Shibuya, in a theme coffee shop.

The young ladies wearing rabbit ears or cat ears all huddled behind the bar as if they were avoiding the plague, and from time to time they stole a glance at the group of biker boys in the store with various hairstyles and wearing two completely different special attack uniforms.

They really couldn't understand why the negotiations between these biker boys were chosen in their warm little coffee shop.

The two groups were clearly divided. One group was about 17 or 18 years old. There was nothing eye-catching about the special attack uniforms on their bodies.

There were no accessories on their ears or hands. Except for some fierce expressions, the young ladies in the coffee shop were not afraid of them. What really made the young ladies look like this was another group of biker boys.

There were not many people and they were not old. They looked like they were still in junior high school. They wore black special attack uniforms with words written all over their clothes.

Some of them had dragon tattoos on their heads, one had a tiger tattoo on his neck, and several boys had earrings on their ears.

At first glance, the two groups of biker boys would make people feel that the younger one was more fierce and evil.

Who else can form a group of bikers in Tokyo with the age of junior high school students, except Dong Wan?

The bikers sitting opposite Dong Wan are mainly composed of two brothers with great momentum and burly figures, one with a golden slicked back hair and the other with a somewhat silly pot-covered hair.

These two people are naturally the two brothers of the Nine-Headed God family, the cousins of the Ninth Dragon God.

The bikers sitting behind the two brothers are the senior cadres of the Nine-Headed Tiger Society.

One of the Nine-Headed Tiger Society cadres with a golden airplane hair bowed his head deeply, trying very hard to reduce his presence.

At this time, no one on both sides spoke, and the atmosphere was extremely weird.

After an unknown amount of time, the Nine-headed Tiger Man spoke first and broke the silence:"I have finished explaining the cause and effect of the matter. Now, do you want to help me?" The

Nine-headed Tiger Man's voice had just landed, and the Dong卐 cadres who were keeping silent and busy with their own affairs all turned their heads to look at the Ninth Dragon God who was sitting by the window drinking juice alone. Even Sano Manjiro, who was only focused on eating ice cream jelly, was no exception.

After seeing the actions of the six Dong卐 men, the Nine-headed Tiger Man and the cadres of the Nine-headed Tiger Society also turned their heads and looked at the Ninth Dragon God together.

In such a situation where everyone was paying attention, only two people were unmoved.

One was the Nine-headed Dragon Man, and the other, of course, was Dong卐's Ah Pa.

The two guys now only had their eyes on the parfait (ice cream jelly) in front of them, and they were eating it happily.

After noticing countless eyes focused on him, the Ninth Generation Dragon God, who was thinking about something, came out of his trance, looked at everyone, blinked, and said,"Why are you all looking at me!"

"Dragon God, you make the decision on this matter."

Sano Manjiro looked at the Ninth Dragon God who had come to his senses, said something, and turned back to finish the parfait in front of him.

"No, you are the general manager of Dong 卐, right? You should decide this matter? ?"

Seeing that Sano Manjiro looked like he was leaving the stall, the Ninth Dragon God was a little confused.

Although the Nine-Headed Divine Tiger Man is my cousin, and he found Dong卐 through me to discuss the alliance, this matter is not a trivial matter after all.

The Chukyo Union in Hakone has now become a behemoth. Will Dong卐, a newly emerging new team, be hit hard in this war or take the opportunity to expand? This is something that the general manager needs to consider.

Although Sano Manjiro always emphasizes that he is the acting general manager, the acting general manager is also the general manager now!

Moreover, to be honest, in the development of Dong卐 this year, the Ninth Dragon God has not managed anything except his own direct team. So although the Ninth Dragon God wanted Dong卐 to help the Nine-Headed Divine Tiger Man, he still needs to consider the feelings of his friends.

Who made Dong卐 the purest harbor in his heart now.

Sano Manjiro took a spoon and stuffed a big mouthful of ice cream into his mouth. After hearing this, he blurted out a sentence very calmly:"Oh, then from now on you are the general manager of Dong卐……"


Except for the six young warriors from the East, everyone present had a big question mark in their heads. The

Nine-Headed Divine Tiger Man was even more confused. I came here to ask for help today, right? How did it become a witness to the power transition within your team? ?

""Manjiro! Stop it!"

Regardless of whether Sano Manjiro was sincere, the Ninth Dragon God had to say this.

He really didn't want to manage Dong卐 now. There were so many things waiting for him to deal with. How could he have the time to play heroic biker gang with the little kids.

But Sano Manjiro ignored the Ninth Dragon God.

Instead, he looked at the Nine-headed God Tiger Man who was eating melons, and said,"Brother Tiger Man, in fact, you should know that if it is a simple alliance, Dong卐 will not be able to help you fight against the Zhongjing Alliance.

After all, the opponent has too many troops, and we not only have fewer people on our side, but they are all junior high school students.

So the reason that is not particularly important is that we can't mobilize the enthusiasm of our team to fight.


When the Nine-Headed Tiger Man listened to what Sano Manjiro said, his eyebrows frowned at first. He thought that Dong卐 was rejecting his request for help.

But then he thought that the kid eating parfait opposite seemed to have something else to say.

So the Nine-Headed Tiger Man did not respond, but just looked straight at Sano Manjiro.

Sure enough, Sano Manjiro continued:"So, after receiving the call from the Dragon God, several of our cadres discussed it and felt that our two teams could unite."

"Am I not here to form an alliance with you guys?"

The Nine-Headed Divine Tiger Man was a little confused when he heard this.

"The alliance I'm talking about is not this kind of alliance without friendship, but the combination of our two teams into one!"

Sano Manjiro suddenly said in a shocking tone.



The cadres of the Nine-headed Tiger Society widened their eyes upon hearing this, and some were extremely shocked.

It's not their fault for making a fuss, but when it comes to the current Tokyo bikers, there are definitely two teams that cannot be avoided.

One is the newly established team, Tokyo卐会.

The other is the old biker team, Black Dragon.

So don't look at the Nine-headed Tiger Society far away in Machida City, but the reputation of East卐 is well-known.

So today when the acting general manager of East卐 said that the two companies should be merged into one, they were naturally shocked.

Not to mention the cadres of the Nine-headed Tiger Society, even the Ninth Dragon God was shocked.

The Ninth Dragon God's eyes flickered, and he looked at Sano Manjiro without knowing what was going on.

Sano Manjiro ignored everyone's shock and surprise, looked straight at the Nine-headed Tiger Man, and continued:"East卐 can merge with the Nine-headed Tiger Society into one team, but East卐 must still retain its own autonomy! To put it bluntly, we share a big team name, but our respective flags are still retained!"

As a young master of the Yakuza, the Nine-Headed Divine Tiger Man immediately understood what Sano Manjiro wanted to express.

The model that Sano Manjiro mentioned is actually the internal structure of some large Yakuza organizations.

Not to mention the distant past, the Kowloon Group of the Ninth Generation Dragon God’s family is such a model.

The main body of the Kowloon Group is the Ninth Generation Association, but there are various other branches under it.

Although they have a certain degree of autonomy, they still have to obey the orders of the president, the Ninth Generation Longxin.

After understanding this, the Nine-Headed Divine Tiger Man suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Sano Manjiro meaningfully and asked:"Then, who will be the general manager?"

Then, without waiting for Sano Manjiro to answer, the two turned their heads and looked at the Ninth Generation Dragon God who had been eating melons.


The Ninth Dragon God's eyes widened immediately and he let go of the straw in his mouth.……


(I said I just woke up, do you believe me??)

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