How a Calamity Necromancer Retires
Chapter 81
A skeleton part-time job service exclusively for small business owners that was introduced on a trial basis only in Gunsan City.
Since this service was aimed at bosses who failed to find employees, the cost of skeleton rental was rather expensive considering the installation cost.
“How is your reaction?”
At my words, Center Director Baek Sang-ho scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed expression and said,
“To be honest, I am very dissatisfied. The price is high, but the work is not good.”
“Of course it is.”
This was overwhelmingly more difficult than the factory in terms of work difficulty.
Unlike factories that repeat the same movements on the same line, stores have different structures and sales systems, so the kind of work a skeleton has to do was enormous.
Even at a convenience store, which is relatively easy, there are not one or two tasks that require algorithms, such as cleaning, displaying 50,000 products properly, and calculating at the same time.
“But it will get better as programmers get used to it and the data is piling up.”
“Then I’m glad.”
However, as Baek Sang-ho said, it will be automatically resolved as data accumulates.
After all, since part-time jobs are focused on simple repetitive tasks, once the basic algorithms for each task, such as calculation and display, are established, from then on, it can be applied according to the structure of the store.
“Anyway, this yield is good.”
Skeletons were put in to solve the manpower shortage, but the income was surprisingly considerable.
In the first place, they made money by using cheaper labor than skeleton people, but the maintenance cost of skeletons put into part-time jobs is rather more expensive than people.
Thanks to this, the rate of return per skeleton is considerable.
I said with my eyes shining.
“If we expand to small and medium-sized businesses here… Wow, it would be great.”
It’s an empty house and they’ve been considerate to this extent, so there’s nothing to be a problem and how nice it is.
In addition, since the maintenance cost is higher than the skeletons lent to existing partners, the partners will not be dissatisfied.
I said looking at Baek Sang-ho.
“Anyway, let’s take this opportunity to make sure the algorithm is reinforced.”
Unlike the skeletons that were rolled in factories, the Alba skeletons were mainly in charge of tasks closely related to real life.
Such as cleaning, placing simple objects, and interacting with people by exchanging money or cards.
Of course, it is immature because it has never been done before, but as soon as the data accumulates and fully adapts, the range of use of the skeleton will increase further.
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Maybe in the process, I might be able to find a new business item that I hadn’t thought of.
“Okay, Chairman. I will take care of it for sure.”
“I will only trust Center Manager Baek.”
Skeletons in convenience store uniforms open cookie boxes and take out snacks and display them on shelves.
At that time, when the bell rings for guests to enter, the skeleton bows politely toward the customer and proceeds with the display work again. When the customer selects all the items and presses the call bell placed in front of the counter, a skeleton walks toward the counter.
After that, the products placed by the customer are lined up, and one by one, they find the barcode, take a picture, and point to the amount written on the screen.
The customer who checked the amount like that handed out a card, and the skeleton received the card and proceeded with the calculation.
The owner of the convenience store, who saw this, nodded his head and said,
“I’m fine now.”
The convenience store owner who hired Skeleton Part-timer in dubious doubt immediately regretted it.
Contrary to what I thought, the skeletons were so stupid.
If it was a human employee, it would be possible to take over with just a few words, such as something here and something there, but a skeleton had to teach it all one by one from the infancy stage.
But as time passed, the situation gradually changed.
An employee of Seron, who received 1 million won for installation, visited frequently and corrected the algorithm, saying that it had not yet been fully installed, and at the same time changed the entire system of the convenience store to match the skeleton with a head-to-head with the president.
One of the methods devised was to make the skeleton recognize the customer who wanted to pay by asking the customer who wanted to pay to press the call bell.
Thanks to this, at first, even if a customer just stood at the counter to watch, the skeleton, which stopped what it was doing and headed to the counter, now clearly sets the timing and proceeds with the calculation.
In addition to that, when communicating with customers, such as earning points or discounts, the employees of Seron and the owner of the convenience store mobilized various methods, such as holding out a card with words appropriate to the situation or setting plastic bags in advance to contain the goods.
Added to this is the cooperation of Gunsan citizens who adapt to this changed system without much complaint, and now the skeleton alone handles the convenience store work quite plausibly.
The convenience store owner muttered in a low voice.
“It feels like a robot vacuum cleaner.”
At first, the robot vacuum cleaner tested people’s patience by sucking up even a single towel on the floor and beeping.
However, just like when a person adapts to the robot cleaner and sets up the inside of the house so that the robot cleaner can move well, the skeleton is also completely freed from cleaning after that.
At that time, Seron’s programmer came in holding the console while opening the convenience store door.
“I am here.”
The convenience store owner said at the appearance of a programmer whom he had become familiar with after seeing it so often.
“Are you here?”
“How about this?”
“Now it’s really useful.”
At that, the programmer nodded and said.
“That’s good. Phew, actually, I’m saying this now, but it’s my first job, so it must have been a lot of stuttering, but thank you for understanding.”
“hahahaha. Is that so?”
“Anyway, then I’ll check it one more time.”
Then he picks up an item, walks up to the counter, and rings the bell.
Then, the skeleton came up again, calculated the amount, and the moment the programmer pointed out the amount, the programmer said.
Then, the skeleton took a barcode again and proceeded with a refund.
The programmer who saw it continued to test.
“Calculate this. Oh, I’ve changed my mind. Calculate except this and this among these.”
A programmer who has tested the number of conceivable cases.
So said the programmer who finished all the tests.
“First of all, it seems that most of them can cope with the situation where they pay by card. Cash still has a long way to go, though.”
“It doesn’t matter. Everyone doesn’t carry cash these days, and when skeletons are working, they put a sign on the door of the convenience store that only pays by credit card.”
“Good job. Anyway, if you can’t solve it with the skeleton’s own power, an emergency call will be made to the boss, so if you respond well at that time, there will be no big problem.”
“I’m just glad that’s enough.”
“Then I don’t think I need to stop by every day anymore, so the installation is finally finished as of today. Do you agree?”
The boss nodded and said.
“I agree. To be honest, I was worried about what would happen if I paid 1 million won and roughly installed it, but I didn’t expect you to look at it so carefully.”
Then the programmer laughed and said.
“Our public opinion couldn’t be like that, right? Anyway, I will stop by only once a month from now on, so if you want to change, please let me know then.”
“All right.”
“Oh, and I was instructed to do some satisfaction surveys. Are you satisfied with the skeleton part-time job?”
“The price is expensive and it was terrible in the beginning, but at this rate now… I’m satisfied.”
“Would you consider canceling the skeleton contract if you could get a human employee?”
Then the convenience store manager thought for a while and said.
“Yes, you have to be honest.”
“To be honest, I think I would just use a skeleton. There is no sudden quitting, and I can adjust my working hours to my liking. Of course, well… it’s a little bit like having to give a night allowance to skeletons as well.”
“I am sorry about that. However, I can’t help it because of the issue of fairness with human employees. Seron doesn’t want skeletons to threaten people’s place.”
“I understand. I’m also a Gunsan citizen, but I don’t know that. hahahaha. Anyway, will there be a human employee? Then I think I will use it as a manager rather than a part-time part-time job.”
“Are you the manager?”
“Yes, the skeleton has improved a lot, but you have to set up plastic bags, and someone in the middle has to stop by once in a while to take care of the skeleton so that it can work well. So you don’t have to be resident, and a manager who will stop by every hour or two to manage or answer emergency calls for me would be perfect. Oh, then does the labor cost sound too high? Skeleton maintenance fee and manager’s salary… anyway, that’s how I feel right now.”
The programmer said with an interesting look.
“Working skeletons and managers who manage those skeletons. That’s good. Anyway, the satisfaction survey will end here. Thank you for your hard work.”
Algorithms that are upgraded in real time according to the situation of each store over time.
Thanks to this, the bosses who complained at first are now mostly satisfied and have adapted to the skeleton part-time job.
However, the satisfaction survey yielded unexpected results.
“I am more satisfied than I thought.”
The price was deliberately set higher than that of human employees, but perhaps because the economy in Gunsan is so booming, aren’t the bosses willing to bear the cost?
He said that it was easier to just use a skeleton than to suddenly quit or use a troublemaker.
At the same time, the story that came out was the manager.
A method of hiring a human manager to manage the parts that cannot be covered with a skeleton.
I said with my eyes shining.
“Is this perfect?”
This is exactly what Seron is aiming for.
Skeletons work and people manage.
Perhaps now, with manpower shortages, is the best time to introduce such a system?
“A manager…”
I was thinking of balancing the skeleton part-time job and the human part-time job by raising the maintenance cost of the skeleton, but in this way, the industrial structure of small business owners is completely reversed.
Originally, there was a boss, and numerous part-timers under him worked alternately, but this was divided into three stages: the owner of the shop, the manager who manages the parts that the boss could not manage, and the skeleton working on site. count.
“okay. This is right, a natural cycle. But in order for this to work, the maintenance cost of the skeleton must be reduced?”
In the past, you only had to pay the salary of part-timers, but now you will have to pay the manager’s salary in addition to the expensive maintenance cost of the skeleton.
However, if the maintenance cost is lowered than that of a person, an abuse case may emerge from a small business that is in a different situation from a small business.
I thought about it for a while and said.
“Let’s introduce it step by step.”
First of all, for small business owners, as they said, in order to induce the hiring of a manager, the maintenance cost is cut a little to balance it out.
And the next target, SMEs with manpower shortages, maintain the same expensive maintenance costs as before.
By testing in this way, we are finding the optimal position where the skeleton and human can coexist.
After organizing my thoughts, I called Deokbae Kim.
-Yes, Chairman.
“Please reduce maintenance costs for small businesses. And I induce it by hiring a manager and managing it. And it seems that the small business test is almost over, so now recruit small and medium-sized businesses in Gunsan who are suffering from manpower shortages.”
I said with a bright smile.
“Let’s proceed with the next test.”
A small business test followed by a small business.
Of course, the result was successful.
Unlike small business owners in the first place, small businesses are small, so in the end, it is no different from the way Seron ran factories.
Of course, unlike small business owners who induced them to hire a manager by adjusting maintenance costs, small and medium-sized businesses received complaints because they received slightly more expensive maintenance than people, but small and medium-sized businesses suffering from a labor shortage anyway had no alternatives other than skeletons and foreign workers, so the complaints eventually ended. faded away quickly
Saeron successfully filled the manpower shortage in Gunsan City using the skeleton.
Thanks to this, Skeleton generates considerable revenue.
This time around 3,000 skeletons were deployed in Gunsan City, including 1,000 for small businesses and 2,000 for small and medium-sized businesses.
However, each of these skeletons is paid the minimum hourly wage, and among them, there are skeletons who work 24 hours a day, so the average monthly profit is close to 4 million won per month, and the income earned with only 3,000 skeletons is 12 billion won. Excluding the maintenance costs and programmer labor costs, the net profit came out to be close to 9 billion won.
Of course, you can think it’s no big deal because the sales of other affiliates of Seron are so high, but the key point here is that that 9 billion came from only one Gunsan-si with a population of 260,000, and it is not even applied to all industries.
“The population of Korea is 200 times that. Then this alone is 1.8 trillion won a month?”
There is a shortage of manpower here, but considering the industries excluded from the test, the amount will increase even more.
“This is surprisingly playful.”
I’ve been thoroughly ignoring small things that only mid-sized companies have accepted as partners, but it’s amazing because small things come together.
I said with my eyes shining.
“We need to introduce energy purchase booths elsewhere as soon as possible.”
Only then will there be a manpower shortage due to energy sales revenue.
In addition, it is all the better because the energy market linked to Protégé products has recently grown and controversy over discrimination has arisen in regions where energy booths have not been installed.
“When money comes in, fewer people work, and as there are fewer people to work, skeletons take over the work. Isn’t it a perfect cycle? Okay, now beyond Gunsan City, Jeonbuk… Huh? wait for a sec.”
Then a problem came to mind.
It is the manpower shortage of Seron.
“…Can we handle it with only our programmers now?”
The store will not always sell the same items, so a programmer has to be dispatched periodically to manage it.
“Even if it’s not the case, it’s the way programmers work in factories and go out to work when they have free time. But what about the national scale? This doesn’t work.”
If that’s the case, it’s better to recruit a large number of programmers dedicated to this task by separating them into affiliates.
However, this is also a problem because the salary of programmers is by no means low.
As Seron rose to the ranks of large corporations, the salary of programmers also increased exponentially.
“On average, factories need one programmer for every 100 skeletons. However, since you have to visit the store and go around, and each store has different settings, it means that the number of skeletons that can be handled is much smaller.”
Of course, as much money as you earn, you can afford the labor cost, but you have to place programmers in all regions of the country to work outside the country and manage them?
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Moreover, once a programmer is fully settled in a region, it cannot be relocated elsewhere.
Because a programmer knows the store he worked on best.
“Wow, this is not normal.”
I got up from my seat and walked around the president’s office.
“How do you hire and manage all those programmers yourself?”
It is difficult to rotate and arrange, and you have to manage each store yourself.
Seron, a large corporation, is too inefficient to take care of everything on its own.
That’s when I thought about it for a long time.
The computer on the desk catches my eye.
I saw a computer and thought of a job as a programmer.
“Now computer masters are everywhere, but it probably wasn’t like that when it was first spread.”
The situation where the skeleton, which had only been rolled inside the cooperative and Seron, entered another store or company in the form of employment for the first time.
So-called entry-level skeletons are being sprayed.
What was it like when computers first became widespread?
“At first, most of them were illiterate. But that doesn’t mean that computer company employees visited each and every customer and taught them every single function.”
At that time, computer stores that repair computers and computer academies that teach how to operate computers appeared in the rain.
Of course, people took advantage of what people didn’t know about computers and took advantage of it, and the perception was bad, but thanks to them, computers spread faster and were able to completely integrate into people’s lives.
“Computer academy and computer store. Ohh?”
It’s not just about distributing skeletons, it’s about distributing control methods as well.
Then, if you lend a skeleton control console and leave it to the flow of the market, wouldn’t it be similar to the early days of computer spread?
Computer makers only make and sell computers, and other savvy repairs are done by nearby computer shops.
“After all, when it comes to money, people flock to it. Let’s try.”
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