As a high school full of bad students, the style of Suzuran is obviously different from other high schools.

There is no place on the walls outside the college that is not covered with graffiti.

The names of previous students or some middle school speeches can be seen everywhere on the walls outside Suzuran.

Even the school nameplate of Suzuran is the same.

When you come to the main gate of Suzuran, there is a row of black fence doors, which are half-open at this time. Bad students wearing black Suzuran school uniforms walk into the campus from here one after another.

As soon as you enter the gate of Suzuran, the first thing you see is the yellow mud playground with no debris. Although Suzuran is a bad school, it has no less campus buildings.

Teaching buildings, gymnasiums, swimming pools, department activity rooms...

If you remove the graffiti on the walls, the debris and garbage everywhere, and the bad students holding cigarettes everywhere, this is actually an ordinary college.

So, in a bad college like this, will students go to class?

The answer is of course.

It's just that the teachers come and leave on time at the bell for class, and they teach on their own during class, and they don't care about the students in the classroom at all.

For the teachers of Suzuran, teaching here is purely for the high salary. No one really intends to train these bad boys into pillars of society.

Therefore, even if there is a middle school student sitting in the third grade E class at this time, the teacher on the podium completely pretends not to see it.

In the third grade E class, the Chinese teacher is talking about the textbook on the graffiti-covered podium. The other students in the classroom are curiously turning their heads to look at the last row of the classroom, where the Ninth Dragon God is eating bread and drinking milk, and Takiya Genji, who looks like he has lost hope in life.

After Takiya Genji killed Tamura Tadahime with his powerful strength, this class has been ruled by him.

So when Takiya Genji brought a middle school kid to school today, the bad boys in the whole class were a little confused.

What's going on?

Why is our boss bringing a child to school!

""Brother Chuta, what's going on? Takiya is now the leader of Class E. If we bring a little brat to school, what if other classes see us? They will laugh at our Class E!"

A delinquent who was sitting on the right hand side of Tamura Chuta leaned in front of Tamura Chuta and whispered.

Delinquent boys value face more than life, and any embarrassing thing will make them feel ashamed and angry.

Tamura Chuta leaned in, resting his left arm on the desk, looking towards the back row, and said,"Don't underestimate that little brat! That brat can knock Genji down with just one punch!"


"real or fake?!"

"Are you kidding me?"

All the bad boys around Tamura Chuta took a deep breath when they heard this, their faces full of disbelief and shock.

A few days ago, Genji Takiya killed Tamura Chuta in front of all the bad boys in the class with just a few moves, shocking all the bad boys on the spot and successfully taking over Class E.

How could such a man be killed by a junior high school kid with just one punch?

They really didn't believe it.

Genji Takiya in the back row of course noticed the gazes of the whole class. Although he was very angry, what could he do?

He thought that the Ninth Dragon God was joking yesterday, but he didn't expect it to be real!

In the morning, when he had just packed up and was ready to go to school, the Ninth Dragon God had been sitting on his sofa waiting for him for a long time.

He couldn't really fight, and Genji Takiya, who couldn't compare with the other party in terms of status, could only grit his teeth and swallow it.

He came to Suzuran with the Ninth Dragon God with a constipated face.

Genji Takiya became more and more angry, so he turned his head to look at the Ninth Dragon God, lowered his voice, gritted his teeth and said:"What do you want?!


If this brat really dares to pester him for a whole day, he will really ignore everything, even if he is beaten by his father later, he must beat this brat down first.

Hearing this, the Ninth Dragon God glanced at Takiya Genji, then swallowed the last bite of bread, picked up the box of milk, and said:"Okay, I'm done with breakfast, you go to class, I'll take a walk in Suzuran."

After that, the Ninth Dragon God got up and left through the back door.

Takiya Genji wanted to speak up to stop the Ninth Dragon God, but then he changed his mind. There were so many bad guys in Suzuran. If they saw a junior high school student swaggering around the school, they would definitely conflict with the Ninth Dragon God.

He couldn't really fall out with the Ninth Dragon God, but the other bad guys in Suzuran beat up the Ninth Dragon God, what did it have to do with me, Takiya Genji?

"Humph! I hope you'll be taught a lesson by those guys!"

When Takiya Genji thought of this, his mouth curled up and his mood instantly improved.

After leaving Class E of the third grade, the Ninth Dragon God did not go to find the new friends he met last night, nor did he stay on the third grade floor for a long time. While drinking milk, he walked towards the second grade floor.

As a result, when passing by the washbasin next to the stairwell, the Ninth Dragon God met his new friend last night.

"?…What are you doing?"

The Ninth Dragon God looked at Serizawa Tamao who was sitting sideways between the sink and the wall and asked in confusion.

At this time, Serizawa Tamao's right half of his body was completely pressed against the sink, twisting constantly. After hearing the voice, Serizawa Tamao looked up and saw that the person who was talking was actually a friend he had just met last night, the Ninth Dragon God.

"Eh?! Dragon God? Why are you in Lily of the Valley?!"

"That's not important, what are you doing here?"

"Oh! I found 100 yuan in here! I can pick it up in a moment!"


The corner of the Ninth Dragon God's mouth twitched. He looked at Serizawa Tamao who was trying hard and twisting his body. He had a thousand complaints in his heart, but in the end, he just said:"Come on!"

Then the Ninth Dragon God pinched the root of his nose to relieve his headache, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

"���A moment... eh!"

"Wait a minute!! Dragon God! Wait a minute!!"


The Ninth Dragon God stopped and looked back at Serizawa Tamao.

Serizawa Tamao showed an embarrassed look on his face and said to the Ninth Dragon God in a daze:"I... I can't pull my hand out... Can you help me?"


""Hey! Where are you going? Aren't we friends? Dragon God!!!"

Ignoring the funny Serizawa Tamao, the Ninth Dragon God quickly went downstairs and came to the second grade floor.

Before he could find the class he was looking for, a burly boy in a hooded suit with a hood covering his head came towards him.

From a distance, the Ninth Dragon God felt a sense of oppression coming towards him. He stopped and the corners of his mouth slowly rose.

When the hooded boy saw a junior high school student appear in the lily of the valley, he was stunned for a moment, then continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened, passing by the Ninth Dragon God.

""Hey! Stop!"

The Ninth Dragon God suddenly shouted.

The hooded boy stopped but did not look back.

The Ninth Dragon God stretched his neck and grinned,"You are Hayashida Hui?!"

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