil demon? Not a big deal.

If it was a high-level evil demon, she might be unable to resist it, but it was only a mid-level evil demon.

Then she could easily deal with it.

"Take me to see Coopers' injuries first."

When Eliza took Jiang Qinya and Jiang Qinyu to the purification room, Jiang Qinyu also saw Coopers and Estelle, two strange types she had never seen before.

But Coopers was now panting, he was lying on the stone bed, his dark clothes were stained with blood.


That was the first time Estelle and Cooper saw the Archbishop's true appearance. The Archbishop turned out to be such a beautiful woman.

However, they found that there were two identical women, but one of them seemed to be human.


Jiang Qinya smiled and responded to Estelle.

"The Archbishop is a mid-level fallen demon. I was discovered by him by accident and was cursed by him."

"Mr. Jiang Cheng is the only one fighting now. Don't worry about me for now. Please support Mr. Jiang Cheng."


Coopers didn't think that Jiang Cheng, who was only a high-level red-clothed one, could defeat a mid-level evil-level fallen demon.

The higher the level, the more impossible it would be to fight against a higher-level demon, such as the unspeakable level.

The gap between the middle level and the low level is almost the gap between the wandering soul level and the unspeakable level.


Jiang Qinya was slightly stunned

"Qinya, is Jiang Cheng in danger?"

Jiang Qinyu knew the strange levels in the horror world. As early as when they were in the villa, Jiang Cheng had taught her the basic knowledge of the horror world.

Now Jiang Qinya and the others reacted as if Jiang Cheng was in trouble.

"Archbishop, Jiang Cheng stayed in the forest to cover our retreat.……"

Estelle was very touched. She didn't want Jiang Cheng to get into trouble because of them. Her tone was full of anxiety.

"Eliza, you stay in the church to remove the curse from Coopers. Sister, you stay with Eliza and don't wander around."

"I'll go support the stinky... Jiang Cheng……"

Jiang Qinya quickly changed her words. She almost let the cat out of the bag in front of all the weird people.

"Sister, you must be with Eliza. Eliza, you must protect my sister, okay?"

Knowing that Jiang Qinyu would not become weird if something happened to her, she is very concerned about Jiang Qinyu now.

She finally has a sister, how can she let Jiang Qinyu get into trouble?


Jiang Qinyu was a little worried

"Qinya, go help Jiang Cheng, I won't run around."

As Jiang Qinya disappeared, Jiang Qinyu's face turned pale.

She was a little flustered.……

"Jiang Cheng will be fine, don't worry, he has an unspeakable-level magic weapon, ordinary evil-level weapons can't hurt him."

Eliza comforted Jiang Qinyu, and then she turned her eyes to Estelle,"Estelle, cooperate with me, I will remove the curse for Coopers……"


In the forest,

Asares was still walking slowly towards the church. The Ghost God and the Lord of Silent Night were enemies.

As for the reason, Asares didn't know.

"Fallen Demon!"

As a beautiful figure fell to the ground, she blocked the way of Asares.

"The Archbishop of the Phantom God Church?"

Jiang Qinya in front of him was only at the initial stage of the Sha level, and Asares did not pay much attention to her. After all, the middle level of the Sha level had an overwhelming advantage over the initial level.

"Are you the Lord of Silent Night's man?"

Jiang Qinya immediately realized that Asares was the Lord of Silent Night's man, who happened to be one of the enemies of Lord Phantom God. He happened to be one of the fierce gods of the Chaos camp who was besieging Lord Phantom God...

As for why the Lord of Silent Night became an enemy of Phantom God, Jiang Qinya did not know.

"Where is that human?"

Jiang Qinya did not attack Asares directly, but asked about Jiang Cheng's whereabouts.


Asares was stunned for a moment, then he sneered and said,"The human just now? Now he has become the spoils of Lady Liliqina."

Anyway, he could deal with the woman in front of him, so he told her that there was no defense.


Jiang Qinya was a little shocked.

Jiang Cheng actually fell into Liliqina's hands? Who is Liliqina? How could she not know?

One of the six maids of the Lord of Silent Night, with the combat power of the initial stage of Ghost King, is the lowest level among his maids.

It is rumored that among the six maids of the Lord of Silent Night, three are at the level of Unspeakable, and three are at the level of Ghost King.


Asares laughed. The reaction of the woman in front of him showed that the human that Lilikina had just taken away was quite important.

If Jiang Cheng fell into Lilikina's hands, how could he survive?

Jiang Qinya's face turned a little pale. If Lord Youshen and her sister knew that Jiang Cheng was in trouble, they would……


Jiang Qinya didn't say anything, she attacked Asares directly, but a spear appeared in her hand.

As the glowing spear appeared, Asares, who had been calm, changed his expression drastically.

"How can you have……"

Before Asares could finish, Jiang Qinya shot a spear directly through Asares' chest. As the spear pierced his chest, his red body was torn into pieces in an instant, and dazzling light burst out from the cracks.


After Asares cried out in agony, the light completely obscured him, and he disappeared along with the dazzling light.

Asares completely disappeared……

"This is a gift from Lord Youshen."

Jiang Qinya stroked the spear gently. It was an unspeakable weapon given to her by Lord Youshen. Lord Youshen gave it to her for self


After all, the relationship between Lord Youshen and her... In the Church of the Phantom God, most of the high-ranking officials did not know.

"Jiang Cheng……"

After dealing with Asares, Jiang Qinya's face was still pale and she looked worried.

Jiang Cheng fell into Liliqina's hands, how could there be a good result? She must now report to Lord Youshen as soon as possible.

It was impossible for her to deal with the maid of the Lord of Silent Night.

After putting away her spear, Jiang Qinya disappeared into the forest. When she appeared again, she had already arrived at the Church of Youshen.

"Archbishop? Already solved.……"

After Jiang Qinya came back, Eliza also presided over the prayer ceremony to remove the curse for Coopers.

""Where's Jiang Cheng?"

However, Eliza found that only Jiang Qinya came back, and there was no sign of Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Qinyu also hurriedly walked towards Jiang Qinya.

"Qin Ya, Jiang Cheng……"

Jiang Qinya lowered her head and sighed softly

"When I got there, I was already a step too late. Jiang Cheng……"

She didn't know how to answer their questions.

"Sister, he must still be alive, but he has fallen into the hands of the Lord of Silent Night's maid.……"

Seeing that Jiang Qinyu was already in tears and she was a little shaky, Jiang Qinya quickly supported Jiang Qinyu and comforted her.

Jiang Qinya also felt a little uncomfortable.

"Falling into the hands of the Lord of the Night's maid, wouldn't that be the same as death?" Eliza was stunned.


Jiang Qinya glared at Elisa. She was trying to comfort Jiang Qinyu, so why did Elisa have to tell the truth?

" could it be……"

Jiang Qinyu couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that something happened to Jiang Cheng.

"It's all my fault... I shouldn't have let him stay there. We should have come back together."

Estelle blamed herself a little, her eyes turned red, and her face turned pale.

""Sister... I will report this to Lord Youshen right away. With Lord Youshen's help, Jiang Cheng will definitely be fine!"

Jiang Qinya's mood was also complicated. After she realized that Jiang Cheng might really be in trouble, she was actually a little sad.


"Eliza, take good care of my sister!"

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