Just in Tony. When Stark thought everything was going to be over, the leader of the horror sub-sect knelt down in front of him.

Tony was full of question marks and didn’t know what was going on.

Only to hear the leader of the terrible branch and son say with sincere trepidation:

“I’m sorry we caught the wrong person, and please forgive us for what we did during this time.”

After inexplicably apologizing, the gang of horror points/sons will be Tony. Stark let it go.

Even a scientist friend he knew after he was kidnapped was released.

They were also given a jeep filled with supplies for survival and Tony was about to finish making steel armor.


An hour later Tony. Stark drives in a jeep through the vast desert.

Until now, he was confused.

If you think about it, the terrorist/sub-leader seems to be afraid of something.

Could it be that the Lighthouse Nation zf coerced the horrible group of terrorists to make them so frightened?

But it’s not right to think about it, if you are really afraid of the lighthouse country zf, those people will not become terrorists.

Tony thought about it for half a day and didn’t come up with the result, shook his head and simply ignored it.

Being locked up in a cave for more than ten days made him miserable as a playboy who had sung all night before.

He just wanted to hurry back to New York and enjoy his big villa, the hordes of beautiful women, and the delicious food.

As for the mystery behind this kidnapping, let’s study it slowly later.


However, Tony was destined not to return to New York easily.

After another hour of driving, a group of armed men of unknown origin suddenly surrounded him.

Sensing the crisis, Tony was shocked and immediately slammed on the accelerator to push his speed to the limit!

Seeing this, the armed men raised their guns and fired, and the bullets were frantically fired at the jeep.


Tony yelled, panicked.

What’s going on here?

Inexplicably released by the horror of the sub-score/son, and then inexplicably chased and killed.

Can’t let him go back to New York safely?


In the face of these mob attacks, Tony’s mind runs wildly.

In the current situation, if he wanted to survive, he must make his semi-finished steel armor.

Otherwise, sooner or later, they will be killed by these thugs!

“Sean, you’re driving!”

I need a little time to perfect the steel suit.

As long as the steel suit is finished, I can kill these damn horrors! ”

Sean is a scientist he met in a cave after Tony was kidnapped.

The two supported each other through this time.

Although we have only known each other for a short time, the relationship is quite deep.

When the horrible group released Tony, Tony rescued Shaun as well.



Hearing this, Sean agreed and took over Tony’s driver’s seat.

Tony, on the other hand, got into the back seat of the car and began to make steel armor.

In fact, this original steel armor has been manufactured to the last step.

If the cave is not interrupted, it will be completely completed in a day or two at most.

And now, in the face of the threat of death, Tony has unleashed unprecedented potential to frantically perfect this steel armor!

Bullets rained down on the jeep they were riding in.

In the end, even took out the RPG rocket launcher!


In the back seat of the car, Tony shouted excitedly as he put on the original steel armor.

However, at this moment, a rocket launcher flew towards them with precision!

Sean slammed the steering wheel and tried to dodge, but it was too late!


With a loud bang, the jeep turned into a raging fire.

Sean’s blasted bones are gone!

Tony was also missing.

But just when the horrible guys thought Tony had also been killed, a huge, rough steel armor flew out.

“You all deserve to die!!!”

Sean’s death plunges Tony into a rage.

He controlled the steel armor he had just made, and rushed into the crowd to fight!

Although it is the most primitive and rudimentary steel armor, it is still not comparable to the flesh and blood of these terrifying points/children!

Tony fights like crazy in the crowd, killing one horror score/son after another.

In just ten minutes, only one of these horror points was killed!

Tony left a living mouth and asked him condescendingly:

“Who are you?” Why did you come to attack me? Who directed you! ”

“Don’t… Don’t kill me, I said, I said! ”

This horror was already terrified by Tony and his steel armor.

1510 gave out what he knew.


This group of people comes from a small armed group in Zhongdong.

Some time ago he was hired to guard Tony who was imprisoned in a cave.

The Golden Lord gave them the task of keeping an eye on Tony until he died.

If he gets away with not dying, kill him!

If this group of people, according to the instructions of the Golden Lord, stared at Tony deadly.

He had no chance of escaping at all!

It is estimated that not long after leaving the cave, he was killed.

But this group of people is a ragtag group after all, and there is no discipline.

Seeing that Tony had been kidnapped in a cave and thought he had died nine times over, he was relieved.

Who knew that those horrible points/children in the cave had inexplicably released Tony!

By the time the militants had reacted, Tony had fled far away.

In this way, he was given the opportunity to perfect the mech!


“Someone actually wants me to die like that?” Who is it? Who hired you! ”

After listening to the man’s story, Tony was shocked and frightened.

He didn’t expect that someone would be so deliberate in trying to kill himself!

The thought of a black hand staring at him like a serpent in the darkness made Tony shudder in his back!

“I don’t know about this, the gold lord has never shown his face.

But…… But he seems to be a lighthouse countryman. ”

“Lighthouse Country?”

Hearing this, Tony’s heart grew colder.

It seems that it is the people around him who want to kill him!

Who is this person?


Tony fell into deep thought.

But at this moment, a strange black mist swallowed them up!


The first more to give, wait for the next one more, thank you all for the monthly pass!

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