With his swollen eyes, Tamura Chuta secretly glanced at Takiya Genji, whose right eye socket was slowly turning purple, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

Who is that harmless kid?!

When he faced Takiya Genji, the transfer student, he couldn't even fight back, but even a man as strong as this was knocked out by a junior high school kid with one punch before he could even finish five moves!!


Too terrible!

Originally, the guys in Suzuran were already very scary, but I didn't expect that the people outside were even more terrifying now!

"What are you still standing there for?"

The Ninth Dragon God first cast a contemptuous look at the depressed Takiya Genji, then turned his head and said to Tamura Tadata.

Tamura Tadata shuddered and said quickly:"Yes!"

He didn't know why he was so afraid of a little ghost.

"Soon after the school started, Serizawa Tamao had already eliminated Class B, led by the Mikami brothers. So now the Serizawa Army consists of two classes, Class A and Class B, in the third grade.���In the second-year E class, if each class has about 35 people, then the 'Serizawa Army' is a large faction with a hundred people! Therefore, Serizawa can be called the man who is closest to the top now!"

Tada Tamura circled the two letters A and B written at the beginning on the glass with a white oil paint pen, turned his head and said to the three people. Katagiri Ken squatted on the ground and touched his chin, thinking, and said:"Then, what about Class C and Class D?"

Tamura Chuta pointed to the letter C with the oil paint pen and replied:"Makise Takashi from Class C is a guy who will never show weakness no matter how many times he is provoked, and his virtue runs through the whole class."

Then, Tamura Chuta moved the pen to the letter D next to it and continued:"As for Class D, before we have a certain amount of power, it is best not to provoke the guy called 'Golden Wolf'. That man was very famous in junior high school."

The Ninth Dragon God sat quietly in a chair, drinking sparkling water, staring at the power map on the glass window, and listening to Tamura Chuta's explanation.

Although the Ninth Dragon God had known all this information in his previous life, when he really experienced these scenes in person, the Ninth Dragon God would still have a new sense of excitement.

Although he is only a junior high school student now, and not a member of Toaru, it still does not prevent him from witnessing the style of the 23rd Suzuran in other ways.

Katagiri Ken stood up from the ground and kept turning back and forth, saying at the same time:"It's impossible to unite with these people. They are all men running for the top... Hey, do you have any gossip, such as interests or hobbies?"

Katagiri Ken seemed to have thought of something, stopped and asked Tamura Chuta.

Tamura Chuta scratched his chin and thought about it, and said with a chuckle:"Well, there is one. Makise Takashi is too ugly, and there is a scar on his face, so he is really not popular with women!"

When Ken Katagiri heard this, his eyes lit up. He patted Tamura Chuta on the shoulder and said,"That's it!"

Then he walked over to Genji Takiya and sat down next to him. He said to Genji Takiya, who was still sulking alone,"Introduce a woman to Makise!"


Takiya Genji, who had not been listening the whole time, was stunned when he heard this.

""Social gathering! Find some girls to socialize with Makise!"

Ken Katagiri said confidently.

Hearing this, Genji Takiya frowned slightly. How could he, a bad boy who fought and made trouble all the time, meet any girls?

So, Genji Takiya asked,"Do you know any girls?"

The pride on Ken Katagiri's face froze. He looked at Genji Takiya's handsome face in disbelief and said in surprise,"You are so handsome, don't you have any female classmates?!"

"Our Suzuran is a boys' school, senior!"

Tamura Tadata next to him grinned and said.

Of course Katagiri Ken knew that Suzuran was a boys' school, after all, Suzuran was also his alma mater.

He thought about it, and just when he was about to ask Takiya Genji and Tamura Tadata if they had any junior high school female classmates they knew, he heard the kid who punched him say,"Is it really that troublesome?"


Katagiri Ken and Tamura Tadashi looked at the Ninth Dragon God in surprise.

Although Takiya Genji didn't have a good impression of the Ninth Dragon God, he still turned his head to look, wanting to hear what the Ninth Dragon God could say.

The Ninth Dragon God, with a handsome face that looked a little immature, said something that shocked the three people:"For a wretched man like this who hasn't been able to vent for years, wouldn't it be enough to invite him to a girls' room?"

The Ninth Dragon God didn't want to give them any advice at first, but then he thought that if he didn't care, then Katagiri Ken and the others would still meet several girls in the original book later, and then invite them to a social gathering.

Thinking of the perverted face of the perverted gorilla Makise Takashi, the Ninth Dragon God decided not to let these guys harm young and beautiful female high school students.

Alas, I am too righteous!

"Girls' House?!"

Ken Katagiri widened his eyes and looked at the Ninth Dragon God in confusion.

This is a junior high school student, right?

This is a junior high school student, right!

Why can he say the name of the Girls' House so easily!

Takiya Genji was also confused, but it was because he didn't understand.

Although he is a gangster and a bad boy, in his heart, there are only two things: fighting and getting his father's approval.

So for some things that he should understand at his age, he doesn't know much.

But looking at the reactions of Ken Katagiri and Tamura Chuta, it means that the two of them understood.

Now, among the four people, he is the only one who is confused, and he is a little embarrassed.

But he didn't go to ask the Ninth Dragon God, so he moved closer to Ken Katagiri and asked in a low voice:"What is a Girls' House?"

Hearing Takiya Genji's question, Katagiri Ken was confused again.

He looked at Takiya Genji in shock and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

These days, innocent boys like Takiya Genji are really rare!

Katagiri Ken did not answer Takiya Genji's question, and said to the Nine-generation Dragon God:"Go to the girl's house, cough. If we go to that kind of place, isn't it not good? After all, we want to win over Makise to join Genji's team. Go to that kind of place when we meet for the first time?" The

Nine-generation Dragon God rolled his eyes and said,"Idiot, who told you to show your cards at the beginning? Can't you fight with that guy Makise Takashi first? After defeating him, suggest going for a drink together, and then go to a girl's house to relax. After this set, I don't believe that the perverted gorilla can resist it!"


Kent Katagiri and Tamura Chuta both looked dazed and gave the Ninth Dragon God a thumbs up.

The kid now is so awesome!!

Takiya Genji bit the nail on his right thumb and looked at the Ninth Dragon God with contempt, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He is indeed the son of the president of the Kowloon Group!

This little trick is really amazing!!

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