Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 179 A visitor from outer space?

"Not a monster civilization, but fire-breathing aliens?" ! 》

The new issue of the Royal Daily published such a headline on the front page, and several very clear photos took up most of the page - it was a burned-down building, with several photos of monster footprints attached next to it, and a few photos of monster footprints. A photo of the impressions made on the land by heavy objects.

This is the material that reporter Reynolds and his shooting partner secretly sneaked into Wood Manor and captured. Basically, they are some traces left behind after the monster spaceship landed.

Because they were Hebrews and civilians, they were not qualified to meet the nobles of the Great Chik Empire. So they could only sneak into Wood Manor secretly at the risk of their lives. Even if they gave some bribes to the guards of the manor, they would be driven away because of their status as Hebrews.

It can be said that Reynolds is a reporter who loves his career very much. He followed the clues all the way from the Hebrew territory to the city of Zali. He fought desperately and finally found it and occupied the front page of the newspaper. , and once again set off a storm of discussion among the people.

Whether they are monsters or aliens, they are always a hot topic in the press. When these two keywords appeared on the front page, the "ship" incident, which was foreshadowed by the first issue of news, spread to a wider range. In the streets and alleys of the empire, discussions about the "ship" incident arose, and some tabloids gave various versions of speculation and reasoning.

However, Jetro, who was far away in the New World, could not feel the popularity of this topic.

In the New World, which is isolated from the information of the Old World, Jetro, the originator of the "ship", is deeply attracted by Obsward's proposal on the one hand, and on the other hand, he is severely tortured by his moral conscience.

The Dragon God Religion is a religion that is frequently active and has shown great strength. No one would not want their help. But now, a perfect opportunity happened to be presented to him, and someone had already grabbed it for him, so what was he still struggling with?

His heart was accusing him, because the behavior of hiding Belinda and using Belinda was a despicable and dirty method. The benefits of his silence were based on tearing apart a friend's perfect family.

Jetro sat on his desk seat and meditated. He clasped his hands together and lowered his head. His mind could not help but be flooded with thoughts about the many benefits he would gain from controlling the Dragon God Cult.

With the prestige of Saint Belinda and the Dragon God Cult's rich experience in fighting behind enemy lines, he was able to influence the situation of the Great Chek Empire - most importantly, he helped North Noah win the "Emperor's War" "The behavior adds another piece of chips.

Helping North take power in the Great Chik Empire was saving his own life. How could he not be tempted by such a result and convince himself to sacrifice the happiness of Belinda and Thorad?

But for a wife to lose her husband, for a husband to lose his wife, for a child to find it difficult to get the love of his parents, it is sad to see this happen to an enemy, let alone inflict it on a good friend with his own hands. What about the family?

"What are you worried about?" Mengzhi stood by the window. The scenery outside the window was bright. Her current standing position had been moved from a small corner to a conspicuous place.

Jetro raised his head and looked at Mengzhi, who was dressed in purple satin clothes and exuded an aristocratic temperament.

"Make a choice - whether to become a profit-seeking person or a person who is restrained." Jetro's voice was weak, and mental torture has always been his biggest pain point.

"These two words to describe people don't seem very friendly." Mengzhi now knows how to talk nonsense for fun. She knows that this is a speaking skill that must be learned in human social situations, "But in my opinion , this does not constitute a 'choice' at all."


"Only when we are on the verge of genocide will we say 'choice'. Choose one of the paths, sacrifice most of the tribe, and preserve the fire of hope; choose another path, preserve all the tribesmen, but the whole tribe may be annihilated. That kind of moment , we just say 'choice'."

Mengzhi rarely mentioned something related to herself, and her meaning was very clear - Jetro's choice was not that complicated at all.

"You are a race as a whole, but we are different. As an individual, we are an individual. My current 'choice' is on the edge of my own survival - as long as a person crosses the bottom line of 'first time', There will be a second or third behavior." Jetro spread his hands, even though he was communicating with his mind, he was used to doing this action.

"If this time I sacrifice the happiness of Belinda's family to seek other interests, then I will get used to this kind of thing and become a mercenary person."

Jetro added, "I know very well that it must be like this. I have seen too many people like this."

"Then what do you think?" Mengzhi asked.

"I want to survive." Jetro answered decisively.

"It seems that a 'profit-seeking' personality will increase your chances of survival."

Jetro was silent.

Mengzhi seemed to be persuading with concern: "Among us races with a spiritual community, our 'choice' has always been only one, and that is to sacrifice the majority to retain the seeds of hope. Even if the second path, there is There is a 99% chance that everyone will survive, and we will choose the first option.

Because as long as there is a one percent chance of extinction, it will be completely destroyed. "

"Are you saying that survival should be the first goal?"

"Yes." Meng Zhi nodded in reality.

"I'm really curious about this. What kind of event would bring about the possibility of extinction for a race like yours?" The branch in Jetro's head that represents "curiosity" led his thoughts to the non-fiction in the Dream Discourse. The key point.

"We are not a perfect race." Mengzhi's eyes moved to the window, where there were blue sky, white clouds and fluttering waves. "There are too many ethnic groups that are more powerful than us. In the process of evolution, they have made the choice to 'preserve the fire' again and again."

"Stronger than you?" Jetro's curiosity was completely aroused. "If the structure of human beings compared with you is the difference between ants and elephants, then how do you describe someone who is stronger than you?"

"There is no upper limit, but they do exist." She murmured in a voice like a prophet's divination, "Maybe their fire is here."

Mengzhi's eyes suddenly became wandering. Her gaze seemed to penetrate through layers of time and space and landed on an unknown node.

In the snow-covered corner of the old continent, a huge pupil opened its eyes, turned twice as if sensing something, and then slowly closed its eyelids.

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