Although Kunou Hideomi was somewhat afraid of Hayashida Hui's force, the three people in front of him remained calm and sat in their original positions after being surrounded by two hundred armed front members, which made Kunou Hideomi a little uneasy.


Can you give me some reaction?

You guys are making me lose face!

The Nineth Dragon God had not finished smoking the cigarette in his hand. He raised his hand and took a deep puff of the cigarette, then slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and then said:"Don't you know who broke Mito Yasuyuki's left leg? Why, do you want to show off your power in front of your men?"

Kunou Hideomi frowned when he heard it, looked directly at the Nineth Dragon God, and his face began to become cold.

This kid, is he the person Mito was talking about?

Kunou Hideomi knew that the other party's bodyguard was Kunou Issei, so in order to cut the Gordian knot, Kunou Hideomi didn't want to continue pretending, so he shouted directly:"It was you who did it! Come on!!"


The armed front members who were close to the three people of the Ninth Dragon God roared and rushed out with their weapons raised.

Hayashida Hui and Serizawa Tamao quickly stood up, and a trace of severity flashed across their expressionless faces.

After all, no matter how good they were at fighting, the number of people on the opposite side added up to nearly two hundred.

When both sides were about to make a move, a black shadow rushed out first, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed in front of Kunou Hideomi, and then under Kunou Hideomi's horrified gaze, the black shadow quickly raised his foot and kicked Kunou Hideomi out.

Kunou Hideomi, who flew backwards, was like a bowling ball, knocking the members of the armed front behind him to the ground, and a large group of them fell down in an instant.

Kunou Ryushin's muscles instinctively tensed up instantly, and his breathing began to become rapid.


This person who suddenly appeared is definitely a master! A master who is stronger than the junior high school student he met that night!!

"Big brother!"

"Hideomi! Are you okay?!"

The sudden change made the armed front chaotic, and the members who were preparing to charge at the front stopped and showed panic on their faces.

Two of the four kings of the armed forces also rushed to the fallen Kunou Hideomi and helped their eldest brother up. The man wearing brown sunglasses, a scar on the corner of his left eye, and a loose black striped suit was Masanori Iwai. The man with a soaring hairstyle and an earring in his left ear was called Anzai Mitsuhiko.

Together with the abandoned Mito Yasuyuki and Bando Hideto who went to school at Suzuran, they were collectively known as the four kings of the armed war.

Among them, except for Bando Hideto who was an old man left over from the second generation of armed forces, the remaining three were confidants who were promoted after Kunou Hideomi took office.

Therefore, Iwai Masanoru and Anzai Mitsuhiko were naturally very worried about Kunou Hideomi.

After Kunou Hideomi was helped up from the ground by his subordinates, he looked at the figure standing there without moving with a ferocious face, and shouted:"Asshole!! Do you want to die!!"

The figure slowly raised his hand and took off his hood, revealing a face that was extremely similar to Kunou Hideomi.


The members and cadres of the armed front gasped upon seeing this, with a trace of shock on their faces.

Kunou Hideomi was stunned at first, and then he still looked at his brother with a ferocious expression.

Kunou Ryushin was also extremely shocked, with fear and joy on his face, he shouted:"Brother?! Is it you! Aren't you missing?!"

The three brothers of the Kunou family have always had a deep relationship since they were young.

A year ago, the eldest brother Kunou Issei suddenly disappeared. Kunou Ryushin searched for a long time, but found no news at all.

Who would have thought that he would meet his eldest brother today.

Kunou Issei glanced at Kunou Ryushin, chuckled, and said:"Long time no see, Ryushin."

Then he ignored his excited brother and looked at Kunou Hideomi with a ferocious expression.

"Hideomi, you disappoint me so much!"

"Bastard! What right do you have to interfere in my affairs?! You have disappeared for a year! Why do you show up again?! Don't think that you can teach me a lesson just because you are the eldest brother! I am the one who gives orders!!!"

Kunou Hideomi broke away from his subordinates on both sides, pointed at Kunou Ikki's nose and cursed.

Among the three Kunou brothers, although Kunou Hideomi is the second son, he is very quick-witted and has many small tricks, so the three brothers have really listened to Kunou Hideomi since they were young.

Although Kunou Ikki is the eldest son, he has a dull personality and is not good at speaking.

As the third son, Kunou Ryushin naturally has no say.

Looking at the hysterical Kunou Hideomi, Kunou Ikki remained silent.

Suddenly, the fight turned into a soap opera of family emotional disputes, and everyone around felt a little unreal.

Iwai Masanobu, Anzai Mitsuhiko and the members of the armed front all looked at each other. He peeked and subconsciously hid the weapon in his hand behind his back.

After all, the man opposite was the eldest brother of his eldest brother.

Serizawa Tamao, who looked like he would never wake up, suddenly became energetic.

His eyes swam back and forth between Kunou Ikki and Kunou Hideomi.

Isn't this better than fighting!

Hayashida Kei already knew all this, so naturally he didn't react. The

Ninth Dragon God frowned slightly and stood up from his chair.

He didn't come here today to watch the family soap opera of the long-awaited reunion of the Kunou brothers.

So the Ninth Dragon God took two steps forward and said in a cold tone:"Junou, remember our bet? Now, you lose."

Kunou Ikki shuddered when he heard this, turned around and knelt down on both knees towards the Ninth Dragon God.

"Please give Hideomi another chance!! Spare his life!"

The Ninth Dragon God looked down at the prostrating Jiuneng Yisheng without saying a word.

Jiuneng Longxin looked at the Ninth Dragon God with flickering eyes, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Jiuneng Hideomi was completely furious and shouted in exasperation:"Jiuneng Yisheng! Get up right there!! You are embarrassing me again!! What can such an idiot kid do to me?! He spared my life? Ask the two hundred people behind me if they agree to spare his life!!!" The

Ninth Dragon God raised the corner of his mouth, chuckled, and said to Jiuneng Yisheng on the ground:"Jiuneng, did you hear what your brother said?"

Jiuneng Yisheng's back teeth were almost creaking, his ten fingers dug into the soil on the ground, and veins on the back of his hands bulged.

"You come, or should I?"

The voice of the Ninth Generation Dragon God sounded again.

The face of the Nine-Power One Saint was ferocious, his whole body was trembling, and his eyes began to turn red.

The Ninth Generation Dragon God did not give the Nine-Power One Saint too much time to think, and took a step forward.

After taking this step, the Nine-Power One Saint's trembling stopped instantly, and the whole person suddenly jumped up from the ground, his figure flashed, and rushed in the opposite direction behind him.


A cold light flashed and the sound exploded.


A severed hand flew up to the sky, blood pouring out.

Kunou Hideomi covered his bare right wrist with his left hand, looking pale, and staggered to the ground, screaming.

In the abandoned gas station, everyone was silent, only Kunou Hideomi's wailing resounded through the world.

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