How a Calamity Necromancer Retires
Chapter 130
“How do parents react?”
After completing the first test for researchers, the second test was conducted with real students and parents.
“The reactions are very different. There are parents who say that it is enough to study anyway, but there are also many parents who feel reluctant to see their children say vulgar words in anger.”
I nodded and said.
“It can be enough.”
No matter how good the study is and if the specter helmet stops working, it will return to its original state, but no parent likes to see their child go wild.
but it doesn’t matter
Seron always presents only options, and accepting them is the individual decision of each customer.
If you want to study like that, you do it, and if you don’t like it, you don’t.
“In addition, there were also voices concerned about whether or not there would be a change in the personalities of the students.”
“There’s no such thing, so don’t worry.”
In the first place, I set a three-hour limit to prepare for such an unexpected situation.
“All right. I will talk like that.”
“How are the students reacting?”
At my words, Deokbae Kim said with a slight smile.
“Students are rather positive.”
Are students responding better than parents?
“When I interviewed them, most of the students felt that the time they studied was very short because they were overcome by anger, and that they thought that they made it easy to study that they did not want to do.”
“Is it comfortable in one word?”
“yes. Regardless of whether I was angry or not, in the end, the studies I did at that time remain in my head.”
While some parents feel repulsive because of the student’s change, the student rather pays attention to the result.
If you put on a helmet and look at the lectures, you will study like crazy, so for students, the most annoying and unpleasant study is easily solved.
“Parents react differently, students like it. Not bad. So, the reaction ends here, and what are the educational outcomes?”
“Honestly, the learning effect against time itself is low. To the extent that it is rather negative for a student who is studying hard alone.”
I guess so.
I’m studying because I’m blinded by anger, but if efficiency comes out, does that make sense?
But what does it matter.
“What about the students who don’t study?”
In the first place, the target of this education project is K-parents who say that their children are smart and will do well if they just study, but it’s a problem because they don’t, and students who tremble if they study.
Are you inefficient because of your anger?
Even that is extremely efficient for a student with an academic achievement rate of 0% because he has no will to study in the first place and only kills time.
Deokbae Kim said with a satisfied expression.
“Of course, the effect is enormous.”
The reason Kim Deok-bae showed passion for this business was because of his youngest son, who was living on a wall with his studies.
Of course, the youngest son, who was taken by Kim Deok-bae for this test and forced to study anger.
“I think your son had some effect?”
“I asked about the content of the class on the first day, and he answered. My son also said he was curious and said he would do anything like this.”
It feels like studying comfortably, so there is nothing like it for lazy people.
“ah. And the effects were all very different for each subject. Subjects that require comprehension, such as mathematics, showed low learning efficiency, but memorization subjects, such as geography, history, and English vocabulary, showed high efficiency.”
“It’s just right. Isn’t memorization what students hate the most?”
Subjects that require comprehension are finished the moment you understand the mechanism, but simple memorization is simply a simple labor of memorizing and forgetting endlessly.
However, how comfortable it is to memorize this simple labor naturally and madly with anger.
“The effect has been proven to this extent and the response is generally positive, so let’s test it for one more month and start a pilot project in Gunsan.”
As it is limited to 3 hours, we cannot directly sell Specter helmets, and we operate it like an academy.
If that proves to be effective, it will go beyond Korea and go abroad.
Korea is not the only country with a strong passion for learning.
All you need is a specter helmet and a classroom, so it’s the best way to expand your business, right?
“And lecturer Lim Hyo-il. I did very well. formally contract. Set a generous base salary and give incentives according to the number of students.”
“All right.”
I said with a smile.
“By the way, I don’t know if being sarcastic while doing this is a basic skill of a lecturer.”
The better you induce, the more the learning effect of studying anger due to specter increases.
“hahahaha. It will happen when anger learning methods become popular.”
“Yes? hahahaha. anyway ok The company name is Seron Education. Seron Edu for short. Anger learning method that raises students’ fighting spirit for study. Hey, it kills me.”
* * *
“Ho-ho-ho. My son came second in his class this time, what is it?”
“okay? My daughter is in fourth place.”
It’s a common sight to brag about the grades of your children.
Then a woman said to another middle-aged woman.
“By the way, how is Young-gi, Young-gi’s mother?”
“Yeonggi, it’s always the same, what.”
“I know. He looks like me, he has good brains, so I should just work hard, but he doesn’t work hard.”
When he was an elementary school student, he ordered homework and got quite good grades.
However, after entering middle school, aren’t grades plummeting?
Of course, from Yeonggi’s mother’s point of view, since she did well in elementary school, she would do well in middle school as long as she worked hard, but she couldn’t help but think that she didn’t work hard.
Anyway, normally the conversation about spirituality would stop here, but today the atmosphere was a bit different.
“Then let’s send Seron Edu.”
“Seron Edu? Are you from the Seron group?”
“oh. Is the news of Young-gi’s mother late? Is it possible that the information power of the mother of a middle school student is so slow?”
Young-ki’s mother, who heard about Seron Edu, said in surprise.
“How to learn anger?”
A learning method that even a young mother with a great passion for learning has heard of for the first time in her life.
But worry prevails.
“Then isn’t that throwing away the child’s personality? I don’t know if his spirit is different, but he has a really nice personality.”
“I guess you don’t have to worry about that. If that fury helmet stops working, it will return to normal right away?”
If another company had come out with such an education method, the voice would have come out saying that they are crazy idiots, but if that company was Seron, the story would be different.
Yeonggi’s mother said with her eyes shining.
“You’re angry and forced to study?”
Isn’t it the most optimized learning method for a young man who has a good brain but doesn’t put much effort into it?
“Especially, it seems to be effective in memorization subjects.”
“Oh my, my my. Good for memorization? Then that’s great. English is also a battle of vocabulary after all.”
If you just memorize a lot of words, the next battle is how to combine them.
“Yes, yes. So send a prayer.”
“How much is it per month?”
“Now it’s 400,000 won.”
“400,000 won? Is it a bit expensive?”
It’s not a face-to-face class with a teacher, and all you can do is listen to lectures on a screen, but 400,000 won a month.
“Instead, it works well. What do you do if you pay expensive money for tutoring? If you don’t have the will to learn, all that money will fly into the air. Seron Edu at least doesn’t have that kind of thing. why? Because you are forced to study hard.”
In the end, Young-gi’s mother, persuaded by the words, spoke.
“that’s right. That’s right. It’s rather cheap if you think about it that way. Where can I register?”
* * *
After successfully completing the second test, Seron Edu opened its doors here and there in Gunsan in earnest.
Of course, the response has been tremendous.
The furious learning method, in which a student who lived without studying, memorized English words and recited geography and history, quickly went viral among parents, and Seron Edu filled the garden in an instant.
I immediately ordered the opening of additional classrooms, and in that way, Seron Edu became a savior for students who could not study and did not want to study.
“It’s getting leveled up.”
Due to its nature, the anger learning method is ineffective for high-ranking students, so it is rather negative, but it is a stable method that absolutely guarantees a certain amount of academic achievement for low-ranking students.
So, students who are good at studying from the beginning still occupy the upper ranks, but instead, all the students who were in the lower ranks had the effect of increasing their grades due to the memorization effect.
“It’s fine.”
Thanks to this, some parents who were hesitant about the change in personality, but the children of their acquaintances unconditionally improved their grades regardless of whether they were big or small after taking the Seron Edu class. In the end, this anger learning method joins the trend.
And one change has occurred due to the activation of this anger learning method.
The saying that my son has a good head but can’t study because he doesn’t put in effort goes into it.
It’s a lack of effort, because if you send it to Seron Edu, it will be automatically resolved.
By the way, even after sending to Seron Edu, the grade increase is normal?
Then, in fact, I came to the conclusion that my brain wasn’t as good as my parents thought, so at least in Gunsan City, that word became an implicit ban.
“good. Let’s keep going.”
Even though the classroom looks like a mess, the effect has been proven to be certain, and I have tested it so far and have not had any major problems, so I should slowly increase it.
That’s when I was thinking about expanding my business.
Deokbae Kim knocked on the door and came in.
“The Academy Association made an official statement.”
I said with a smile.
“Yeah, when did one.”
It was because Seron Edu was eating up the private education market in Gunsan City at a terrifying rate.
On top of that, from the outside, there are a lot of verbal abuse in the education field, so it would be nice to catch up.
“What is it?”
“Education is an important process that goes beyond simply raising grades and strengthening the character of an immature student, and the official statement states that this is using an irrational method called the Anger Education Act to lower the quality of education that should be solemn.”
I said with a calm expression.
“It’s exactly what I expected.”
When a new method comes out, the existing forces oppose it.
This is something I have always been doing in my business.
“Please meet and talk about it. Since we focus on memorization, academies should focus on comprehension subjects.”
Of course, since it was an anticipated scenario, I thought about how to deal with it.
We’ll take care of memorization, you guys take care of comprehension.
How simple.
“Can you handle this on your own? There are not just one or two associations that I have been dealing with.”
“of course. I will finish on my own.”
If the association protests, take advantage of the backlash from parents and students who are benefiting from the specter helmet and those waiting to see the effect.
It’s a repertoire I’ve always done.
“Then I will pay attention to you.”
“All right.”
I entrusted the response to the association to Kim Deok-bae.
However, things started to go differently than I expected.
* * *
I said with a puzzled expression.
“Why in the world is hypnotism suddenly appearing?”
Deok-bae Kim, a fan who, as always, took advantage of the backlash from parents and students to back down the academy association.
Parents and students pressed the academy association, asking why it blocked the right to study freely, and so far it has been successful.
However, the words of an official from the academy association, which was put on the defensive, became the decisive blow.
That the anger learning method is a type of hypnosis, and that this hypnosis will cause people to be manipulated by me.
Of course, in a situation where I was on the defensive, I said anything out of spite, but these words became firmly entrenched in people’s minds, and they sincerely began to suspect that my Specter Helmet was a hypnotic tool.
“Students and parents who used to use it are also puzzled by the word hypnotism and are demanding an explanation from us.”
“No, how are you going to explain this?”
I can’t even show this upside down.
“Chairman, I think you will have to take action on this yourself. I don’t know anything else, but if the fear that one’s will may be manipulated spreads, it may be difficult to control.”
I said a moment of silence.
“I see. This is more serious than I thought.”
The fear of being manipulated by me through hypnotism is sure to make me an object of fear for both ordinary people and awakened people.
At the same time, you may suspect that hypnotism is involved in all the businesses you have been doing, and the contacts you have built up will also fear that you have been hypnotized.
“I thought it was too easy.”
Specter, like the skeleton, is just a type of undead, so it was introduced right away, thinking that it would be easily accepted, but that wasn’t the case for those who accepted it.
“Explanation of Specter and people’s understanding had to be accompanied first.”
It’s a helmet that amplifies anger right away, so it deserves such a misunderstanding.
“What shall we do, Chairman?”
“Iknow, right.”
The problem is that it is very difficult to prove that this was unfair.
Unlike hypnotism, this only amplifies negative emotions, and even if you explain that the instructor induces the behavior, there is nothing to say if you insist that I am hiding it on purpose.
However, if you bite them all now, their claims will appear to be true.
“How can I prove it?”
In the meantime, by disclosing the skeleton’s algorithm, I have succeeded in making people perceive that the skeleton is just a doll or robot-like being that moves according to a set formula.
However, since the specter is literally a fraud itself, you can’t do that.
I thought about it for a while and said.
“The problem now is that hypnotism is framed.”
When people thought it was an anger-inducing machine, there was no problem, but when the frame of the hypnotic device was put on it, people suddenly became anxious.
In other words, this is the realm of emotion, not the realm of reason.
Then, instead of rationally explaining the specter’s real performance and structure, wouldn’t it be better to replace the frame called hypnosis with something else?
One that is friendlier and easier for people to accept.
At the same time, it is not a visually invisible frame called hypnotism, but something that can be seen at a glance.
I opened the subspace, summoned the specter, and injected magic so that Kim Deok-bae could see it.
“How do you look?”
“The blur is like a ghost. It’s also creepy.”
Since it’s a bunch of scams, of course it has to be.
“Then how about this?”
I manipulated my morale to transform the specter’s form.
Something a little round and bouncy.
“This… That’s fine.”
If it is impossible to explain rationally, you have to go out emotionally.
Isn’t that what marketing is all about?
As if the same words are different and different, as if the pork belly is sold at a higher price than the pork belly, even though the skin has not been removed.
In fact, it costs less to remove the skin, so it’s actually cheaper than pork belly.
“Here’s something that’s too sweet for the eyes… Do you want a tail too?”
Specter was reborn after such modifications.
Eyes smiling like crescent moons and a wagging tail.
“How do you feel?”
“… It’s honestly cute.”
When I raise my hand, the cutely molded Specter lands on my hand and jumps as if bouncing lightly.
“Originally, this guy is a ghost-type undead, right? But isn’t it up to you to give it a name?”
I pointed to the specter and said.
“This fellow is a spirit of rage from now on, summoned with my power.”
“Me, a spirit?!”
The feeling of being hypnotized into anger by hypnotism and being angered by the spirit of anger summoned with the ability of Han Ji-hyeok, a summoning-type Awakener, are completely different.
“The spirit of wrath was supposed to be contained in the helmet and cause anger to the wearer, but it seems that there is a misunderstanding, so now I am saying that I will make the spirit of rage appear directly. If it’s a cute elemental that triggers anger, won’t the backlash subside? It will put an end to the absurd controversy over hypnotism.”
“It seems like a good way.”
I said with a grin.
“ruler. Then, shall we go into marketing work?”
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