Several young people gathered together with a vision for the future, chattering excitedly about the development of the team.

"Well, since the Dragon God said so, let Mikey be the first general manager!"

"Okay, I agree"

"Hahaha! We are going to have our own team!"

"What's the team name?"

Sano Manjiro, who was beginning to feel sleepy because of his full meal, suddenly looked shocked and said with shining eyes:"I have already thought of the team name!"

"Eh? So fast?"

"Mikey, what's the name?"

Sano Manjiro's mouth corners slowly raised, revealing a smug smile, and slowly said:"Let's call it Tokyo Manjiro Club!!!"

"How lame!!! Too unfashionable!!!"

Everyone shouted in unison upon hearing this.

What kind of a name is this?! Ah hey! Do we have to say to the enemy when we go out to fight in the future and introduce ourselves:

The one who killed you is the 'Tokyo Manjiro Society'!

When everyone thought of this scene, they all shuddered.

Too embarrassing...

Sano Manjiro's face suddenly fell, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Ryuguji Ken ignored Sano Manjiro whose face turned black, and said to everyone:"I absolutely don't agree with the team name Mikey came up with! But let's just settle the team!"

"Hey! Jianzi!" Sano Manjiro's face began to turn blue... Mitani

Takashi raised his hand and touched his right temple, smiling and said:"Yeah! If we have a team like this, it will make sense for seven people to fight together! Think about the name slowly!"

"Hey! That's too much!" Sano Manjiro glared at Mitani Takashi angrily... After putting down the plate, A Pa finally shifted his attention and said with a smile:"Wow! We have a team! So excited! No matter the name!"

"Kill you!!!"

Sano Manjiro, who could no longer bear it, roared and kicked Ah Pa away, then violently charged Mitani Takashi, and finally leaped into the arms of Ryuguuji Ken, tearing Ryuguuji Ken's cheeks with both hands.

The Nineth Dragon God, Keisuke Chichi, and Ichitora Hamiya, who did not speak in response, burst into laughter, pointing at Ah Jian, whose face was about to turn into a pancake, and laughed until tears came out.

"Tokyo 卐会!"

Amidst the laughter, a voice that was smiling but extremely firm suddenly rang out.

Sano Manjiro and others who were playing around paused and turned their heads to look at the Ninth Generation Dragon God.

"Our team name is Tokyo 卐会!"

The Ninth Dragon God looked at everyone and spoke again.

The young men's eyes gradually brightened. They always felt that this name seemed to have an inexplicable attraction to them, and it seemed to be a wake-up call from the deepest part of their memory.

"Good! From today on, Tokyo 卐会! Dongwan, is established!!"

Sano Manjiro jumped off Ryuguji Ken's body, changed his lazy style in the past, and shouted loudly in an excited tone




"This is the biker gang of our junior high school students!!!"

Everyone gathered together, raised their right arms in unison, and shook the earth.


Just as everyone was immersed in the joy of forming a team, a light snort sounded in everyone's ears.

The young men frowned and looked at the person who snorted. The

Nine-Headed Divine Tiger Man felt a little hungry after waking up, so he walked towards the restaurant with messy hair.

When he passed the reception restaurant, he heard a group of kids making noises. Curious, he changed direction and walked to the reception restaurant.

As soon as he arrived, he heard a voice of"Dong Wan!".

He frowned slightly and quickened his pace, wanting to see who was so presumptuous and dared to shout the name of another organization in the headquarters of the Thousand Attendants.

Unexpectedly, it was actually His cousin and a group of kids of the same age were chattering in the small open space in front of the guest restaurant.

Seeing this scene, the nine-headed tiger man immediately understood that the name"Dong Wan" should be the name of the team that these junior high school kids wanted to form.

If it was a small bad group on campus, he would not laugh.

But a group of junior high school kids shouting about forming a biker gang team, it made him feel a little ridiculous.

Even for him, forming a biker gang was something he did after entering college.

In this circle, sometimes, seniority is very important.

What is a biker gang?

The biker gang was originally called the"Thunder Clan". It has continued to develop and become the"bosozoku" of today.

These people like to modify motorcycles, including but not limited to removing motorcycle silencers, installing high-power speakers, etc.

They drive motorcycles dangerously, do not wear protective gear, and ignore traffic signs, such as zigzagging on both sides of the road.

Because many things are violations, the participants of the bosozoku are mainly minors under the age of 20, because in this country, minors who violate the law are not punished or are given lighter penalties.

There are also strict internal rules within the bosozoku. If the internal rules of the team are violated, lynching or violence is often used as punishment.

Therefore, it is very difficult to join the bosozoku. It is easy to join, but it is very difficult to quit or change the group midway.

The bikers are also one of the ways for the Yakuza organizations to recruit grassroots personnel. Some bikers are even specially established by the Yakuza organizations.

Moreover, the standard equipment of the bikers: motorcycles and special attack uniforms, are a considerable expense.

I won’t say much about the motorcycles, let’s just talk about the special attack uniforms.

Special attack uniforms cannot be bought in ordinary stores, but need to be custom-made, and the most expensive custom-made can even reach 200,000 yuan.

So now a group of junior high school kids are shouting that they want to form a biker gang, and the nine-headed tiger man certainly thinks that these kids are too whimsical and funny.

"Hey! Who are you?"

Hearing someone laugh at them, the hot-tempered Keisuke immediately glared at them.

The others also looked unhappy and stared at the nine-headed tiger man viciously.

"Don't pay attention to him, this guy is my cousin."

The Ninth Dragon God walked up to Keisuke Chang, stretched out his hand to pull Keisuke Chang, who was like an angry little tiger, behind him, and continued to introduce him to everyone:"The head of the Machida biker gang [Nine-headed Tiger Society]. Maybe for them, it might be a funny thing for junior high school kids like us to form a team."

Hearing that the other party was the cousin of the Ninth Dragon God, everyone's face calmed down.

Then when the Ninth Dragon God finished speaking, everyone's face showed some shock again.

【The Nine-Headed Tiger Club], even those in Tokyo had heard of this big team!

Unexpectedly, the Dragon God's cousin was actually the leader of this team!

"I dare say that on the day you form your team, you will be attacked by other teams."

The Nine-headed Tiger Man crossed his arms and spoke to the Ninth Dragon God.

The Ninth Dragon God patted Keisuke's shoulder, took a few steps forward, looked at the Nine-headed Tiger Man and said loudly:"They are looking for trouble with us? On the day Dongwan is officially established, we will take the initiative to kill an old-fashioned biker gang, and then wave the 'East 卐' flag while stepping on their corpses!"

"Yes! That's right!"

"We Dongwan are not easy to mess with!"

The young men shouted in unison with high spirits.

"Good! If you really prove your strength, then, I, Machida [Nine-headed Tiger Association], will be the first to recognize your team name!"

Nine-headed Tiger Man seemed to be infected by the ambitions of the teenagers and made a promise to them.

Perhaps, this group of kids who have just become junior high school students can create a new era that is different from the past!

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