How a Calamity Necromancer Retires
Chapter 87
I thought about it for a while and said.
“What unmanned equipment are you talking about, exactly?”
“Skeleton rig, that’s exactly what military skeletons look like to me.”
Lee Seon-jin looked at me and said.
“Currently, the number of military enlistments in Korea continues to decrease due to the decrease in the number of young people. Of course, it is said that modern warfare is carried out by high-tech equipment, but in the end, it is the infantry that occupies the enemy’s land, and the number of these infantrymen continues to decrease. At this time, like the skeleton league, military skeletons are deployed to the soldiers. In other words, each soldier becomes a squad.”
Exactly how I was thinking.
Skeletons become nothing more and nothing less than unmanned weapons that simply carry out soldiers’ orders without any judgment of their own.
If this happens, a new soldier class called skeletons will be created under the soldiers, so there is no point in arguing.
“In that case, the number of manpower required by the military could be drastically reduced. Perhaps in the distant future, an army with only skeleton soldiers and human noncommissioned officers may be born.”
I said a moment of silence.
“You have prepared a lot.”
“That way, I will be able to convince the president.”
“For now, it’s good. I know that people’s reactions are positive, and I know that unmanned equipment is also realistic.”
“Well then!”
“But there are still stumbling blocks. As you just said, opposition within the military.”
If you deploy skeletons to soldiers like unmanned equipment and make them into squads, there is no problem because the soldiers make decisions and the skeletons only carry out those decisions.
However, the problem is also the backlash within the military.
“Isn’t there a lot of elements to protest in the military, from the idea that people who do not see security should protect it to the opinion that national defense should not depend on individual capabilities?”
“Originally, with all change, there is opposition.”
“The problem is that I see no reason to accept the opposite.”
Of course you will make a lot of money.
Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of skeletons would be put into it.
But that’s not the only way I can make money, so there’s no reason to go ahead with such a backlash.
“Don’t the people want it?”
“Even if 100 people want it, I won’t do it if 10 people oppose it.”
I did not advance if the union objected, and I entered the part-time job system only when there was no one to work for.
Since South Korea is a conscription country and still has an enemy called North Korea, the most sensitive thing is the military.
You can’t jump into such a sensitive matter just by looking at a survey.
“So, let’s just do a test first. We have to prepare for the future.”
To be honest, the right words are the right words…
“In addition, we talked about the formation of a skeleton squad centered on soldiers, but other than that, there are plenty of places where skeletons are needed. From frontline guards in poor working conditions to various chores that were handed over to soldiers. The test I was talking about included all of this.”
Not for combat, but for guarding and chores.
Do you think that would be good enough?
I thought about it for a while and said.
“great. If that’s the case, I’ll cooperate.”
The issue of welfare for soldiers is a long-standing wish that everyone wants to solve, but it has not been resolved.
Even if that was solved, people would think better of Skeleton and Ceron.
Especially young people who are about to enlist in the military and families who have such young people as their family.
It’s worth a try.
At my words, Seonjin Lee jumped up from her seat and said,
“Are you sure!”
“yes. Instead, there are conditions. If there is a public backlash or a situation that causes disgrace to Seron and my name, I will immediately withdraw.”
At my words, Seonjin Lee nodded vigorously and said.
“I will do everything to prevent that from happening!”
I got up from my seat and handed over to Seonjin Lee.
“Let’s try it, military skeleton.”
Skeleton slowly moving along the barbed wire.
Then, when I hear a rustling sound from the nearby bush, I immediately look out for it.
Then, when a picture of an elk comes out of the bush, let go of your guard and walk again.
“What if a wild boar comes out?”
Baek Sang-ho, who was next to me, replied.
“A potentially threatening animal, such as a wild boar, remains vigilant.”
“What if someone came out?”
“If you don’t have an ally dog tag, you’ll go into suppression right away. Then, immediately press the call bell to contact the unit.”
The skeleton currently being tested is the foremost border skeleton.
Of course, it was easy to set up because there were only allies or enemies in the forefront.
At that time, Seonjin Lee, who was watching the scene from the side, said with a tearing laugh.
“Such a skeleton guarding the forefront 24 hours a day… that’s perfect.”
“Are you satisfied?”
“It is cold in winter and hot in summer. It is at the forefront that supply is difficult because the roads are not good there. Even if the skeleton were to take on just that guard duty, it would be of great help to the soldiers.”
“…anyway, can I ask you something?”
“Tell me.”
“Why do you care so much about the soldiers?”
At first, I thought of Vice Minister Lee Seon-jin as one of those people who are trying to strengthen national defense using skeletons, and I put on colored glasses, but after working together, I felt that Vice Minister Lee Seon-jin’s interest was not simply in national defense.
Should I say that he seems to think about the treatment of soldiers themselves?
Vice Minister Lee Seon-jin said with a happy expression.
“Of course you should care. Rather, it is too late. South Korea has risen to the ranks of advanced countries economically, but the treatment of soldiers is very poor due to the conscription system. People only care about the advanced weapons of the military, but in the end, it is the soldiers who handle the advanced weapons.”
Vice Minister Lee Seon-jin pointed to the skeleton and said.
“Think about it. Soldiers who were excluded from the frontline duty thanks to that skeleton. They will be able to focus on training even more, and this will be tantamount to strengthening national defense.”
Vice Minister Seonjin Lee.
He’s a pretty good person.
I never thought a person called the Vice Minister of National Defense would care this much about front-line soldiers.
“In addition, the effect of reducing defense costs is enormous. Soldiers’ salaries will continue to rise in the future.”
Unlike the part-time job system, if it is really introduced, the Ministry of National Defense will introduce skeletons with the same algorithm in large quantities, so I set a low price of 2 million won for the rental cost.
Considering that they are currently working on realizing the salary of soldiers similar to those of ordinary people, the cost-effectiveness of the skeleton was much more overwhelming.
Skeletons don’t need food to eat, space to sleep, or supplies.
“If we use the defense budget saved in this way for the welfare of our soldiers and the introduction of new equipment, we will be able to make the Korean military an even stronger force. That is why I pushed for the introduction of military skeletons.”
I nodded and said.
“It’s fine.”
“hahahaha. thank you.”
Anyway, should this be enough?
I said looking at Baek Sang-ho.
“Please handle it in collaboration with the Defense Science Research Institute.”
I saw Lee Seon-jin’s side and saw it myself, but now I don’t have time to deal with this myself, right?
How many researchers are under you?
“I understand, Chairman.”
At that time, Lee Seon-jin said.
“ah. And how is the division of soldiers using skeletons…”
I shrugged my shoulders at Lee Seon-jin’s comment about a sensitive topic.
“You do it slowly. There are not just one or two other things to do.”
Unlike guards, squad skeletons, which require direct combat, must be approached with caution.
So, put it off until later.
At my words, Seonjin Lee said with a regretful expression.
“All right.”
“Anyway, I’ll go first. I have a lot of work.”
That’s when Baek Sang-ho was about to leave after entrusting the collaboration with the Ministry of National Defense.
From afar, a man in military uniform walks towards us with a majestic stride.
And Vice Minister Lee Seon-jin’s expression hardened after seeing it.
“Lieutenant General Yoo Dong-gu.”
Three stars if you’re a lieutenant general?
You are the general.
At that time, Yoo Dong-gu approached us and saluted Vice Minister Lee Seon-jin.
As Vice Minister Lee Seon-jin accepted the salute, Yoo Dong-gu looked at me and said,
“Nice to meet you, Chairman Han. I heard a lot.”
“ah. yes.”
“You’re making military skeletons.”
“It’s just a test for now.”
Yoo Dong-gu said with a doubtful expression.
“But can skeletons really replace soldiers?”
I recognized Seonjin Lee when his expression hardened.
This guy is the opposite.
At that time, Lee Seon-jin pulled Yoo Dong-gu and said.
“Lieutenant Commander, go over there and talk to me.”
Lee Seon-jin moved to the corner with Yoo Dong-gu.
Intrigued, I cast hearing enhancement and eavesdropped on their conversation.
“What are you doing here?”
“What is going on, what is going on? I came because I was curious about how well our excellent skeleton soldiers are being made to fulfill the sacred duty of national defense.”
“…As I explained then, the population of Korea continues to decrease. Of course, the number of enlisted people is bound to decrease. As an alternative, is there something like a skeleton?”
“Yes. There are robots, or you can increase the high-tech equipment.”
“robot? Robots that are barely in their infancy now replace soldiers? Do you think that is easier said than done?”
“Of course it is difficult. But at least it is much safer than relying entirely on one individual, Chairman Han Ji-hyeok.”
be safe
Yoo Dong-gu said in a cold voice.
“You may not know the vice minister because he is from a civilian background, but for a soldier, ability is an ability, but loyalty is also important.”
“Are you saying that robots have loyalty?”
“No, it’s the opposite. Robots don’t have loyalty, but skeletons do. The problem is that that loyalty goes to Chairman Han Ji-hyeok, not to the country.”
Yoo Dong-gu glanced at me and said.
“is it so. I can understand even the boundary after conceding a hundred times. But putting skeletons on the soldiers to make them into squads? Intent is good. Because you can supplement the lack of military manpower and command a large army with a small number of troops. Skeletons are not even human, so the burden of the operation is much reduced. But what would you do if those skeletons pointed their guns in the opposite direction?”
“Chairman Ji-Hyeok Han is not that kind of person.”
“Anyone who would do such a thing would never act like it would.”
At that time, Lee Seon-jin said.
“Are you worried about Chairman Han Ji-hyeok doing nonsense? I fully understand.”
“If you understand, stop right now…”
“But do those worries make sense? It is a reality that there are already few people in the political and business world in Korea who do not use a skeleton for security. In a word, if Chairman Han Ji-hyeok tried to overturn Korea, he could have overturned it a long time ago.”
That’s right.
Even if I just lift one finger right now, the whole of Korea will be paralyzed.
“Thanks to the increasing proportion of skeletons, it is difficult to imagine Korea without Chairman Han Ji-hyeok. Then, instead of being vigilant, shouldn’t we make Chairman Han Ji-hyeok a comrade who shares the same goal?”
“It is the same with this business. Chairman Han Ji-hyeok provides skeletons to strengthen national defense, and the Ministry of National Defense pays Chairman Han Ji-hyuk. At the same time, it makes Chairman Han Ji-hyeok receive a good reputation from the people who care about him the most.”
I thought it was simply about strengthening national defense, but did you consider that?
At that time, Yoo Dong-gu said.
“I don’t understand that either. What on earth is the chairman of a conglomerate group at the SS level regretting, so he is paying attention to the public? do you know Are you managing your reputation in advance to overthrow the country and become a dictator later?”
Are you imaginative?
“Besides, what if Chairman Han Ji-hyeok dies while relying on Chairman Han Ji-hyuk like this? It is possible to maintain it with an artificial water purification system, but even so, with and without Chairman Han Ji-hyeok, there is a world difference!”
i have a long life
I’ll clean it up later when I retire.
Would you care about public reputation and make a good image, then retire irresponsibly leaving everything behind?
“Anyway, I am against association!”
After finishing the conversation, Yoo Dong-gu strides towards the exit.
“hmm. Opponents and pros.”
both sides understand
Vice Minister Lee Seon-jin, a civilian who prioritizes military efficiency, and Yoo Dong-gu, who thinks of the worst like a soldier.
I said with a smile.
“You did a good job of delaying the squad formation.”
Anyway, doesn’t Yu Dong-gu, the opposing faction, understand the boundary?
Then you just have to go there.
You don’t have to worry about dipping your feet into this mayhem, do you?
When the opponents and supporters organize themselves, I just have to move according to them.
I said with a relaxed expression.
“Take care of yourself, and I will do as you ask.”
A border-type skeleton of a test version that was successfully tested and completed.
Lee Seon-jin first placed this border-type skeleton in an area with less importance and conducted a real-life test.
And as a result of the test, the border-type skeleton showed very high satisfaction in the socho where the skeleton was placed.
Normally, Socho’s soldiers had to stand guard in turns in three shifts, but the skeleton was in charge of the guard, and Socho’s soldiers were on standby in Socho.
And Lee Sun-jin leaked the test results to the press.
“The response is good.”
People’s reaction to the news that they would respond to the decrease in military enlistment by reducing the workload of soldiers was favorable.
From people who want to save the defense budget to make it an elite strong army, to people who want to replace all soldiers with skeletons.
Of course, there were also objections.
As always, what if I disappear or die, from the boring repertoire I’ve heard so many times to the dangerousness of entrusting everything to one person, etc. There aren’t many, but there are definitely objections.
“yes yes. I will accept everything.”
Even if it’s just the skeletons to replace guards and various chores, you’ll need tens of thousands in the future.
“Anyway, it’s definitely a scam in modern combat.”
Excluding all factors such as supply or loss of life, it is the same if you look at just one battle.
If the North Koreans try to attack the skeletons, their rifles will be virtually useless.
How hard it must be to hit a skeleton with nothing but bones with a rifle.
Then you have to use explosive firearms, but dealing with tens of thousands of skeletons one by one with explosive firearms is not an ordinary task.
I said with a smile.
“It’s fun. An army of skeletons armed with modern firearms.”
I’m sure this will help keep my undead army at bay.
“Skeleton squad…. If the pros win, shall we really try to make it?”
After thinking about it for a while, I got a call from Seonjin Lee.
“yes. I changed my phone…”
Embarrassment in Lee Seon-jin’s urgent voice.
Instinctively feeling that something had happened, I said with a firm expression.
“What’s wrong?”
– A skeleton standing on the alert mistakenly subdued an officer and injured him.
“Oh-in suppression?”
-That, well, that officer didn’t have a dog tag.
The current test version of the boundary skeleton used dog tags to distinguish between allies and enemies.
Of course, this is only for testing, so I made it like that temporarily, and I was planning to add various ways to recognize allies in the future, but I heard there was an accident in the process.
“Didn’t I tell you that it’s a test area there?”
-Of course I did, but the officer said he left the dog tag without thinking.
“How are your injuries?”
-That, that, resisted the suppression of the skeleton, and fell down and fractured his leg.
It’s ridiculous.
A guy who obviously knows he’s being tested leaves his dog tags behind, and dares to resist and get injured when he knows he’s only going to subdue him anyway?
“···I understand for now. Let’s meet and discuss the details.”
After finishing the call like that, I clicked my tongue and said.
“Can I catch the pod?”
This was an accident caused by carelessness on the part of the officer.
But other people obviously won’t take it that way.
Especially for the opposing faction, this is a good opportunity to point out the safety of the skeleton.
When my thoughts reached that point, I said with a firm expression.
“…Can it be on purpose?”
Isn’t it something that the opposition against the introduction of skeletons plotted?
Of course, it could have been an accident that coincided with coincidence, but the sense that he has trained while rolling on the battlefield for 30 years speaks for itself.
This case is something artificial.
“If it’s really manipulation… you’ll regret it.”
If you really wanted to object, you should have persuaded me not to touch the skeleton.
If you show me how many people are against it, I’ll back off right away.
But you don’t even try persuasion and you touch the reliability of the skeleton I care about the most?
it just can’t get over it
“If coincidence repeats itself, it is inevitable.”
For now, there is no evidence and there is only a feeling of heart, so let’s just move on.
But what if the same thing happens over and over again?
Then I’ll make sure you pay the price for touching me.
I said with a cold expression.
“Earn one-out.”
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