How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 72 The Carp Leaps Over The Dragon Gate, And The Inhumane Lu Yuan Is Trapped

at this time.

Su family conference hall.

The heads of the ten major families all sat in the guest seats.

Including Su Feiguang also sat in the guest seats.

The main seat was given to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan originally refused, but Su Feiguang insisted again and again.

Lu Yuan did not continue to shirk.

As for the others, they are all Lu Yuan's living dead puppets, so naturally they won't have any objections.

Wait until everyone is seated.

Su Feiguang coughed twice, looked at Lu Yuan with excitement and said, "Nephew Lu is really amazing. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that he could break the power structure of Huanhai City in just one day. ah."

The smile on Su Feiguang's face was impossible to hide no matter how hard he tried.

One day.

The other nine people who were originally equal to him have all become Lu Yuan's living dead puppets.

This is taking sides, this is luck!

Su Feiguang is indeed very lucky and has a good son.

Helped Lu Yuan when he was in trouble.

That's why we have the current situation.

In fact, Su Feiguang was also afraid that Lu Yuan would turn against him at first.

Lu Yuan may not have much strength at the beginning, but after he acquired many living dead puppets, Su Feiguang was indeed worried about whether he would be burned by others.

After all, nine families have been wiped out, so there won’t be one missing, right?

After all, in the face of huge interests, anyone may fall out.

But then he discovered...

Lu Yuan's ambition is not at all, Huanhai City is just a springboard for him.

The world outside is this young man’s stage.

The fact was just as Su Feiguang thought.

Huanhai City is too small, just the lowest level gathering place.

It was impossible to get into Lu Yuan's eyes, not to mention that Lu Yuan had no interest in managing the city.

After listening to Su Feiguang's words, he smiled faintly: "This is all Uncle Su's choice, otherwise how could I have so many puppets."

Speaking of which.

Lu Yuan knew what Su Feiguang was worried about. He smiled and said: "Uncle Su, don't worry. From now on, the entire Huanhai City will be managed by your Su family. I have no nostalgia for this place. I just need to follow the previously agreed ratio every month." Just give me the dividends.”

"Haha, this is natural."

Su Feiguang smiled happily without concealing it, and then seemed to think of something and asked: "By the way, Nephew Lu, we have completely ruled Huanhai City now. Can we still hold the martial arts tournament in a few days?"

"No more, just cancel it."

Lu Yuan thought for a while and chose to cancel the game.

Originally, he had no interest in this kind of competition against children.

I want to participate just for the money and rewards, and the possibility of unlocking a magical skill in the system.

Lu Yuan now holds 60% of the resources and money in Huanhai City, and has no interest in those rewards at all.

What's more, the rewards in the competition are not only for the first place, but also for the other two and three places.

Where do these rewards come from?

Of course it’s from the top ten families!

Now nine of the ten major families are controlled by Lu Yuan. Isn't it Lu Yuan who sends money to these people?

He wouldn't do such a good thing.

As for the possible unlocking of magical skills in the system, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

I didn't listen to what Su Feiguang said before, after winning the internal quota.

A month later, do you still want to represent Huanhai City?

By that time, it's not too late to unlock magical skills.

Upon hearing this, Su Feiguang immediately nodded and agreed: "Then I will find an opportunity to jointly issue a cancellation statement with others, but I guess they will have a bigger opinion. After all, this is related to the interests of many people."

"It's okay. From now on, these puppets will obey your orders. If you have any ideas, don't ask me. Just give them orders." Lu Yuan pointed at the nine living dead puppets and said.

He has no interest or experience in this kind of management.

Not to mention that Su Feiguang needs to ask himself everything he does.

That would be too cumbersome and inefficient.

As for whether Su Feiguang will rebel?

Sometimes people are afraid of their friends rebelling because they are not strong enough.

Lu Yuan has already shown his absolute strength.

As long as Su Feiguang didn't have a weak head, he wouldn't be able to do anything detrimental to himself.

not to mention.

Aren't there nine puppets monitoring him?

So Lu Yuan was relatively relieved about this.

Su Feiguang received the delegation of authority from Lu Yuan and said with confidence: "Don't worry, nephew Lu Xian. With the help of these puppets, I think the entire Huanhai City will be completely reorganized in a week at most."

"Well, Uncle Su, you can see for yourself about these things."


Lu Yuan stood up from his seat, yawned and said, "If you have nothing to do recently, you don't have to come to me. I plan to stay in seclusion for a while."

"Okay, I get it."

"Well, I'm going back to my room."

After Lu Yuan finished speaking, he left the conference room.

Because he decided to participate in the competition in a month's time for Huanhai City.

Lu Yuan also planned to take advantage of this month to improve his strength.

Return to the room.

Lu Yuan began to check today's harvest.

After a day's beheading operation, Lu Yuan did not spend a penny, but earned 37 million in pocket money.

The money was contributed by the nine masters.

In addition to so much cash, Lu Yuan also has a lot of soul beads in his divine space.

Do some statistics.

There are 1585 bronze soul beads in six colors in total.

There are 563 blue jade soul beads in total.

There are 322 blue and jade soul beads in total.

There are 183 blue jade and three color soul beads in total.

There are 26 soul beads in four colors of blue jade in total.

in addition.

What concerned Lu Yuan the most was the superpower extracted from this action.

Energy absorption, blending into darkness, water flow hell, wind god's blessing, ice funeral x2, earth rhythm, corrosive hand, magnet field, heavenly fire coming to the world, blood control.

Among them, Sky Fire Comes to the World is an advanced version of flame control. After being extracted, it directly annexed the level 2 flame control and became a level 3 fire ability.


Earth Rhythm is an earth power that can control the earth element and cause earth vibrations within a certain range.

Corrosive Hands is a poison-type ability that allows one's hands to be filled with super corrosive corrosive energy, which then corrodes enemies or objects and can be attached to weapons.

The ability of the magnet field is relatively easy to understand. It is to produce a magnet field within a certain range. Any object within this range will have its attraction and repulsion controlled.

The ability of blood control is relatively buggy. You can control your own blood and use it as a weapon or defense. In the later stages, you can even control the enemy's blood.

This operation not only harvested a huge amount of money, a large number of soul beads, and so many superpowers, but also directly turned the entire Huanhai City into his own back garden...

Lu Yuan said it was really great!

After counting the rewards, Lu Yuan was about to start processing them.

The first to bear the brunt.

Naturally, he started to absorb the soul beads first.

The quality of the soul beads this time is very high, and the lowest ones are all six-color bronze.

I don’t know how much higher this quality is than the muddy five and six colors that Lu Yuan usually absorbs.

You must know that the energy contained in the soul bead is not one plus one equal to two.

The higher the quality of the soul bead, the higher the energy it contains.

In general.

A transcendent person like Lu Yuan who has just awakened to the seventh level cannot absorb the six-colored bronze soul beads.

Because after the majestic energy enters the body, the user will explode and die because it cannot be absorbed.

But Lu Yuan is not an ordinary person, just absorbing a soul bead.

Isn't it enough just to have hands?

Without hesitation, Lu Yuan immediately picked a soul bead and crushed it directly.

Energy poured into Lu Yuan's body crazily.

Just when Lu Yuan was feeling very comfortable as this power increased to the level of pleasure.

The next second.

Lu Yuan's whole body exploded instantly and turned into bursts of blood mist...


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