How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 169 Visiting The Beast King—The Demonic Eye Of The Abyss!

Just when Lu Yuan discovered this.

Yi Wuling has already taken the Lord of Hell with him to visit the Beast King.

The relationship between the Beast Kings is also one in which no one obeys the other.

Otherwise, the human race would have been wiped out long ago.

So as the first stop, the Lord of Hell chose the Abyss Demonic Eye, which has a better relationship with it.

Under the leadership of Yi Wuling.

The Lord of Hell soon came to the Abyss of Fear.

It just came here.

A huge eye appeared in the sky and stared at it.

This huge eye in the sky is one of the ten beast kings, the overlord of the entire fearful abyss - the Abyss Demonic Eye! !

The whole eye is its body.

Although it is just an eye, it can emit terrifying death rays.

The eyes really kill people! !

to be honest.

What Yi Wuling fears the most is this beast king, especially when facing it alone, if one is not careful, he will be crippled even if he is not dead...

Before he had time to look for the Abyss Demonic Eye, he met the Lord of Hell first.

So Yi Wuling was very afraid that the Demonic Eye of the Abyss would treat him as an intruder...

In that case, it would really be Barbie Q.

However, it seemed that he saw the Lord of Hell here. The Demonic Eye of the Abyss did not launch a direct attack, but said in a bad tone: "Hell, you have fallen and actually mixed with humans?"

When the Lord of Hell saw this, he was not angry, but said with a smile: "Demon Eye, you have been sleeping for too long. Don't you know what is happening outside? Now there is a boy named Lu Yuan rising up in the human world. He Not only do you want to rule mankind, but you also want to rule us..."

It hasn't finished speaking yet.

The Demonic Eye of the Abyss interrupted impatiently: "That's a human matter. What does it have to do with me? What does it have to do with us? Have you forgotten that we and humans are mortal enemies!?"

Being roared by the Demonic Eye of the Abyss, the Hell Lord's face became a little confused. It also roared very angrily: "There is nothing wrong with us being mortal enemies with humans, but if this human named Lu Yuan can be perfectly trapped now, Me, aren’t you willing to deal with him together and wait to be ridden on his face!?”

Being reprimanded by the Lord of Hell, the Abyss Demonic Eye fell into rare silence.

At this time, Yi Wuling, who is a human spirit, said at the right time: "I know you may not believe it, but all of this is true."


Yi Wuling released the video he secretly recorded just now for the Abyss Demon Eye to watch.

This is the scene where the Lord of Hell is trapped and finally rescued by humans.

Seeing this scene appear, the Demonic Eye of the Abyss was stunned, and the Lord of Hell turned dark...

The Demonic Eye of the Abyss shocked the Lord of Hell to say that what he said was true.

The Lord of Hell did not expect that these humans would actually record their embarrassing moments...

However, it has reached an agreement with humans. As long as it can kill Lu Yuan, what is it afraid of temporarily losing face?


The Lord of Hell struck while the iron was hot and said: "Do you believe it now? This human being has great ambitions and very weird methods. Not only can he trap me, but he can also resurrect me. Isn't such an opponent more terrifying than this group of stupid humans now?" ?”


Yi Wuling felt offended when he heard this.

He was sure that the Lord of Hell did this on purpose.

Just now I posted a embarrassing video of it, and now it is responding with words.

But Yi Wuling couldn't refute.

If it weren't for fear of Lu Yuan, why would he join in the trouble with these beast kings.

Naturally, these two people's thoughts cannot be hidden from the Abyss Demonic Eye.

It ignored the two of them and thought about the matter quickly.

If this human named Lu Yuan is really allowed to rise, it will be a terrible disaster for the entire soul beast world.

Especially when there is disunity.

This time the Lord of Hell was lucky and met Yi Wuling who came to advise him to be careful.

Under normal circumstances.

Humans will never enter the territory of the Beast King.

Therefore, if you stay alone in the territory, it is indeed very likely that Lu Yuan will defeat you one by one.

Think of this.

The Demonic Eye of the Abyss pondered for a while, then nodded in agreement: "Just do as you say on this matter. If this human being is not eradicated now, it is indeed a hidden danger."

"Haha, Brother Demon Eye is still sensible."

Upon hearing the Abyss Demonic Eye's agreement, the Hell Lord immediately smiled happily.

As the saying goes, the first step is always the most difficult.

As long as you convince one person, the rest will be much easier.

However, before the Lord of Hell was overjoyed, the Demonic Eye of the Abyss immediately added: "Don't get me wrong, I am not going to join the human race, but to kill this human being with our own strength."

Speaking of which.

The Demonic Eyes of the Abyss immediately stared at Yi Wuling, and added in disgust: "You humans had better understand your status clearly, and don't try to use any tricks or tricks in this matter, otherwise we will be the first to be destroyed. you!"

"That's for sure. Our goal is very simple, that is, just kill Lu Yuan. After that, we can each rely on our own abilities. Of course, if we can develop peacefully, that would be the best."

Yi Wuling rubbed his hands and kept his attitude low.

no way.

In the past, I was able to threaten the Lord of Hell and swear an oath, which was a favor to him.

There is simply no way to deal with something like the Demonic Eye of the Abyss...

In addition, it is very powerful, and Yi Wuling is no match for him, so his attitude is naturally very flattering.

Seeing humans promised him.

Only then did the Abyss Demonic Eye reveal his true form.

A huge eyeball with hundreds of tentacles behind it.

Just floating in the sky gives people a very scary feeling.

When the Lord of Hell saw the Abyss Demonic Eye coming out, he smiled and said to Yi Wuling on the side: "Don't be stunned, let's go to the next destination, let me think about it..."

Speaking of which.

The Lord of Hell looked at the Demonic Eye of the Abyss and asked: "Brother Demonic Eye, which old guy do you think is better to persuade next?"

The Abyss Demonic Eye rolled his eyes.

How could the Lord of Hell actually not know where he was going?

The reason why I ask myself is just that I want to participate.

But since I agreed to join, I should do something.

The Demonic Eye of the Abyss said without even thinking, "Let's go to the Clown Emperor. If we can successfully convince him, then the other Beast Emperors will basically have no objections."

"Haha, Brother Demon Eye still has a better opinion."

The Lord of Hell laughed loudly, and then said to Yi Wuling on the side: "Just do what Brother Demon Eye said, let's go and convince the Clown Emperor!"

"Well, let's go."

Yi Wuling nodded and smiled, then tore apart the space and led them away.


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