How can I become an immortal just by playing a game?

Chapter 22 Entering the Chishui Village Dungeon for the First Time

"Why did you choose this path?" Shen Qingchan sat on the horse, holding the reins with both hands, and her strong legs only slightly hugged the horse's belly, controlling the horse to move forward unhurriedly.

"The bandits are doing evil. If we encounter them, we can deal with them together." Makino said.

Shen Qingchan nodded inaudibly, confirming what she was thinking.

If two people can think of each other, there will be no disputes among colleagues.

As we walked, we encountered no bandits, but there were some ragged refugees on the roadside.

Some of these refugees are caused by war, while others are wandering around because demons have invaded their homes.

"I didn't expect to encounter so many refugees along the way, instead of encountering bandits..."

Shen Qingchan sighed softly, "Presumably most of these are villagers from Chishui Village..."

In the last years of the dynasty, this kind of scene was very common.

At this time, two or three beggars surrounded him. Their faces were so black that they were almost unrecognizable. They were crying and begging them for some food and some money.

Makino remained calm and glanced at Shen Qingchan next to him.

There was some pity in the little heroine's eyes, and she seemed to be struggling in her heart. After a while, she didn't take out the money bag, but just gave some dry food out.

Seeing this, Makino couldn't help but think, although this little heroine is simple and kind, she is not stupid.

As if aware of her companion's gaze, Shen Qingchan turned her head and said:

"What are you going to do?"

[1. Only give dry food. 】

【2. Stare coldly. 】


Option 1, like Shen Qingchan, seems mediocre.

Option 2 will probably lower your favorability.

There are 3 here, which means you can choose by yourself.

This game has a high degree of free exploration, and many options are not completely fixed.

If you want to conquer the Little Heroines, you often need to be unexpected. How can you win people's favor by following the rules?

So, Makino gave away all the money and dry food he carried.

"Why do you do this?" Shen Qingchan was very surprised, "Even if you pity them, you don't have to do this, right? Moreover, although the two people who surrounded me just now look like beggars on the roadside, their eyes are evasive... Aunt Yun once said , many beggars have someone forcing them to beg, and we should not be too merciful to them..."

The little heroine’s experience in martial arts seems to be pretty good.

"Then why do you still give them dry food?" Makino asked with a smile.

"...Don't give money...but give some dry food, at least they will be full..." Shen Qingchan said.

"You are right." Makino nodded slightly, "But have you ever thought about who is behind them coercing them to beg?"

"What do you mean?" Shen Qingchan was thoughtful.

"Since this trip is planned to deal with the bandits in this area, how can they restrain the killing sword in their hands now that they see two young knights with huge sums of money?"

"Are you trying to lure them out?" Shen Qingchan suddenly realized, then she looked a little ashamed, "I still have too little experience in the world... I didn't expect so much..."

[Shen Qingchan’s favorability increased by 25/100]

At the same time, she just finished speaking.

Click, click, click, and a chaotic sound of footsteps sounded from the front.

Not long after, dozens of bandits came out of the forest to the open space and surrounded the two men.

The leader had a fat head and big ears, wore a pair of steel earrings, had an ugly face, and stared at the two of them like poisonous snakes:

"The taste of gold..."

"Smells, it smells so good!"

Makino was about to draw his sword.

Shen Qingchan on the side lightly kicked the horse's leg, and without saying a word, the Qingfeng sword suddenly unsheathed.

The next second, I saw her like a butterfly in a flower, with phantoms on her feet. The sword light was cold and filled with frost. In the blink of an eye, she scurried among the dozens of bandits. The leader of the bandits had not yet As soon as he spoke, his eyes were as wide as a bell and his body became stiff.

In Makino's field of vision, Shen Qingchan turned into a phantom, walking back and forth among dozens of people before sitting back on the horse again and sheathing the long sword.

The moment they were sheathed, these bandits fell to the ground.

"..." Makino.

The strength of this little heroine is truly unexpected. Her strikes are decisive, her moves are fierce, she kills people without blood, and she doesn't even blink. She is the most powerful woman Makino has ever seen.

The little villain leader sent it without even saying a single word.

Shen Qingchan's face was not red or breathless, but there were just a few strands of hair on her cheeks.

She clamped her legs gently and said:

"Brother Mu, let's go!"

That heroic figure was really attractive at this moment.

She is worthy of being the heroine of the game. Her strength is absolutely top-notch.

I originally wanted a hero to save the beauty, but it seemed like there was no chance. Makino shook his head.

"What kind of swordsmanship are you doing?" Makino did not leave in a hurry, but punched the corpses a few times. As the flames filled the corpses of these minions, he continued to move forward with Shen Qingchan.

"Is this it?" Shen Qingchan tilted her head, "Our Yunhai Sword Sect's unique swordsmanship, the Eighteen Cold Wave Swords. The winner will be instantly broken by the cold wave power carried in the sword, and his body organs will be broken, and he will die without pain."


"Actually, it's not bad..." Shen Qingchan's face turned red, "This is not what I'm good at..."

"So what are you best at?"

"If you encounter any demon later, I will show you how to use it."

As she spoke, Shen Qingchan's eyebrows were quite proud.

The Yunhai Sword Sect is a famous sect in the world. Such a young third-level expert must be very popular among the sword sect and has learned many unique skills.

Makino didn't ask any questions. After killing the bandit, Shen Qingchan was in a happy mood and was obviously in a very good state.

Soon, Chishui Village was in sight.

This is a small village near Tianping City. It is not big, with a population of about a hundred households, and relies on the Chishui River to survive.

Unexpectedly, a demon appeared in the river. Taiping City sent demon sealers and summoned many heroes in the city to subdue the demon, but they were defeated. Now of course there is nothing they can do.

The losses were too great and Chishui Village was abandoned.

The plaque on the entrance to the village hangs diagonally, as if it will fall off at any time. From time to time, some eerie whispers of demons will be heard in the village. Several black birds hang on the dead branches nearby, creaking incessantly, and the sky is covered with dark clouds. , all kinds of signs make this place extremely dangerous.

[Chishui Village: One-star demon land, danger: high. 】

[Introduction: You can vaguely hear the whine of the eaten human cub in the demon's belly...]

"Is this a copy?"

Makino thought.

However, with the strength of himself and Shen Qingchan, is the risk still so high?

Considering that Hero Shen is also a third-grade man, there are many demon sealers who are traveling with him, which shows that this demon is not ordinary strong.

"Aunt Yun said that the monster's name is: Dragon Demon Fish. It usually lurks in the ancient well in the innermost part of Chishui Village. The ancient well is connected to the Chishui River. This is how the villagers of Chishui Village were eaten one by one."

Shen Qingchan whispered, "I want to see how powerful this dragon devil fish is..."

The two dismounted and moved forward cautiously, killing a few little monsters along the way, and soon arrived at the edge of the well in the village.

"How to lure out that dragon devil fish..." Shen Qingchan frowned slightly.

Makoto suddenly moved, cut a cut on the tip of his finger, and poured two drops of blood into the well:

"My elder brother is a demon sealer. He said that the demons in the river often like fresh human blood..."

Shen Qingchan was stunned and nodded slightly.

Sure enough, the blood was like a well, and the sound of bubbling water could be heard.

The ground began to shake, and the well spewed water columns several feet high. A large red catfish, as big as an elephant and with two wings, flew out.

"Qi training monster..." Looking at this monster, Makoto was startled.

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